Chapter 375

Jiang Yixuan glanced at the phone, and Shi Shuo sent her a message to let her go.

Jiang Yixuan was embraced by Shi Shuo as soon as she arrived at the waiting room. He smelled her scent in love, and said in a coquettish tone, "Xuanxuan, I miss you."

"You, so many people are watching."

Sitting on the sofa, his teammates stared like copper bells and quickly covered their eyes and opened a crack.

"It's okay, sister-in-law, just treat us as human beings."

Hearing this, Jiang Yixuan was even more embarrassed, but feeling Shi Shuo's strength, Jiang Yixuan hugged him back, buried her face with her forehead against his shoulder, and responded with a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Ah Shuo, I miss you too."

Jiang Yixuan felt that the hand holding her waist was stronger, and she blushed quietly.

Bai Yang couldn't stand it anymore, and shook his head, "Sure enough, I should go to the interview, oh, I'm getting old~"

Bai Tu, who was interviewed by the loser, was completely relieved when he saw this scene in the LXY lounge.

Their relationship is really good, there is no need for outsiders like them to comment, even if there is any problem, it is the two of them's business.

She...was really too much before.

Seeing Bai Yang coming out, Bai Tu looked away and smiled brightly.

Jiang Yixuan stroked his back, "Okay, Shi Shuo, they are watching."

Shi Shuo reluctantly let go of her but held her hand firmly, without saying anything but just looked at her without blinking.

He couldn't stay by her side for such a big thing happened to her, Shi Shuo really felt very guilty, but fortunately she had a best friend by her side, otherwise how would she digest it by herself.

"Xuanxuan, I can be your support."

"I know." Jiang Yixuan clasped his fingers with him and gently rubbed his tiger's mouth, "No matter what happens next time, I will tell you, okay?"


"Fool, it's no big deal, really."

So don't blame yourself so much.

Shi Shuo hugged her into his arms again, unwilling to let go.

Jiang Yixuan chuckled, "Why are you so clingy, like a koala."

"I'm going to stick to you."

"it is good."

Hearing her gentle, pampering and tolerant words, Shi Shuo felt both happy and astringent in his heart. His Xuanxuan, how much suffering has he suffered in the past to be so considerate, tolerant and understanding.

I really hope she can be self-willed in front of him too.

Seeing their inseparable appearance, Mengan was also very happy for them.

"Sister Yixuan, come eat with us later."

"Will it be bad?"

Both Cun Xin A Ci and Tuan Zi laughed.

"There's nothing wrong with that. I hope my sister-in-law won't dislike the way we eat."

Cun Xin smiled embarrassedly.

Jiang Yixuan laughed, "Okay."

It just so happened that she also wanted to spend more time with Shi Shuo, and the chance to meet Shi Shuo was not easy.

She had heard from Shi Shuo that when they ate, they were reincarnated like starving ghosts, and they were all robbed.

She pushed away a little bit and Shi Shuo asked curiously, "Then have you ever robbed them?"

Shi Shuo raised his eyebrows, "Of course, what can't I do with your boyfriend?"

Jiang Yixuan laughed even brighter when she was teased by his words. Is this something to be proud of?

Seeing her pink lips and eyes getting darker, Shi Shuo lowered his voice and whispered in her ear, "Xuanxuan, I want to kiss you."

Jiang Yixuan blushed, and hurriedly buried her face in his arms, so many people are here, what are you talking about!

She heard Shi Shuo's sexy laughter coming from her chest, and gave him a light thump, her face turned even redder.

(End of this chapter)

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