Chapter 372 Old Fox

Thinking about it carefully, Bai Tu really didn't do anything harmful, so it's okay for him, as long as it doesn't hurt Xuanxuan.

After all, she has been a fan of Xuanxuan for so many years.

Although the behavior was wrong, it was actually for her own good.

Knowing that Bai Tu would not hurt Jiang Yixuan, Shi Shuo lost his temper.

It is indeed possible to live in peace.

The commentary has already come on stage, and the two teams stand on both sides of the aisle and start to go on stage. Because they are both teams with champions, they have BGM when they go on stage.

Under the rendering of the passionate BGM, the game has been ignited before it even started.

Shi Shuo and Jiang Yixuan met their eyes and smiled softly.

Shi Shuo raised his chin with a confident expression.

That Bai Tu is Xuanxuan's fan, so he probably said something to Xuanxuan to show her well and let her see her more.

He can't be compared to fans!

Jiang Yixuan made a gesture of cheering, Shi Shuo made a gesture of acceptance, and the interaction between the two on and off stage was captured by the director and put on the screen.

Everyone at the scene watched the game and ate a mouthful of dog food.

Shi Shuo sat down, put on the earphones and held the earphones, regaining his seriousness and seriousness for a moment, "Can you hear everything? Is the volume okay?"

"I can hear it, just right."


The teammates responded one after another.

Coach Bai Yang stood next to Shi Shuo and flipped through the bp book, "Everyone adjust your mood, don't feel pressured, and give all the pressure to your captain."

Shi Shuo smiled twice and nodded indifferently, "Okay, give it to me, I'll handle it, you just do what you should do."

Meng An looked at Shi Shuo enviously, "Captain, you have been playing games for several years, and you still have the spirit."

Once Shi Shuo sat on the stage of the competition, his eyes changed, and his brows unconsciously showed a look of unruliness, as if he would never be tired.

But obviously, he also came from slander and abuse.

Shi Shuo put his hands on the table and gently clasped the table, "I'm still young."

Every word is accentuated.

This tone made several teammates laugh happily, even if they didn't know what they were talking about, they could tell that they were in a good mood.

Shi Shuo was indeed quite young, but he was also considered to be an older professional player.

There have also been ups and downs.

People who can maintain their original intentions despite difficulties are the most precious.

"You guys are younger than me, why, this won't work?"

Cun Xin smiled, looked left and right, and said, "Who can't do it? You can't do it, A Ci, or you can't do it, or you can't do it? Or Meng'an?"

Shi Shuo Lang laughed loudly.

Tuanzi and A Ci couldn't reach Cun Xin, Meng An patted him hard, and said angrily, "I think it's you who can't do it!"

"I think so too!" Ah Ci echoed.

Tuanzi also said softly, "Inch heart is not enough."

The coach also found it funny. This group of young boys valued this point quite a bit, and they just didn't want the other party to say that they couldn't do it.

Also, men can't say no!

The coach smiled, "Since everyone is good at it, can we play well?"


Several people spoke in unison.

The people on the AST side of the game room page sent a lot of messages but didn't see them replying.

Ah Jun: "What's the matter with them smiling so happily? They didn't pay any attention to us, and Brother Shuo didn't pay any attention to us."

"I don't know." Migratory Bird said and shook his head.

He Qi also took a look and smiled meaningfully, and said deliberately: "They probably think that this game is a sure thing, so they celebrated in advance?"

"I'll go! Brother Shuo is going too far. Although Brother Shuo is very good, our Mo Shang is also very good. Mo Shang, prove it to them!" Ah Jun gave Mo Shang a look.

Mo Shang smiled honestly and squeezed his fleshy little fist, "Okay, I'll do my best."

"Add jet fuel and beat Brother Shuo violently!"


He Qi raised his lips calmly when he saw how they were fighting high and said they were going to beat the opponent to the ground, hiding his merit and fame.

Chen Shi looked at the situation on both sides from the audience and smiled.

He and He Qi looked at each other, opened their mouths and said three words silently, and He Qi saw that the smile on his face deepened.

Chen Shi was talking about—the old fox.

The two parties started to enter BP, Mi Sen and He Qi discussed, Bai Yang and Shi Shuo discussed.

In the first game of BO5, the lineups on both sides of the bp were [-] to [-], and both were quite good. It depends on which side understands their lineup better and can use the advantages of the lineup.

In the first game, AST Bai Tu got Mai Shiranui, which she is very good at.

Jing Lan was all banned, and Shi Shuo got Miyamoto Musashi. This hero has been enhanced a lot in this version, but no one has used it yet. Shi Shuo is the first Miyamoto who has been enhanced in the arena.

When this hero was selected, the commentary was also boiling.

This hero was also very strong at the beginning, but he was cut off by the plan and didn't play for a long time. Now I finally see this hero on the field again.

The commentator excitedly talked about the famous scenes of Miyamoto in the field before, looking forward to this time's performance.

Jiang Yixuan whispered, "Miyamoto Musashi?"

She saw this hero's profile picture as unfamiliar, as if Shi Shuo had never used it when he was in duo with her, so she had to take a good look.

In this game, the jungler Na Kelulu at the end of the AST was very good. After defending the blue buff in the early stage, he kept brushing wilds and eating lanes to help catch people and bring rhythm.

Fortunately, Meng'an on LXY's side is more cautious. After being caught once, he became even more careful. The soldiers were eaten and the economy was not lost.

Bai Tu's Shiranui Mai also performed very well, and he dared to start a group.

The 10 minutes dragon group was a turning point.

"AST took the lead in opening the Dark Tyrant, but they didn't explore the grass. Miyamoto hid at the best dragon-grabbing spot, and the rest of LXY rushed over."

"The dragon's blood volume is running out, is it pulling off or fighting the dragon?"

"AST chose Second Dragon. It seems that LXY doesn't want to let go of this dragon. The tyrant's blood volume has reached the smiting blood line, and Miyamoto has come out! A skill is added to punish, and we have snatched it!"

"But look at Huo Wu, why don't you retreat and fight when the dragon is gone? The second skill is hit, Huo Wu dodged to three! Xiahou Dun followed up and patted the three of them, and Na Ke Lulu's ult was smashed down. This combo That's enough! They can't move at all."

"LXY got the dragon but three people died!"

In the headset, Shi Shuo was frantically communicating with Cun Xin and the others.

"Can you still fight?"

"Able to fight! They have handed in all their skills, and Huo Wu and Xiaoji have no skills!"

Cun Xin: "I have a big move, and I have thunder. Their blood volume is not high."

When Shi Shuo pulled the screen and saw their unhealthy blood volume, he immediately said, "Then chase after them! I'm here!"

Cunxin's Bomb Cat smashed down with a big move, because AZT was piled up here, and their blood volume dropped a lot.

Shi Shuo arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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