The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 329 It's going to be crazy

Chapter 329 It's going to be crazy

After Shi's father and Shi's mother finished speaking, they still pulled Shi Shuo to make him promise to treat Jiang Yixuan well in front of Jiang Yan's grave.

Shi Shuo did so.

He would have done it without them telling him.

Jiang Yixuan listened to his serious words word by word, her eyes were filled with indescribable emotion.

Along the way, she has been alone countless times.

Now, when she comes, someone will accompany her, and when she leaves, someone will protect her from the wind.

When her father saw it, he must be relieved and relieved.

They sent Shi's father, Shi's mother and Shi Can to the airport, and Shi's mother held her hand tightly and instructed them carefully.

"Shi Shuo said that you have a bad stomach, you have to eat on time, otherwise you will feel very uncomfortable if you have a stomach problem."

"I know you all want to make money, but your body is the foundation. You should take care of it more. Don't stay up all night and go to bed early and get up early."

"You save my number. If Shi Shuo bullies you, just call me and I'll scold him for you."

"Do you understand?"

Jiang Yixuan nodded obediently and held her callused hand, "I know."

Shi's mother liked it more and more, and patted the back of her hand with emotion, "Silly boy."

Turning to Shi Shuo fiercely, "Take good care of Yixuan, you know?"

"I see, Mom."

"Well, take care of yourself too, and eat less junk food."

"it is good."

Is every mother exhorting her children like this, thinking of them?
Jiang Yixuan experienced this feeling for the first time.

pretty good.

Shi Shuo and Jiang Yixuan watched them board the plane before turning and leaving.

Shi Shuo leaned over to fasten Jiang Yixuan's seat belt, and pinched her face pamperingly, "If you cry any more, you will turn into a little cat."

"I didn't cry." Jiang Yixuan held his hand and played with his fingers, "I just feel...God treats me very well, and I feel very happy."

Shi Shuo hooked her finger and shook it gently.

"The good days are still long, and it will be even better in the future."

Meeting his eyes, Jiang Yixuan nodded vigorously, "Yeah!"

Driving back, the two of them went to the supermarket to buy some vegetables and snacks on the way back.

It's just that she didn't expect to see a slightly familiar figure from the back at the door. When she turned around, the smile on Jiang Yixuan's face slowly subsided.

She really doesn't want to see her, especially now!

Chen Qiuyan saw her happily walking over, "Xuanxuan."

She was a little older than the last time we met.

Look, people can live young only when they have less worries. She used to be carefree and now has a lot of messy things. She is so old that she can't even recognize herself.

"What are you doing here?"

Chen Qiuyan looked down at her indifferently and disappointedly, and she handed over the things she was carrying.

"Xuanxuan, here are some dumplings and egg rolls that I made myself, you take it and eat, if you like it, I will give it to you next time!"

"I don't want it, you can take it back." Jiang Yixuan looked indifferent, "You have a good time with Jiang Nianzi, and don't come to me again."

"As I said, I don't want to see you again."

"Xuanxuan..." Chen Qiuyan blushed and wanted to pull her, but Jiang Yixuan immediately avoided it.

Chen Qiuyan's hand was empty.

"It's cold, you go back, I don't want you to ask me to see you when you are sick."


"Shi Shuo, let's go."

"it is good."

Shi Shuo's broad palm wrapped Ye Tang's cold little hand to warm her, and led her through the wind and snow all the way back to the warm home.

Chen Qiuyan shook like a dead tree in the wind, her eyes were reddened by the wind and snow.

It turns out that no matter what you do, you can't get forgiveness, and you can't let her look at her again. She really doesn't want these compensations.

Shi Shuo turned up the temperature of the air conditioner, and after a while it became warmer. It was getting late now, it was five or six o'clock.

They really stayed there for a long time, and they treated it as an in-laws meeting.

Seeing that Jiang Yixuan was not in high spirits, Shi Shuo held her in his arms from behind, "What do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it for you."

Jiang Yixuan turned around and looked at Shi Shuo, "Do you think I'm a little heartless?"

It was a snowy day, I don't know how long Chen Qiuyan stood there, her hands and face were red from the cold, she probably was about to freeze.

He came here to give her those things, but she didn't accept them.

"No, I don't think you did anything wrong." Shi Shuo said seriously, "Now your reaction is all because of her partiality in the past, and you have to bear the bitter fruit for the cause you planted."

"My Xuanxuan is the most gentle and kind person."

Hearing such a compliment, Jiang Yixuan couldn't help laughing a few times. In his eyes, she is good everywhere.

Jiang Yixuan said softly: "I didn't have any resentment towards her... I didn't have any resentment after I became indifferent to her. What I resent is that my father was worried about her before he died. Even if she knew the news of my father's death, she never asked me about it. Where is he buried, I didn't want to go and see him."

"I'm not worth it for my dad, so I don't want to see her again."

Even if she felt that she was not worthy of her father's love, and not worthy of going to her father's grave, her father should expect her to go.

Whenever she asks, she will tell, and go with her.

But she never asked.

"Well, don't explain this to me, I know who you are. Of course I'm on my girlfriend's side."

"Okay, I remember."


The two of them took off their coats and started cooking, Jiang Yixuan helped him from the side, and the two of them cooked a delicious meal together.

Jiang Yixuan ate very happily.

Today is something to be happy about.

After taking a shower, Jiang Yixuan wore her pajamas hat and lay on the bed playing with her mobile phone. Even though the air conditioner was fully turned on, she still wrapped herself tightly.

After a meeting.

A pair of big hands hugged her, which startled Jiang Yixuan, and dropped her cell phone on the bed.

"What are you doing."

Shi Shuo rested his head on Jiang Yixuan's fluffy pajamas, "Xuanxuan, I want to..."

He deliberately suppressed his voice, making it a little more sexy and dull for no reason, and Jiang Yixuan's covered face became even hotter when he heard it.


"You didn't let me kiss you when you were at home!" Shi Shuo began to settle accounts.

"If you don't pick the time, then of course it won't work if the elders are outside, and you are in the room..." Jiang Yixuan's voice became weaker and weaker.

Where he is not allowed to kiss, the villain will file a complaint first.

"Then there are only two of us now, can I kiss you? Can I do something more extreme?"

Jiang Yixuan: "..."

This kind of thing is said so bluntly... It's so good that she doesn't know what to say, her face turns red.

"Don't ask."

"If you don't ask... Did Xuanxuan ask me to do it directly?"

Jiang Yixuan: "!!!"

Before she could react, Shuo had already pinched her chin and kissed her, hot breath spread between the two of them.

Only when he kissed her out of breath did Shi Shuo let go a little bit, and whispered with a smile.

"I'm addicted to sugar, I will go crazy if I don't eat it for too long~"

Jiang Yixuan blushed and wanted to cover her face, but Shi Shuo didn't give her this chance.

(End of this chapter)

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