The e-sports god is so good at flirting and wants to run!

Chapter 377 Brother Shuo, You Are Really a Dog

Chapter 377 Brother Shuo, You Are Really a Dog
With his movement, Jiang Yixuan was forced to raise her hand, and she raised her other hand as she followed his example.

Looking at each other, the two laughed happily.

No matter how he said it, he went in a strange direction.

Shi Shuo suddenly leaned over and kissed the corner of Jiang Yixuan's lips, and lifted his chin in satisfaction, with a happy face, Jiang Yixuan was stunned and smiled.

Still a young boy~

Shi Shuo held Jiang Yixuan's hand and continued walking, and unexpectedly bumped into the entire AST team who was about to leave.

Bai Tu's eyes lit up, and he shouted "Hello, Sister Yixuan".

Jiang Yixuan nodded with a smile, she remembered what she had promised her, and she will talk to Shi Shuo later.

The migratory bird He Qi and the others also laughed, especially when they saw the two holding hands together.

I think they were not together at the beginning, but they have been together for a long time in a blink of an eye, thinking about it is really a bit emotional.

"Let's go together." He Qi suggested.

Shi Shuo shook his head, "Go first to attract firepower, and then I will sneak away with Xuanxuan."

"Wow, Brother Shuo, you are really a dog." Ah Jun couldn't help feeling emotional.

Shi Shuo smiled evilly and narrowed his eyes warningly, "I'll give you another chance to reorganize the language."

Ah Jun put his hands on his hips and laughed, "Brother Shuo, you're not in AST anymore, but you can't control me anymore, so I'm not afraid!"

Shi Shuo prolonged the ending on purpose, "Ah~ Waiting for the training match."

When the soles of Ah Jun's feet were cold, he had a bad premonition.

He Qi laughed twice, "At that time, Shuo, let's go first, and come out to get together when we are free."

Shi Shuo nodded, "Okay."

No matter what, the days in AST are the most memorable period of time.

He and these teammates are friends and brothers, and getting along with those kids in the current club is a completely different feeling.

Everyone in AST walked ahead and caught the attention of some spectators who were still waiting outside.

Shi Shuo took Jiang Yixuan's hand and ran quickly towards the other car, when suddenly he heard shouts behind him.

"It's Shuo Shen and Jiang Yixuan!"

"God Shuo!"

"Jiang Yixuan!"

Shi Shuo and Jiang Yixuan sped up their steps again, and both of them couldn't help laughing, leaving all shouts behind, and they ran forward with their fingers clasped, at this moment, they suddenly had the feeling of eloping with their backs to the whole world.

He Qi and the others glanced this way, their eyes were full of ridicule and relief.

"Brother Shuo is still popular."

"That's right, it's even more so with Sister Yixuan also here."

"And they won today."


After a moment of silence, the coach Misen said angrily: "It's okay if you don't mention it, I'm getting angry again when you say it, so get in the car and go back to review."

"Didn't we all agree on how to fight before the game? Why didn't it work once we got to the field!"

"It's been how long you've been beating someone, why are you still..."

The coach chattered endlessly as soon as he spoke, Chen Shi looked up at the sky, Ah Jun pulled out his ears and stared at the culprit of all this, which pot is not open and which pot is not opened, this is, he must be scolded.

He Qi grabbed the shoulder of the migratory bird and pushed him towards the coach, and said, "I know the coach, let's go back and review the game."

After hearing what he said, Misen hummed and began to analyze some mistakes made in the game with them.

After getting in the car, everyone listened carefully this time.

After all, they want to win too!

(End of this chapter)

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