Chapter 382 I Want To See You
After that incident, Tang Jiu really wanted to call the police, but the company didn't allow it.

The company said that nothing happened anyway, and calling the police will only make the matter darker and darker. Those netizens on the Internet don’t care about the truth of the matter. They only care about whether this matter is explosive or not. .

What's more, this incident can be regarded as implicating Mr. Chen, he is a powerful man.

Furthermore, Jiang Yixuan was Hua Mingce's key trainer at that time, and she did not allow any mistakes to disrupt her money-making plan.

Because Xu Feifei is also a member of Xingyue, Dahua Mingce felt that such a quarrel with the company's people would affect the company's reputation anyway.

Hua Mingce reassured them with a few words and withdrew some of Xu Feifei's notices, and took it as a matter.

But Tang Jiu always felt uncomfortable in his heart, it was really too cheap for Xu Feifei.

Who would have thought that after receiving such a great benefit, she would turn around and bite them now to relieve Xuan's most unforgettable pain!
Xu Feifei bit the flesh of her cheek fiercely, and raised her eyes again to be calm.

"Yixuan, I don't want to do this, but I really have nowhere to go now. I have no choice. Why can't you help me with so many resources now!"

"Obviously you wanted to help me back then, didn't you?"

"The family situation of the new singer signed by your studio is worse than mine. Did you sign her because you remembered me back then? Wouldn't it be good if you gave me the resources she occupies now?"

Tang Jiu laughed angrily.

It can only be said that the world is big and full of wonders.

How could there be such a person!She really saw the diversity of species and broadened her horizons!

"Xu Feifei, can you stop being so shameless? You have to think of yourself in everything we do! The reason why I signed Yu Rao is because she is talented and passed the interview with her professional strength, and she has a relationship with you!"

"It's all yours to return the resources. Would you like me to take a look at you in the mirror and see how big your face is!"

Xu Feifei didn't take Tang Jiu's rebuttal to heart.

Jiang Yixuan must have signed Yu Rao because of her, otherwise why would it be such a coincidence that she would sign that person as soon as he met her.

Jiang Yixuan felt that talking to her any further would only be a waste of her time.

"Now that everything is clear, you can go now, and I don't want to see you again in the future."

"Yixuan, do you really stop thinking about it?"

"Xu Feifei, I don't care who you fancy and how you want to fight for resources, I don't care. As long as you don't come in front of me, don't mention that incident back then, I can still treat you as air."

Jiang Yixuan showed her the phone, it was recording, and the progress bar was still going on.

Xu Feifei's expression changed.

Jiang Yixuan pressed save in front of her.

"You, you actually recorded, you didn't have my permission!"

"Then did you get my permission to prescribe the medicine?"

Xu Feifei was choked back by Jiang Yixuan, she really couldn't refute what she said.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't spread rumors, I won't release this recording, so it's okay. I don't want to add trouble to my current peaceful life, and I hope you don't bother me."

After Jiang Yixuan finished speaking, she left the musical instrument room first, and Tang Jiu gave Xu Feifei a hard look and followed.

Who is it, what a big face!


Tang Jiu looked at her worriedly, "Yixuan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Jiang Yixuan pulled out a smile, "We've already wasted a lot of time, let's hurry to the next event location, today's work hasn't been finished yet."

"……it is good."

Jiang Yixuan was silent and Tang Jiu also stayed silent with her.

Even after saying everything that needs to be said, and clarifying all possible future troubles, Jiang Yixuan still feels a little blocked.

After that incident, Tang Jiu accompanied her everywhere and never left her alone with others. Even if she wanted to talk alone, she would wait outside.

Tang Jiu took good care of her emotions, and took care of her even more.

She couldn't let those who cared about her worry so much, so she devoted herself to her work, and it was also after that incident that she took on work for a long time without restraint, which led to stomach problems later.

For a while she would have nightmares.

The way the man looked at her made her sick.

But after all, nothing happened, she recovered, but now Xu Feifei still wants to get close to her!

Also talking to himself!
Jiang Yixuan closed her eyes hard to prepare for a rest, and gently stroked the little Shishuo doll on the mobile phone pendant with her fingers.

The phone rang, she glanced, it was Shi Shuo!
Jiang Yixuan glanced at Tang Jiu, Tang Jiu hugged her elbows as if she was taking a nap.

Jiang Yixuan smiled clearly and put on the earphones. The moment she connected, Shi Shuo's gentle and worried voice came, "Xuanxuan."

"Well, why did you call me? The training match is over?"

"Well, I just finished calling. I missed Xuanxuan so I called you. Where are you now?"

"I'm rushing to shoot an advertisement."

"Xuanxuan, do you want to listen to my singing?"


Shi Shuo's deep and gentle singing voice sounded in the earphones, it was the song "Cong Er Fly" he sang to him last time, and he still only knew how to sing this song.

This song was like a warm and generous hand brushing away all the restlessness and anxiety in her heart, making her calm down again.

It turned out to be true.

When someone's voice sounds, when he appears in front of you, you will suddenly feel stable, peaceful and joyful.

Shi Shuo is her stability.

After a song was sung, Shi Shuo's hoarse voice sounded again, "Xuanxuan, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"This time, I'm here."

He knew that she must have suffered a lot in the entertainment circle, but he didn't expect to experience such a thing, and he almost lost his Xuanxuan.

How could she be so stupid, how could she cut her own wrist!

Shi Shuo squatted in the corner of the room, ruffled his hair vigorously, clenched and loosened his right hand, leaving a crescent moon mark on his palm.

He is hating his incompetence.

Jiang Yixuan sighed softly, "Actually, it's not as serious as you imagined, really, we weren't together at that time, don't think too much about it."

"Shi Shuo, I know it's enough for you to be here now."

"Well, I will guard you this time!"

Jiang Yixuan was able to digest these negative emotions by herself, but now when she heard Shi Shuo's comfort, her heart became sour for some reason, and there was something crystal in her eyes.

She murmured softly, "Ah Shuo, I kind of want to see you."

There was silence.

Jiang Yixuan immediately realized what she said, which was too capricious.

"Let me just say it casually, you have to replay after the training game, please work hard, I will watch the next game, whether it is live broadcast or replay."

(End of this chapter)

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