There were a lot of customers in the milk tea shop, Shi Shuo was queuing up while looking at his mobile phone, two female students looked at Shi Shuo boldly and walked over to Shi Shuo.

She smiled sweetly, "Handsome, can you add a WeChat?"

Shi Shuo lazily raised his eyelids, his peach-blossom pupils were shining brightly, the two girls couldn't control their heartbeats, and felt like they had stopped breathing.

He looked at Jiang Yixuan's position and smiled softly, "Sorry, no, I'm afraid my girlfriend will be jealous."

Following Shi Shuo's line of sight, they also saw Jiang Yixuan.

Although it was tightly wrapped, the exposed pair of apricot eyes were smiling, giving the impression of a very gentle person.

"Sorry sorry to bother you."

The two girls hurried away, and Shi Shuo could still hear their soft sighs.

"Sure enough, handsome guys are famous and have their own owners."

"Sure enough, the handsome guy's girlfriend is also a beautiful woman!"

"The handsome guy is so considerate and gentle, ahhh, I really don't deserve it!"

Shi Shuo chuckled twice, and sent Jiang Yixuan a message with his cell phone.

Jiang Yixuan looked at Shi Shuo and smiled when she saw the news.

Shi Shuo: Just now they wanted to add me on WeChat.

Shi Shuo: I declined.

Shi Shuo: I said I was afraid that my girlfriend would be jealous.

Shi Shuo: Are you satisfied with my handling?

Shi Shuo: Female~friend~friend~

Jiang Yixuan: Very satisfied.

Jiang Yixuan: Boyfriend is very good.

Shi Shuo's ears turned red when he saw the news, and his Xuanxuan was also very flirtatious, straight forward flirtatious.

Jiang Yixuan felt warm in her heart.

He did what he said.

I gave her the only preference, and I broke all the peach blossoms myself.

After a while, Shi Shuo came back with two cups of milk tea, and handed one of them to Jiang Yixuan. She took off her mask and took a sip, full of pulp.

"We've finished our shopping, I don't know if Cancan is out of class, let's wait for her somewhere."

"it is good."

Jiang Yixuan put on the mask again.

Shi Can had class this morning, and just happened to go to eat after class.

Knowing that they were coming early, I told Shi Shuo to treat them.

Obviously he never came to see her in a city, so of course he had to give her brother a good meal.

When get out of class was over, Can's mind was all flying out, she kept looking at the corridor, put her pen there with her lips pursed, propped her head up and puffed her cheeks.

She obviously sent the location of the classroom to her brother, why hasn't her brother come yet, isn't it because he wants to let her go.

She couldn't wait to pack her things 2 minutes before get out of class ended.

The person sitting next to her asked in a low voice: "Shi Can, do you want to go out to eat together later? I found a good restaurant."

"No, I have an appointment."

"You, are you with your roommate?"



He still wanted to ask something, but when the teacher said the word "get out of class is over", Can immediately ran out, staying here for another second would be impolite to dismiss the get out of class.

"Hey, Shi Can, wait..." Wen Yue looked at the books on his desk and Shi Can's figure disappeared into the corridor and sighed helplessly.

Shi Can didn't see Shi Shuo in the corridor, and on the way downstairs, he kept complaining in his heart whether Shi Shuo had let her go.

As a result, the anger on the faces of the two people standing downstairs turned into smiles in an instant.

She happily ran over and gave Jiang Yixuan a bear hug, "Sister Yixuan, you came to see me, I'm so happy~"

Jiang Yixuan chuckled, Cancan was still so energetic and likable.

Dissatisfied, Shi Shuo lifted her clothes and pushed her away in disgust, "What are you doing, my girlfriend."

"Humph! Stingy!"

Shi Can made a face at Shi Shuo.

Shi Shuo pressed another cup of milk tea to her face, "If you're cheap, don't drink it."

"Drink, drink, my dear brother, you have spent so much money, how can I refuse, what a waste, saving is the traditional virtue of our family~"

Shi Can's two little paws immediately hugged Milk Tea's grinning mouth.

Shi Shuo gave her a slap on the head directly, "Don't put gold on your face, you are the most wasteful in our family."

Shi Can took a sip of the milk tea, and smiled, "Why is today's milk tea so sour~"

Shi Shuo glanced at her, "Milk tea can't stop your mouth, can it?"

Listening to the bickering between the two siblings, Jiang Yixuan laughed softly.

"Okay, let's go eat quickly."

Shi Can nodded vigorously.

After all, there are too many people here, and sister Yixuan is a public figure.

Shi Shuo held Jiang Yixuan in his arms, and Shi Can also happily held Jiang Yixuan's arm and talked about some interesting things recently.

She deliberately brought the topic to the professional side, just to keep her brother out of the conversation.

She hasn't seen Sister Yixuan for a long time, and she must dominate Sister Yixuan today!
Hearing what she said all the way, Shi Shuo gave her a warning glance, Shi Can was not frightened at all, but made a bragging expression instead.

Shi Shuo laughed angrily.

All her thoughts were spent on robbing her brother and girlfriend.

Can take what she can.

When we got there, we went to the reserved room, the waiter brought up the menu, Shi Can casually ordered a few dishes and handed them to Shi Shuo, wanting to continue the conversation just now, but...

Shi Shuo took the menu and said one, so he came to Jiang Yixuan's side.

"Xuanxuan, this is your favorite food, I remember correctly."

"Well, order this, you like to eat."

Shishuo Taohua's eyes were full of smiles, and he glanced triumphantly at Shican who was puffing up his cheeks like a puffer fish.

Fight him.

Shi Can took a deep breath, she was also Yixuan's little fan for so long, and she knew what Yixuan liked!
Shi Can moved the stool a little, and pointed at a dish.

"Sister Yixuan, I remember you also like to eat this."

Shi Shuo patted her hand away, "What do you know, she doesn't like this."

"Ah?" Shi Can looked at Jiang Yixuan suspiciously.

Jiang Yixuan smiled, "I don't like it or hate it, I still eat it."

"I just happened to be photographed eating it a few days ago, so I was misunderstood, but Ajiu really likes it."

"Ah...that's it."

Shi Shuo raised his eyebrows, "Little devil, do you understand her better than me? Just stay and go."

This time, he has the upper hand.

Shi Can snorted heavily at him.

"You and Sister Yixuan have been together for so long, if you don't know what Sister Yixuan likes to eat, then your boyfriend is too incompetent, so what use are you for?"

"This is what you should do, what are you proud of."

Shi Can muttered the last four words in a low voice.

Shi Shuo was too lazy to argue with this brat.

Obviously she was a bit inferior, and now she will start to make up for it again.

Jiang Yixuan smiled and softly comforted Shi Can, "It's okay, just ask me what you want to know, and I'll tell you."

"Yeah!" Shi Can nodded vigorously.

Jiang Yixuan took the initiative to talk to her about the question she just raised.

Shi Can's mood suddenly became high again.

Girls' happiness is actually very simple.

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