Chapter 327 The Unknown in Those Years
Shi Mu glared at Shi Shuo reproachfully, "Your wings are hardened now, and you are no longer home. It will be a while since you came back."

Shi Shuo packed up his things and laughed, "Mom, you dislike me when I stay home, and you don't want to leave when I leave. Why are you so awkward?"

"Who can't bear you anymore, if you want to leave, hurry up, I will be annoying when I see you."

Shi's mother said disgusting words on her mouth, but she was preparing something to bring to him in her hand.

Jiang Yixuan said softly: "It's not good to go so early, you finally came back."

"I usually come back." Shi Shuo said, "I will come back to see them during the holidays."

The club will have holidays during the offseason, and there are also holidays.


"It didn't take long at the club this time, and I happened to go there with you. Don't worry, Mom, she just talked about it."

Jiang Yixuan nodded, that's fine.

She helped Shi Shuo organize things together, and accidentally brought out a tin box in the closet, the kind that holds moon cakes, and rolled out a diary.

She picked it up curiously.

"I want to see."

Shi Shuo nodded, "You can watch it if you want, your boyfriend and I don't have any shady secrets."

After Shi Shuo finished speaking, Jiang Yixuan opened the diary.

This is probably his own notebook to record some special events, because the dates are all incoherent.

The diary is yellowed and looks old, and the words at the beginning are crooked and even have pinyin.

The first page is about Shi Can.

[I have a younger sister today, baba said her name is Cancan, the younger sister is a small ball, so guai.I must protect her well and be a good brother. ]
At that time, he didn't know how to write the word "can", but after he knew it, he wrote the word stroke by stroke with a pencil in the blank space.

Every "can" is Shi Shuo's liking and love for Cancan.

Jiang Yixuan looked up at Shi Shuo who was packing up his things but couldn't help looking at her and smiled.

He really cares about this sister very much.

Shi Shuo couldn't help being watched by her, and strode over to sit beside her.

She made him feel very uneasy. He clearly remembered that there was nothing bad written in it.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I was just thinking, sure enough my boyfriend is a very gentle person."

Shi Shuo's ears turned red from embarrassment, but his chin was raised and he hummed, "I'm only gentle with you, but I'm very strict in the team, and they're all afraid of me!"

Shi Shuo tried his best to put on a fierce look, Jiang Yixuan smiled.

She didn't believe it.

"Would you like to watch it with me?"

"I haven't read it for a long time, let's see what I wrote at that time."

The two of them sat close together, Jiang Yixuan flipped through the notebook carefully.

The next few pages are all about Shi Can.

He fed milk to Shi Can, held her for the first time, and sent her to the hospital when Shi Can fell ill.

Shi Shuo felt a little embarrassed when he read it. Why was he so hypocritical at that time? He actually wrote so much about such a trivial matter.

"That kid was really cute when he was young, but the older he got, the less he worried me,"

"You've seen it too, so you know you're mad at me."

"Is there? I think Cancan likes you as a big brother very much. I am very envious of your brother-sister relationship."

"What are you envious of? Aren't I yours now?" Shi Shuo bent his lips, his eyes were full of Jiang Yixuan's gentle face.

Jiang Yixuan was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

There is nothing wrong with saying that.

After that, there were some trivial things, games and so on, and then... She was stunned.

After Shi Shuo glanced at the first line of words, his eyes fell on Jiang Yixuan.

[Passing by the rose wall today, there was a miserable cry from behind, it sounded like a girl.Apart from Shi Can's little devil's cry, this is the second cry that makes me feel upset and helpless.

I stopped unconsciously and gave her a pack of paper, without thinking about anything, just to let her stop crying.

She told me a lot about things that I hadn't experienced but felt angry when I heard them. It must be very sad for her to bear these things alone as a girl.

If I can still see you, I hope to see you smiling next time we meet.

I remember your voice.

Rose girl. ]
In the lower right corner he drew what he thought was an ordinary rose.

Turning back, it's basically all about her.

[Suddenly feel that roses are the most beautiful. ]
[Cancan pestered her parents to buy a dog. When I named it Qiangwei, my parents actually disliked it. Qiangwei sounds so nice, so I called him Qiangwei! ]

[The kid made me a rose doll pendant, although it is ugly, let’s keep it. ]
[I saw her, I recognized her the moment she spoke.The girl crying behind the wall.

Turns out she was older than me, and it turned out we went to the same high school.

It turns out that she has such a pretty smile, bright and gentle; it turns out her name is Jiang Yixuan.

Jiang Yixuan.

I remember. ]
[Her school and my club are in the same city, I went to her school today by accident.The school is so big that you probably can't see anyone. I didn't expect it at first, but I saw her!

She looks much better when she smiles, if only she could smile so happily all the time and stop crying. ]
Below is a photo he took at that time, very blurry, only half of his profile can be seen.

Jiang Yixuan remembered that she seemed to be chatting with Ajiu at that time.

They were sitting together, but Ajiu didn't enter the country at all in this photo.

It turned out...he had been to her school.

[She has become a singer, such a beautiful voice is the most suitable for being a singer. ]
This page contains her first album.

[There is a delicious noodle restaurant next to her school. I dragged my teammate over to eat and he said I was out of my mind, the fare was enough for a big meal, but I ran so far just to finish the noodle.

I was too lazy to pay attention to him, and occasionally I could see her passing by in a hurry, but most of the time I couldn't see her. ]
[She is getting more and more popular, but I look at her as if she is going further and further away, but I am still stagnant.No, I want to improve too! ]

[Looking at you for too long and I can't take it back, Jiang Yixuan, I seem to... like you, I will definitely speed up my pace to catch up with you! ]

The diary ends here, and there is a budding rose below.

Jiang Yixuan calculated the time, probably after that he had appeared in the game to show everyone his talent, on the way to become the king of the wild.

He walks the talk and always strives to be the best in his field.

Waiting for the chance that one day the lines of the two of them will meet.

It turned out that when she didn't know, there was someone watching her like this and chasing her.

Tears had already filled the eyes at some point, and the moment she raised her eyes, they slid down from the eye sockets on the diary, leaving a mark that belonged to her.

Nourished rosebuds bloom.

(End of this chapter)

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