Chapter 391

Jiang Yixuan was about to speak, Tang Jiu happened to be waiting for a red light, so she hurriedly pushed her arm with her elbow, and her eyes signaled to tell the truth, what is being pretentious in front of her boyfriend.

Jiang Yixuan pursed her lips slightly, pinched the little doll and said softly, "No."

"So you want to see me?" Shi Shuo continued to ask.

"Well, I thought about it." Jiang Yixuan told the truth, "It just so happens that I have finished the work I should do in the past two days and then I will make time to come out and let's go out for a stroll."

"Listen to Xuanxuan."

Tang Jiu restarted the car, "Then set a good time and Xing Yan and I will be with you. I know everything about delicious food and fun. I will be your guide. When the time comes, we will play in our own ways, just in time. Shuo also met Xing Yan."

"You two haven't met yet."

Shi Shuo: "Okay."

That's true, he seems to have only heard the voice of Xing Yan, and he should also meet the boyfriend of Xuanxuan's best friend.

"Then I'll hang up first."

"Okay, go back and have a good rest, remember to miss me."

"Got it~"

Jiang Yixuan hung up the phone and looked at the scenery outside the window and smiled softly. Tang Jiu imitated Shi Shuo's tone and repeated, "Remember to miss me~"

Jiang Yixuan called her helplessly, "Ajiu, make fun of me again."

"Haha, aren't you already used to it?"

Yes, she is used to it.

It was getting late, so Jiang Yixuan stayed with Tang Jiu. It was not safe to drive at this time, so Tang Jiu agreed.

After washing off their exhaustion, they leaned on the sofa and checked their mobile phones. Tang Jiu suddenly let out a hey and leaned over to show Jiang Yixuan the news on her page.

"Xiang Wanzhi's assistant asked if you have time. Xiang Wanzhi wanted to recommend a job for you. It's the theme song of a movie."

Tang Jiu muttered, "Isn't she trying to compensate you?"

"It should be." Jiang Yixuan rummaged through the information about this movie. It is a very good movie. The director also has many excellent works. The movie itself is already attractive enough.

"Then do you want to accept?"

"Go ahead, after I chatted with her that day, she is indeed a nice person. I guess I felt a little sorry for saying those things in front of so many people, so I don't have to send her away if I accept her." Keep this in mind.”

And the resources recommended after viewing are really good.

"Okay, then I'll get back to her." Tang Jiu sighed while typing, "I don't know if what I said to Song Yan last time is useful. How are he and Xiang Wanzhi doing now?"

Jiang Yixuan paused for a moment.

Song Yan...

I guess it hangs.

But he will always understand.

Relationships need both fate and management. Song Yan's fate has come, and if he can't manage it, it will be futile.

Song Yan is blowing the wind on the balcony at the moment, but no matter how he blows it, he can't blow away the boredom in his heart.

He stared at the phone, it was Xiang Wanzhi's chat page.

The chat records of the two of them stayed a little before the incident was exposed, and then they never sent any messages.

In the past, it seemed that there was always something to talk about, but now looking at this page, he couldn't find anything to talk about.

Looking carefully at the previous chat records, I found that it was Xiang Wanzhi who had been actively looking for something to say.


He remembered what Tang Jiu said to him that day, and his mind was a little confused, but he soon regained consciousness.

He probably didn't like Xiang Wanzhi, he just regarded her as a good senior, but seeing her seldom show such a weak side is a bit soft-hearted, even...

She is behind the scenes, he is just a young actor now, far incomparable.

Song Yan looked at it for a while and quit the chat page, found the manager's account and asked to arrange more work for him, as long as he was busy, he would not have so much free time to think about it.


Two days passed quickly.

LXY returned to the club after the interview and the night of champions.

After driving for a while, Cun Xin glanced at the back, and blurted out, "Where's the captain? Did we leave the captain behind?"

"Turn around and pick up the captain!"

Tuanzi took a hard bite of the apple that came in from the lounge, and said vaguely, "Didn't you pay attention to it just now? The captain left as soon as the live broadcast ended."

Cun Xin let out a cry, but he really didn't see it.

"Why doesn't the captain go with us, there is an additional fee for the car."

Meng An laughed out loud, "You haven't figured it out yet, the captain didn't mean to go back to the club by leaving first, the captain just couldn't wait to see Sister Yixuan."

Cun Xin suddenly realized.

Ah Ci let out a long sigh, "Who made us all single, it's normal to be unexpected."

Cun Xin agrees.

The captain and his sister-in-law are really boring, but it would be great if he could fall in love quickly, but it's a pity that he can't find anyone to talk to after training every day!
Shi Shuo went straight to the door of Jiang Yixuan's house. He knocked on the door first, but there was no sound from inside, and knocked twice before losing his fingerprint to unlock it.

It was pitch black inside.

Haven't come back yet?
Shi Shuo sat on the sofa and sent Jiang Yixuan a message, but there was no reply.

He just started playing games.

I forgot the time when I was playing, and I didn't read the news.

Until a surprised cry came from the opposite crystal, "Shi Shuo?"

When Shi Shuo looked over, a smile immediately filled his eyes.

Tang Jiu, who was behind Jiang Yixuan, left silently, and called Xing Yan, "Ayan, come and pick me up, I'm downstairs at Yixuan's house."

The voice of walking and taking the keys quickly sounded over there, "Didn't you say that you will sleep at her place today?"

"That's what I thought, but her little boyfriend is here, I don't want to eat dog food, I want to eat you."

"Ajiu..." Xing Yan smiled helplessly, "Then you wait for me and I'll be there right away. It's cold outside and don't come out. I'll call you when I arrive."

"it is good!"

Jiang Yixuan regained her senses from her astonishment, and seeing that Tang Jiu had disappeared behind her, Shi Shuo came over to take the bag in her hand and brought her slippers.

"It's time to finish work. Are you hungry? Let me cook you a bowl of noodles?"

"it is good."

Shi Shuo rubbed her head to look at the things in the refrigerator, took the ingredients and turned to see Jiang Yixuan still standing at the door, chuckled, "Why are you still standing? Are you not tired?"

"Go and sit on the sofa for a meeting, it will be fine soon."

Jiang Yixuan hurriedly nodded and followed his words, took a moment to look at the busy Shi Shuo, she lowered her eyes and smiled.

In fact, she also thought about this scene.

When you come home after a busy day at work, the home is bright and welcoming.

It is now achieved.

Inexplicably, I feel a little unreal, but I also feel that it should be real, after all...

She has a boyfriend!
Jiang Yixuan rolled up her sleeves and walked to him, "Let me help you."

"It's okay, just sit down."

"You came over from the event tonight, aren't you tired?"

Shi Shuo squeezed Jiang Yixuan's face, "I just lay down on the sofa for a while, and when I saw you, I came back to life with full blood."

(End of this chapter)

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