Seeing that he was still in a daze, Tang Jiu gave him an angry look, why is he so clueless.

"Song Yan, chase after you if you like, big man, don't be so coy."

Song Yan smiled gently, "Are you a matchmaker now?"

"Anyway, it's your own business. You just need to figure it out. Anyway, it's impossible for you and Yixuan. It's good for both of you to let go as soon as possible."

Song Yan looked deeply at the car window, "I know."

He was still a little confused.

Even if I persuade myself to let go, even if I still try to enlighten Shi Shuo.


It's just that he knew in his heart that if he didn't pretend that he had completely let go in this way, they might not even be friends.

Yixuan's character has always been like this.

He is not the person she wants, either to be a friend or not to be in contact again, so as not to be misunderstood by the people she really cares about.

Now...he really doesn't know what to do.

While Song Yan was still struggling, the car door opened, and Xiang Guanzhi came out in a plain costume. Her complexion was snow-white, and she was even more excited when she saw Song Yan who was waiting outside.

She bit her lower lip forcefully, endured the tears in her eyes and walked away quickly, feeling a little like running away.

Song Yan felt strange.

How is this going?
Tang Jiu pushed him, "What are you still doing here in a daze, go after him, if there is any misunderstanding, it's better to explain it face to face."

Song Yan pinched his sleeves, "I still won't go."

Looking at her, she should be sad, and he definitely didn't want him to see such a scene, so he still didn't want to go.

Tang Jiu sighed heavily, "Okay, just think it through."

She walked to the car, and Song Yan followed suit.

Tang Jiu stopped and looked at him twice, "You are..."

"I..." Song Yan didn't know what to say, and stood there looking stupid.

Tang Jiu chuckled twice and shook his head and got into the car.

"Yixuan, I think you're right. It's not like Song Yan didn't have Xiang Guanzhi in his heart. I think he cares but doesn't know it."

"I wanted to follow you just now, I guess I wanted to ask what you guys talked about."

"But I'm also curious about what you guys said? I see that Xiang Guanzhi looks very sad."

Jiang Yixuan shook her head, "I don't know either."

They didn't say anything, they just told Guanzhi the truth when they asked her.

At that time, she was squeezed out by her classmates, Song Yanxin often comforted her, saying that it was okay, don't care too much about other people's eyes, it's not that she is not good but she is too good.

Later, when he went to university, he watched her doing this and that, and became famous on the Internet. Some scolded her and others comforted her.

Song Yan asked her not to support herself when she encounters any difficulties, but to tell him that he can help her share her worries.

She just passed her ears and didn't pay much attention to these words, because she knew clearly that he was not someone she could rely on.

Even if you really have someone to live with in the future, you still can't rely too much on each other.

Be self-reliant so that you are not afraid of anything.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yixuan lost her mind. Thanks to Tang Jiu, she brought the topic back.

"I also reminded Song Yan that whether they can succeed or not depends on him."

"But fortunately, after this conversation, there shouldn't be any grievances between you and her, just don't put on little shoes for you."

"That's right." Jiang Yixuan returned to her senses and smiled, "It's best for us to live our lives well."

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