Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 11 Unaccustomed Care

Chapter 11 Unaccustomed Care

The next day, early morning.

The genius had just dawned, but Li Ge had already woken up.

Looking around at the whole room that seemed unfamiliar, Li Ge was stunned for a while before he realized it.

"Almost forgot, I have already lived in the Twilight Pavilion."

This is one of the many towers of the Twilight Pavilion, located in one of the rooms on the upper floor.

Yesterday, Li Ge was assigned here after completing the ability value update at Loki's place.

This is Li Ge's room in the Pavilion of Twilight, the lodging in the base camp of the Loki family.

From now on, if there is no accident, this place will belong to Li Ge, and Li Ge can use it at will.

Li Ge got out of bed, first glanced at the dimly lit window, and then began to wash.

After washing up, Li Ge found that a set of clothes had been placed at the door of his room at some point.

"This is what the Lord God asked me to prepare for you."

Looking at the message on top of the clothes, which seemed to be a message left by a senior in the family, Li Ge was silent for a while, and then thanked silently in his heart, and changed the clothes.

As for his own clothes, they were completely out of the question.

As a result of fighting for a day and a night, the tattered set of clothes covered with blood, mud and dust has been gloriously pronounced a death sentence, and it can't be mended if you want to, so you can only throw it away.

In the dilemma of not having a change of clothes, Li Ge could only choose to accept the kindness of the head god of the family and the seniors of the family.

However, the kindness given to him by the family seems to be not only a set of clothes, but also a heavy cloth bag filled with golden coins.

In the cloth bag, there is also a message.

"There are a total of [-] Fali in it, which is considered as your start-up capital. Use it well. If you haven't fulfilled my instructions last night, you are not allowed to enter the dungeon!"

Don't think about it, this message is most likely left by Li Ge's main god.

This reminded Li Ge of what Loki had ordered him to do after updating his ability value last night, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

"It seems that if I don't complete those preparations, Loki won't allow me to enter the dungeon again."

Either way.

Since it is something beneficial to oneself, then listen to the arrangements of the Lord God.

Li Ge picked up the somewhat heavy purse, thought about it, and finally chose not to carry it with him, but chose to put it in the storage space of the Dimensional Rubik's Cube.

Article [-] of "Dimensional Rubik's Cube Instructions", the Dimensional Rubik's Cube has a storage space inside, which can be opened and used at any time.

Long before Li Ge came to this world, when he was recuperating on the bed in the original world, he had already tried to open the storage space attached to the Dimensional Rubik's Cube.

Therefore, he is not unfamiliar with this operation.


With a silent recitation in Li Ge's heart, the money bag in his hand disappeared.

It has entered the storage space attached to the Dimension Rubik's Cube and is stored by the Dimension Rubik's Cube.

The method of storing items in the storage space is very simple, just touch your belongings and say "storage" silently.

The same is true when you want to take out items, first sink your consciousness into the storage space of the Rubik's Cube, see the inside of the storage space, find the item you want to take out, and then say "take out" silently.

As long as you are familiar with such operations, the storage space attached to the Rubik's Cube will bring great convenience to users.

Li Ge was already familiar with the operation of the storage space during the month of recuperation, and now it only takes less than a second to "store" or "take out", which is convenient and fast.

After doing this, Li Ge opened the door, walked out of the room, and came to a long corridor.

Upon closer inspection, the corridor was suspended in the air.

As the headquarters of the Loki family, the many towers that make up the headquarters of the Twilight Pavilion are gathered together.

The lower half of the minarets are connected to each other, and the upper half extends a stone corridor connecting the towers. From the outside, it looks like there are complex intertwined lines between the towers. It can be said that there is no order in the corridor.

Li Ge walked on one of the air corridors that looked down to the atrium, which looked quite simple.



Several family members who got up early seemed to be busy with some work, and greeted Li Ge while passing by.


Naturally, Li Ge would not turn a blind eye, and also greeted politely, and immediately walked down the corridor, out of the Twilight Pavilion, through the atrium, and walked to the gate of the base camp.

"Morning, newcomer, are you going out early in the morning?"

"Don't just come back in tatters like last night, okay?"

The two family members at the gate recognized Li Ge, greeted him and gave instructions.

"No, seniors, please rest assured."

Li Ge was somewhat embarrassed, he could only show a polite smile, and then left straight away.

Li Ge didn't feel the sight behind him disappear until he walked onto the street.

"The seniors of the family are very enthusiastic and kind."

Li Ge let out a little breath, feeling inexplicable in his heart.

In the previous life, the people around Li Ge were basically people with ulterior motives. They would only smile in front of him, and they were so hypocritical. Few people cared from the bottom of their hearts like the members of the Loki family. Li Ge, be considerate of Li Ge.

Therefore, Li Ge is still not used to it.

Including the fact that Rocky made a bad face to himself all night because he went out for a day and a night yesterday, Li Ge was actually not used to it, so the time of silence was longer than usual.

Of course, it was all because Li Ge knew that these people cared about him from the bottom of his heart, so he felt uncomfortable.

This is something he rarely experiences, and it is normal for him to be unaccustomed to it.

Fortunately, after recovering from the injury for a month in the original world, Yuli's attitude towards her was not bad during the period, so Li Ge would not be completely overwhelmed, otherwise she might really feel overwhelmed.

Generally speaking, the atmosphere in the Loki Familia made Li Ge quite comfortable.

"Although I have already learned more about the Loki Familia through the original book, and I chose to join the Loki Familia because I did not consider the friendly atmosphere within the Familia, but after personally experiencing it, the feeling is still different."

Li Ge could only sigh with emotion like this, and then shook his head to shake off the thoughts in his head.

However, it was inevitable that Li Ge's mood became much better than before, causing his strides to be a little stronger than usual, and he secretly remembered everyone's help and concern for him, and promised him If there is an opportunity every day, the promise of repayment will definitely be fulfilled.

He is such a person, always impressed by the kindness and kindness of others, and attaches great importance to it.

Perhaps, this is because in the past, he really rarely met people who only had pure good intentions for him?

Thinking of this, Li Ge laughed at himself slightly.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much."

I have already decided to abandon the past, and thinking about those things will only increase my troubles.

Li Ge quickly switched his mind and started to get down to business.

"There's a lot to do today."

Last night, Loki gave him several death orders that he had to complete.

"First of all, you have to prepare a new weapon and an armor that can be used to attack dungeons."

"Secondly, read the book that was dug out from the base camp's library last night, and memorize the topography, maps, and monster information on the upper floors of the dungeon."

"Finally, go to the guild and register as an adventurer."

These are the three instructions Loki gave Li Ge to complete.

Only after completing these instructions can Li Ge enter the dungeon again.

Rather, generally speaking, people who want to enter the dungeon will complete these preparations before considering entering the dungeon, but Li Ge has messed up the order, entering the dungeon first, and then going back to make these preparations , it is really dumbfounding.

If Li Ge hadn't awakened a magic spell and three skills with amazing effects, and the updated ability value last night almost drove Loki crazy, Loki might have ordered Li Ge to form a team and not allow him to enter the dungeon alone adventure.

Now, Rocky just asked him to do these three preparations, which is already very lenient to Li Ge.

"As for the book, I almost read it last night. At least I have written down the information on the first few floors of the dungeon."

Li Ge, who had an excellent memory, was not bothered by this at all, and completed this task directly last night.

There are two remaining tasks, to register with the guild, and to use the start-up funds to purchase weapons and armor.

"Go to the guild to register first."

Li Ge, who made this decision, recalled in his mind the map of the city that he memorized by the way last night, and headed northwest.

The street here is quite lively early in the morning. Not only are many shops open, but also the stalls on both sides are set up one after another.

On the road, many people were walking back and forth, including human beings and various demihumans, and many of them were well equipped, so they knew that they were not easy to mess with.

Li Ge walked into this street, went deep all the way, and finally came to a magnificent temple with many people who had the same destination.

It was a building made of white pillars.

In the spacious foyer made of white marble, there are many armed people moving around at this moment, crowding the hall to the brim.

This is the guild, the official organization that manages the labyrinth city Orari.

Most of the people who appeared here were adventurers, people whose duty and purpose was to capture dungeons.

Li Ge mixed in and came to a counter.

"Hello, please help me register as an adventurer."

Li Ge spoke to the office lady at the counter.

"OK, just a second."

The lady in the office immediately took out a piece of parchment with ease and began to register.


"Rig Brihaut."




".17 years old."

Li Ge originally wanted to report the age of his previous life, but it was somewhat inconsistent to report that age with the appearance of this body, so he reported the age of this life with a little bit of entanglement.

"What about the family you belong to?"

The office staff didn't notice Li Ge's complicated mood and continued to ask.

"Loki's family."

Li Ge reported directly without much hesitation.

However, at this moment, there was a brief silence in the audience.

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(End of this chapter)

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