Speaking of this, Song Yan also noticed something was wrong.

"Did something happen before I came?"

Zhao Faner looked at him meaningfully.


When Song Yan walked towards Wanzhi's room, he could hear what Zhao Fan'er said.

"Originally, the director decided that Sister Yixuan would write the lyrics and sing, and Sister Yixuan was also on the scene that day. But Xiang Guanzhi said that there was no Sister Yixuan because of her. In the end, the director chose her between Sister Yixuan and her."

"The two of them didn't have any interaction before, and I don't know why Xiang Guanzhi targeted Sister Yixuan so much."

When she said these words, she looked at him secretly.

Even if he didn't know what was going on just now, now he can be regarded as aware that something is wrong.

When Xiang Guanzhi came into contact with her, he felt that she was quite a nice person, even if there were any conflicts, he shouldn't refute the director and Yi Xuan's face in front of so many people.

What's more, Zhao Fan'er said that the two of them had nothing to do with each other before.

He knows better about Yixuan's character, if there is really such a big conflict, after she knows that Xiang Guanzhi is here, she will refuse the director's invitation and won't come.

and so……

Thinking of that possibility, Song Yan showed guilt.

He knocked on Xiang Guanzhi's door.

Seeing that it was Song Yan, Xiang Guanzhi laughed happily, "Why are you here, come in quickly."

She poured a glass of water and handed it to Song Yan.

Song Yan sat on the sofa and looked at her silently.

The smile on Xiang Guanzhi's face paused, "Song Yan, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sister Wanzhi, why are you targeting Yixuan?"

The smile on her face completely froze upon hearing this.

When she did this, she thought that he would find out one day, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

Xiang Guanzhi twisted her hands together, "I, because of some personal reasons..."

She didn't know how to say it.

Song Yan got up, "Okay, I got it. I have always regarded Sister Wanzhi as a good senior, and this time, Sister Wanzhi recommended me to audition for the film crew more."

He was about to leave after speaking, and Xiang Guanzhi also stood up abruptly, a strong uneasiness welled up in her heart.

"You, what do you mean? Do you want to draw a line with me?"

Song Yan didn't stop walking.

Xiang Guanzhi couldn't bear it anymore and rushed over to hug him.

"Miss Wanzhi!"

Song Yan hurriedly broke her hand, but Xiang Guanzhi didn't let it go, her hand was even red and she didn't let go.

"Song Yan, don't tell me you don't know my heart, I like you."

"I saw the way you looked at Jiang Yixuan. I don't need to check anything to understand. Song Yan, what's so good about her? She has a boyfriend, why can't you let go of it?"

"Sister Wanzhi, let go first."

Song Yan had no choice but to use a little more force to break open and push her away from Guanzhi.

Seeing Xiang Guanzhi's red eyes, he sighed deeply.

"Sister Wanzhi, you don't understand the matter between me and Yixuan. It was my wishful thinking from the beginning to the end. She has never done anything wrong, and now we are just good friends."

"She had a hard life before, and I really don't want to cause her any trouble because of me."

"Sister Wanzhi, I have always admired you and thought you are very gentle. You don't have to do things that you disdain to do because of me. Relationships are always a matter between two people. I'm sorry, but I treat you...not That feeling."

"From now on, sister Guanzhi won't bother me about my affairs, and please don't target Yixuan because of this."

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