The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 365 Who Has Difficulty With Money?

Chapter 365 Who Has Difficulty With Money?

Tang Jiu stayed with Jiang Yixuan for a day and a night.

"Did you tell Shi Shuo about this?"

Jiang Yixuan shook her head.

Tang Jiu had an expression I knew, and she sat cross-legged on the sofa with an "Aiya", "Yixuan, this is a big deal no matter what, you should tell Shi Shuo."

"Farewell, he has a tight schedule now and I don't want him to be distracted by my affairs. I'm actually... well now. I don't really care about that person."

"Yixuan, don't take care of everything by yourself, just listen to me. It's better if you tell him now than later, he will be happier."

Jiang Yixuan opened her pair of apricot eyes and blinked half understanding.

"As a man, I also hope that you are dependent on him, otherwise if you don't say anything to him, he will think you treat him as an outsider and get angry."

Jiang Yixuan thought about it carefully, and it seemed that she did too.

Shi Shuo made it clear several times, but she was used to solving problems by herself.

"However, you still have to handle big things by yourself. Girls, you are your best support."

Jiang Yixuan pinched Tang Jiu's cheek, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

"You, you usually act coquettishly and cutely to Xing Yan, but you know it best in your heart."

Tang Jiu hugged the rabbit doll on the sofa, squeezed the rabbit's ears and smiled a little silly, "Then I am sincere to Xing Yan, but if something happens, I can't live without Xing Yan."

"You have to be mentally strong and hold the money in your hands to be the right way."

Jiang Yixuan also nodded, she can live no matter what with money in hand.

"Let's just talk about the plagiarism last time. Xing Yan did have a reason for it, but if you didn't forgive me at that time, I would definitely choose you."


Tang Jiu opened her eyes and pouted after hearing what she said, just like the rabbit she was holding in her arms, so cute.

"Why else, you are my best girlfriend, a girlfriend is no more important than a man! I spend more time with you than with Xing Yan."

"Besides, you are my boss, my immediate boss, and I have no choice but to choose you, or I will lose my job. Such an easy and high-paying job is hard to find."

Jiang Yixuan couldn't help laughing at her words.

She teased: "Sure enough, in your heart, the relationship between the boss and the employees is the most stable."

"Hey, who can have trouble with money."

Jiang Yixuan's eyes are gentle, she knows that she said this on purpose to make her happy, and she really treats her like a sister.

Tang Jiu pointed to her mobile phone, allowing her to send a message to Shi Shuo.

Jiang Yixuan hugged Shi Shuo's cotton doll and pinched the little doll hanging on the phone, then smiled gently and opened Shi Shuo's chat page.

At this point in time, Shi Shuo had just finished the review, but everyone was still practicing in the training room.

They have to work harder to meet the next game.

Xuan Xuan: Shi Shuo, Chen Qiuyan left yesterday.

Seeing this, Shi Shuo shrank his eyes and immediately got up and walked towards the balcony.

Tang Jiu watched from the side, muttering softly, "Why haven't you replied to your message yet?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a video call came over there.

Tang Jiu immediately stepped aside.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Yixuan couldn't help laughing, just now she looked like she wanted to gossip, but now she saw Shi Shuo's video call and walked away so quickly.

More like a rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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