Chapter 41 Farm Girl 9
The people who came in and out were all dressed in brocade clothes, Yan Yu looked out of place standing here.

The village chief at the side unconsciously started rubbing the corners of his clothes.I didn't feel it when I first started, but now I am really scared to stand here.

Yan Yu didn't respond to these, she just looked around the store.

Due to the papered windows, the light is not as good as modern ones, but the various colors of silk, satin and gauze displayed in the store are so bright and dazzling that they almost dazzle people's eyes.

On the seat by the window, sat a man in a lake-blue brocade coat, with a long sword at his waist, casually flipping through the pieces of cloth in front of him with one hand, appearing absent-minded.

Yan Yu knew that he was the one she was looking for.

Yunfeng is in a very bad mood now. A month ago, he was out with his master on errands, and before he reached the destination halfway, an assassin suddenly jumped out.

Because the things to be done are relatively secret, and there are not many people with them, they separated from the master after several fights, and they haven't reunited until now.

Yunfeng is so anxious, as a hidden guard, he lost his master, and now he doesn't even know whether the master is dead or alive.The master is dead, can the dark guard live alone?

The answer is obviously not, whether it is in terms of ideological loyalty, or in reality, the emperor can wipe him out on the charge of improper protection if he knows about it.

Tianxiabuzhuang is the property of the Wangfu, and it is also the nearest stronghold to the place where Su Yuanjing was lost.He stayed here, waiting and inquiring for news.

As long as Su Yuanjing wakes up, the first place he will come to is definitely here.

I can't go back, and I won't go back if I can't find the master.

Yunfeng secretly made up his mind that it would be a day if he could delay it.The expression on his face became painful, and he let out a sigh.If someone could tell him the whereabouts of his master, he would agree to any request.

A slender strip of cloth flashed past his eyes, with familiar patterns on it.He saw a young girl in a coarse linen skirt standing in front of him who didn't fit in with the surroundings.

"Where did this cloth come from?"

Yunfeng snatched the strip of cloth, held it in his hand excitedly, and looked it over carefully.That's right, these are the clothes she wore on the day she separated from her master. Tianxia Buzhuang can't make a few bolts of Liuhe brocade in a year.

"This is a person that the villagers accidentally discovered on the mountain..." Yan Yu said concisely, summarizing what happened at the beginning in a few words.

When I went there, I was still riding in a broken ox cart, but when I came back, it turned into a horse-drawn cart.The reason was that the bullock cart was running too slowly, and Yunfeng couldn't wait to see his master.

Several hidden guards drove the carriage, and the village head and Yan Yu sat in it together.The hidden guards are all people who have licked blood with the tip of a knife, which doubles the pressure on the people sitting inside.

"How did you find me?" The curtain of the car was lifted, Yunfeng poked his head in, his eyes fixed on Yanyu, as if the next second she said a wrong sentence, her head would fall off. Very scary.

Apparently, he had a lot of doubts about Yan Yu.Ordinary people don't know about the stronghold, but this girl was able to find it by herself.

Yan Yu pretended to be a little scared and said, "I just wanted to try my luck with the shopkeeper, but I never thought about your sword cover..."

Yunfeng followed her eyes and looked at his sword sheath.The small thin strip wrapped around it is exactly this pattern.

He snorted coldly, didn't ask any more questions, and lowered the curtain.

The village chief at the side also suddenly realized, and looked at Yan Yu: "Thanks to your carefulness."

He is still dizzy now, the nobleman is so easy to find, he feels unreal.

(End of this chapter)

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