Chapter 401
But when the music started, she played the guitar and she seemed to be a different person. The moment she spoke, she had a unique voice!It was completely different from the usual voice she had heard before.

Her voice is very storytelling.

This situation reminded Xu Feifei of the old Jiang Yixuan.

She was in the same batch as her, but she was given special care by the boss, and she and others didn't understand Jiang Yixuan when they saw Jiang Yixuan for the first time.

The only thing I can understand is her appearance, she is really good-looking.

It's just that there is unconfidence in her eyes, she feels a little dull standing there, her mouth is neither sweet nor cheerful, it is hard to imagine how she will behave once she is in a crowded place and on the stage.

Until they witnessed her first stage.

At that time, Jiang Yixuan was wearing a pure and melancholy sky blue dress, her long slightly curly hair was hanging by her side and she was standing on the stage holding a microphone, her eyes were calm and calm.

The gentle light enveloped her, and the audience was silent, and everyone's eyes were unconsciously attracted to her.

At this time, it was because of her appearance, but when she opened her mouth, there was only surprise expressed by her voice.

She heard Hua Mingce, the boss at the time, say excitedly: "She was born to stand in the center of the stage!"

At that time, she couldn't even feel jealous, because she was so beautiful standing on the stage, like a fairy she couldn't reach no matter what.

Until she knew what was going on in her family, she was actually no different from her.

So why is she so good!

God is really unfair.

Now, another Yu Rao appeared.

Why is it that they are also miserable people, God favors them and has never favored her!
Fortunately, Yu Rao hasn't gotten up yet.

She wants to use this variety show to make more people like her and follow her so as to surpass her, don't think about it!
How can she say that she has been struggling in this circle for so many years, she is a newcomer, don't even think about it!

While Xu Feifei was thinking wildly, Yu Rao had already finished her performance, the people around her clapped their hands and applauded, and the instructor gave her a high evaluation.

Yu Rao thanked humbly.

Xu Feifei's gaze stayed on her for a long time, and then moved away when she noticed something looking over.

She won't make it easy for her.

When Jiang Yixuan came back from recording the first episode of the program, Tang Jiu had time to pay attention to Yu Rao's talent show. She flicked through the Weibo of the program group and stared.

"Yixuan, look, the draft pick Xu Feifei is here."

Jiang Yixuan took a look, it was indeed.

Tang Jiu snorted, "I didn't expect her to go to this kind of show now, it seems that she really has no resources, she deserves it."

"Yixuan, what are you thinking?"

"I was wondering if she would target Yu Rao."

She still hasn't forgotten what Xu Feifei said in the musical instrument room last time. Yu Rao is an artist in her studio, and now the two meet again on the same program, Xu Feifei is still a so-called senior.

Based on her understanding of Xu Feifei, Xu Feifei will definitely vent her anger.

Tang Jiu said in a sonorous tone: "Then she will definitely, she is not a generous and conscientious person."

Meeting Jiang Yixuan's gaze, Tang Jiu immediately understood, "Don't worry, I'll call her later and ask her to pay attention, but we can't help her after all, but it's okay, there are only contestants girls."

Xu Feifei's methods were quick and dirty.

Many years ago, she wanted to drag Jiang Yixuan into the quagmire. After so many years, she can still look for them as if nothing happened. Who knows how much trouble there is now.

Jiang Yixuan nodded.

Now that Yu Rao has been signed, he has to watch her carefully.

When Yu Rao received the call and listened to Tang Jiu's brief overview, she understood why Xu Feifei was targeting her these days.

"Sister Tang, don't worry, I know. Sister Tang sent me here to let me practice my performance on stage. That's fine."

"I will play well and not embarrass Miss Yixuan."

Tang Jiu: "It doesn't matter whether you lose face or not, you can learn something by yourself is what Yixuan wants to see."

"Okay, I understand." Yu Rao responded obediently.

She put down her phone and remembered what Jiang Yixuan had said to her, and walked towards the door with her head held high.


Xu Feifei found that Yu Rao's performance has improved recently. She was still very stiff when she needed to perform some dances on stage, obviously not confident, but now she is much better.

Xu Feifei frowned in a daze.

It shouldn't be, she has been instilling in her the idea that she doesn't need to work hard in this area these days!
She lowered her eyes, took a bottle of water and walked over to pass it to Yu Rao who was practicing.

"So hard."

"Thank you." Yu Rao took the water and put it aside to continue practicing.

Xu Feifei's eyes darkened, "Didn't I tell you that you are not suitable for this style? Next time you just need to sing, that is your strength."

"Then everyone will think that I am like a tortoise shrunk in a shell in my comfort zone." Yu Rao smiled.

"How come, you can do whatever you feel comfortable with."

"Since I came here, I didn't come here for comfort, thank you for reminding me."

Xu Feifei saw that she didn't want to talk to her, turned and left with a sullen face, as expected of the people Jiang Yixuan fell in love with, they all have a stubborn temper and don't listen to persuasion!

Let's see what splashes you can come up with!

Seeing Xu Feifei leave through the mirror of the dance studio, Yu Rao stopped and patted her heart. Just now she said those words calmly, but now her heart is still beating a little fast.

But in the end, I didn't embarrass sister Yixuan.


Jiang Yixuan continued to record the program and went on a business trip. She felt a little strange. Although Shi Shuo still sent her messages as usual to remind her to eat on time, he didn't even make video calls to her.

Is it because you are too busy preparing for the World Championship?
Recently, during the preparation period, there should be no news on the Internet, and she is very busy and has no time to read it.

At the end of the day's filming, Jiang Yixuan took a shower and made a video call to Shi Shuo at the hotel. It took a long time to be picked up, but it was a voice call.


There is nothing wrong with the sound.

"Why did you change the voice?"

Shi Shuo laughed twice, "Bei Yan walks around the room naked, so as not to be seen by you."

Bei Yan, who was wearing clothes opposite him, looked aggrieved.

The captain made rumors about him in person!

"Ah? Oh..." Jiang Yixuan blinked blankly, then chuckled, "Isn't it cold at night?"

"It's summer now, how can it be cold. Does Xuanxuan miss me?"

"A little bit, your world championship is about to start. It just so happens that most of my program has been recorded. I should be able to see you when the competition starts."

"That's it..." Shi Shuo smiled, "It's okay, you must be very tired from recording the show outside, so you can rest at home when you come back."

(End of this chapter)

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