Chapter 393 So Excessive?
On the right is Tang Jiu, on the left is Shi Shuo, and there is Xing Yan standing there watching the excitement, Jiang Yixuan said helplessly, "Ah Jiu, don't bother me."

As soon as she said this, she had a bad feeling, and always felt that tonight might not be too good.

Tang Jiu stuck out her tongue, "Okay, okay, anyway, I know what's going on."

Jiang Yixuan hurried to look at Shi Shuo, and sure enough, his face was not very good-looking.

Jiang Yixuan coughed lightly and pulled the situation back, "Shi Shuo, this is Ah Jiu's boyfriend and my senior, Xing Yan."

"Xing Yan, this is Shi Shuo, my boyfriend."

Hearing such an introduction, Shi Shuo became happy again.

Xing Yan nodded and said, "Hello, I have heard about you before and have been to watch your game live, and today I can see it for real, you are very handsome."

Has he seen him play?

Shi Shuo didn't remember him anymore, but he followed his words and praised him politely.

Xing Yan rolled up his sleeves, "Let me clean it up for you."

Tang Jiu had already pulled Jiang Yixuan to sit on the sofa, "We'll go out after you rest after eating."

She took out her mobile phone and clicked on the memo, "I thought of a few interesting places last night. Take a look and see where you want to go first."

"it is good."

Tang Jiu is the one who likes to play the most. All the places she wrote have marked the approximate location of the interesting and delicious food in it, as well as the characteristics, all written clearly.

"Professional, I'm not boasting, if I'm not busy with work, I can be a travel blogger!"

"Well, you sorted it out in great detail, so let's go here first."

"Here, good!" Tang Jiu took the phone and began to mark and number it.

After Xing Yan helped Shi Shuo clean up, he stood there with him and watched Tang Jiu and Jiang Yixuan talking and laughing about where they were going to go later.

Shi Shuo leaned against the kitchen counter, "Then how about I call you Brother Yan?"

"That's fine, you can call me whatever you want, it's fine, then I'll just call you Shi Shuo." Xing Yan smiled warmly, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses to look more elegant.

"Brother Yan, since you are Xuanxuan's senior, you also studied music?"

"Yes, do you have any questions?"

"I want you to teach me to sing a song." Shi Shuo said in a low voice, "I hope you keep it a secret."

Xing Yan probably guessed something, he nodded, "I understand that they are all men, then let's add a WeChat, and if there is anything you don't understand, you can send me a message or call me."

"Thank you."

"Small things."

Anyway, he still owed Jiang Yixuan, if he can do more for her, he should do more.

The bystander is clear, he sees clearly.

When this boy looked at Yixuan, his eyes were full of her, with the most sincere and warm feelings, and they would be very happy.

After Tang Jiu and Jiang Yixuan discussed it, they turned around and saw that the two were having a good conversation.

Tang Jiu said in a low voice: "I really didn't expect them to be able to talk like this. They are quite different in age."

Jiang Yixuan: "Fortunately, it's only about seven years old."

Tang Jiu still finds it very novel, "Xing Yan only talks about music, and he doesn't play games very much. It's surprising that they can chat so happily."

"It doesn't have to be about work, it's just enough to have similar personalities."

Tang Jiu looked at Jiang Yixuan and tilted her head with a smile and asked, "Yixuan, are you talking about them, or you two?"

Jiang Yixuan also tilted her head slightly and made a lovely expression.

Can't you say both?

Tang Jiu was truly happy for Jiang Yixuan. She hugged the rabbit doll on the sofa and whispered in her ear, "I'm not wrong, is my brother fragrant?"

Jiang Yixuan subconsciously looked at Shi Shuo, and before he realized it, she retracted her gaze and nodded with her lips pursed.

Tang Jiu laughed happily, Yi Xuan's honest appearance is so cute!
The two people who heard her laughing and discussing looked over one after another. Xing Yan's face was full of indulgence and connivance, while Shi Shuo only had Jiang Yixuan in his eyes.

After laughing enough, Tang Jiu asked her if she had a good rest, and when she got an affirmative answer, she stood up with a groan, "Then let's go!"

"After playing for two or three hours, it's time to have lunch again. There will be fewer people in the morning."

A group of four people in pairs.

They walk on the street with a 100% rate of turning their heads back, and many even take pictures with their mobile phones.Because Jiang Yixuan didn't wear a mask, many people recognized it.

But today they don't want to care about other people's eyes, they just want to go out and play openly.

Jiang Yixuan's identity today is only herself, Shi Shuo's girlfriend.

They went to the amusement park first. Although there were not many people there, it was still very lively, and many of them were children.

When Xing Yan bought tickets for them, a child looked at them curiously.

"Are uncles and aunts here to play with the children?"

The words that the kid said with his innocent eyes were particularly heart-wrenching.

Tang Jiu's fist hardened, and she gave a very gentle smile, "Good boy, call me sister."

This kid is also more than ten years old, what is his name?
The child shook his head and said righteously: "Our teacher said that we should respect the old and love the young, and we should not talk nonsense with our eyes open."

Tang Jiu clutched her heart and felt a knife being stabbed in. She was so angry that she didn't even want to talk to him.

"Little friend, you won't be able to find a girlfriend in the future!"

As soon as the words were finished, a little girl ran over and looked very cute, "You are so slow, Auntie is waiting in a hurry."

"Oh, I'll go back with you now." The child walked two steps and said with a smile, "Goodbye, uncle and aunt."

Tang Jiu: "..."

The little brat really deserves a beating!

Jiang Yixuan endured a lot of hard work with a smile on the sidelines.

"Yixuan, if you still laugh, he's talking about you too."

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. At my age, it's enough for him to call me Auntie. Ajiu, you can just be a child with no scruples."

Tang Jiu snorted, then hugged Shi Shuo's arm when he came back from buying the ticket, and complained about the behavior of the kid just now.

"He called me auntie, and said why I came to play with children!"

Xing Yan had a good temper and a serious face, "Is this too much?"

Tang Jiu nodded vigorously.

It's just too much!

"Ajiu is just a big friend, you can play with anything, isn't it a birthday in a while?"

Tang Jiu was amused by his serious words of coaxing her, how could she still get angry, she leaned back and forth in his arms coquettishly.

Shi Shuo looked at Jiang Yixuan who was beside him and held her hand to divert her attention.

He leaned close to her ear and whispered: "When it's just the two of us, Xuanxuan will act like a baby to me, okay?"

Jiang Yixuan opened her eyes wide and turned her face away.

"Then, you come first."

Shi Shuo ran up to her and pretended to be wronged, "Xuanxuan, are you okay~"

Jiang Yixuan covered her face, "Okay..."

Can't stand it!
(End of this chapter)

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