Ah Ci took several kinds of drinks and a few bottles of water, and said to Bai Tu, "You can take whatever you want."

"Okay." Bai Tu took a bottle of water and looked curiously at the various drinks in his hand, "You know what they like to drink?"

Ah Ci smiled gently, "We've been together for a long time, and we often order takeaway together, so we know everyone's preferences more or less."

"Then what does Shuo God like to drink?"

"Captain, I like to be jealous." Ah Ci's words were full of teasing.

Bai Tu frowned puzzled.

Ah Ci didn't intend to continue talking, and walked towards the training room with six bottles of drinks.

"Let me get some for you."

"No, not much."

Ah Ci handed over the drinks in his arms one by one, and Shi Shuo took a sip of the water.

Bai Tu twisted it, but did not unscrew it.

When she looked at Shi Shuo and was about to speak, Meng An who was beside her immediately stretched out her hand and smiled, "Let me help you."

"Okay, thank you."

After resting and drinking water, they started the second round of BO5.

I have tried the magic thorn, and I will try the archmage next.

The coach chose Mo Xie, the go-getter for Bai Tu, and Dong Huang as the assistant. Since the main focus was on Bai Tu, the lineup was all based on her.

Bai Tu entered the game to quickly clear troops for support.

She stabs very accurately, and the passive will be full soon, with a lot of money to eat, and high damage.

Then I played Yingzheng again, and I played very well.

In this BO5, it was originally agreed that no matter whether they win or lose, they will finish the five rounds, so the next two rounds the coach selected for Bai Tu were tool players.

Bai Tu always remembers his responsibilities in the game, and when he is a tool player, his appearance is also too meaty.

After five rounds, Bai Tu's performance was remarkable.

The coach called Shi Shuo out.

He was used to bringing Shi Shuo along to discuss matters related to competition training.

Both the coach and Shi Shuo were staring at the replays of the previous training games on the big screen.

"I think Bai Tu is really good. Although this is not on the scene of the competition, the level of the training match is also very good."

Shi Shuo nodded, aside from other things, Bai Tu's mid lane was really good.


"It's not bad to play with Cun Xin."

The coach nodded when he thought of this, "You're right, Cun Xin is still young, has operational ability, and has more experience on the field than Bai Tu."

Besides, Cun Xin has just won the championship with them, and his state has not declined.

At this time, it would be a bit unkind to say how to give him down.

Every player's career is short.

Young players like Bai Tu shouldn't be delayed either.

"Then you mean not to keep Bai Tu?" The coach thought for a while and shook his head, "But there must be a substitute."

"That depends on what the coach means."

After all, Shi Shuo wasn't really a member of the training team, these things were finally decided by the coaches.

The coach thought for a while, "A training match is nothing, let her stay here and try out for two days, and see if her performance is stable before deciding whether to buy her."

Shi Shuo nodded.

That's not bad. What if she just feels good today so she plays very well, and if she doesn't feel good, she plays very badly.

After finalizing, the coach and Shi Shuo went back to the training room to tell Bai Tu the news.

There are still vacant rooms in the club, so she can move from the hotel to live in and try out for two days.

Bai Tu had no problem with this decision.

"Okay, listen to the coach and Shuo Shen."

The little girl smiled brightly, but Shi Shuo just kept looking down at the phone screen and chatting with his AST teammates.

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