Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 126 Can't keep up with this era

Chapter 126 Can't keep up with this era

As a magician, Eredman didn't have the aptitude to become a tactical-level magician, but his magic aptitude was not bad.

The transformation department is the fourth grade, the control department is the fourth grade, the interference department is the first grade, and the structure department is the first grade. Aledman's magic aptitude can be regarded as very good, and he is only one step away from the tactical grade magician aptitude. far away.

Although this step is like a sky hurdle, it is impossible to cross it no matter what, but Eredman, who has fourth-level aptitude in both the transformation system and the control system, can also be said to be on the road of the magician. Follow the flow.

Therefore, at the beginning of the competition, Eredman immediately made an exemplary action.

First of all, he chanted the incantation of magic defense at the fastest speed, setting up a barrier.

In a duel between mages and mages, setting up a barrier of magic defense is the first action anyone will want to take, so that he can resist the opponent's magic attack, and at the same time, it can also be used to win the chants of other magicians. Magic time.

If the opponent is a swordsman, the first thing to do is to increase the distance, or force the opponent to retreat, so that the opponent cannot engage in close combat, and then find a way to set up a physical defense barrier, so that you can be in a safe environment , and slowly chant the powerful magic that is enough to decide the winner.

But the opponent is a magician, the barrier of physical defense is almost useless, the barrier of magic defense is the most practical, as long as it can resist the opponent's magic, then you can slowly chant other magic to fight.

As for the defensive magic that has both physical defense and magical defense, there is no such thing as combat-level magic. Only at the tactical level can there be such a great magic that has the best of both worlds.

Therefore, judging which type of defensive magic to use in battle is a compulsory course for a magician, and there must be no mistakes.

Eredman took the most impeccable action, quickly set up the barrier of magic defense, and then chanted the magic of the control system, summoning two clay dolls from the ground in front of him.

The clay puppet is about two meters tall and has a strong build. It looks like two little giants. The first time it was summoned, it immediately rushed towards You Li with heavy steps.

At this time, Eredman had already started to chant transformation magic, preparing to attack Yuli with large-scale and powerful elemental magic while the clay doll was entangled with her, winning in one fell swoop.

It is complicated to say, but in fact all this happened within a few seconds.

Since the start of the competition, Eredman has been chanting magic at a smooth speed, completing the three actions of setting up the barrier of magic defense, summoning clay dolls, and adding attributes to magic power to form an attack in one breath. The use of magic has become extremely natural and fast, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a model.

It can be said that even if this series of moves by Eredman is included in textbooks, there is no problem at all.

However, the problem is also here.

"If this continues, Sir Eleidman may not be able to win."

At the special invitation table, the luxurious young man from the royal capital just glanced at it, then sighed and made such an evaluation.

"Oh?" The attendant watched it with gusto, and was even amazed at the series of smooth spells performed by Eredman, but when his master said this, he suddenly said in astonishment: "Why? I think Mrs. Eredman Was it great?"

"It's very exciting." The nobleman didn't deny this, but he still didn't like Eredman's appearance, saying: "His fighting is too rigid."

A model at the textbook level sounds like a high evaluation, but in the eyes of some people, it is worth criticizing.

Because battles are ever-changing, what kind of action to take and what kind of behavior to do, it is not just to copy what is written in the textbook.

"Eleidman's magic is very proficient, it can even be said to be very delicate, it can continuously cast three different systems of magic in such a short period of time, and the magic power can be converted so smoothly. It is even more relaxed, without any difficulty, such magical attainments, I am afraid that many tactical-level magicians and strategic-level magicians cannot do it."

The noble youth shook his head regretfully.

"However, the skill of using magic is one thing, and it is quite another to use it to fight."

Subsequent developments also proved this point.

In the face of Eredman's textbook-level magic usage, Yuli was very calm from the beginning to the end, and she also took action the moment Eredman took action.

It's just that she didn't set up a magic defense barrier to protect herself like Eredman did. Instead, she stood there and chanted magic, but she didn't release the magic.

"Stupid!" Eredman said loudly: "As a magician, you didn't think of a way to use defensive magic first. What are you thinking?"

What Youli did was to stand in front of her opponent completely undefended, not to mention taking over the powerful elemental magic that Eredman will release next, just being knocked by the clay puppet rushing up, She would immediately fall to the ground seriously injured.

A magician is no worse than a swordsman, and his body is extremely fragile. Even if he is hit by an ordinary person, he will suffer for a long time. Fighting without using defensive magic is indeed no different from courting death.

But about this, Yuli didn't say anything, even closed her eyes, and continued to chant magic.

Then, the changes started.


Just when the two clay figures were about to rush in front of Yuli, the ground under their feet suddenly exploded, swallowing them into two large pits.


Eredman's pupils shrank, but he didn't stop chanting, and continued to chant the magic.

He also has a magic defense barrier, which can resist Yuli's magic several times. Even if he loses the feint attack of the clay puppet, he can still have time to use magic smoothly.

Eredman, who was thinking this way, never expected that the magic that Yuli released next did not need to be aimed at him at all.


When the familiar purple wave flashed past, the ground under Eredman's feet disappeared.

That's right, the magic that Yuri released was not aimed at Eredman himself who set up the magic defense barrier, but the foothold under his feet.


Eredman only felt his feet lighten, and the mouth that was chanting the magic also let out an exclamation, and the whole person fell into the pothole, not only the magic in the chanting was interrupted, but he was also thrown into a daze .

The magic defense barrier can't protect against physical damage. This fall almost broke Eredman's bones.

Yuli's voice also sounded just right, reaching Eredman's ears.

"The way you use magic is just like yourself. It's rigid and traditional, and you can't even be flexible. Even if you study decades of combat-level magic, your actual combat ability will not be much better. "

Yuri, who said such words, successfully released the next spell.

That's a swamp magic.

Eredman, who fell into the hole, found that the surroundings suddenly became soft.

The rock turned into a swamp, and the soil flowed like water, engulfing Eredman bit by bit, causing him to fall into the swamp.

"not good!"

Eredman quickly chanted a weight-reducing magic, plus a levitation technique, and broke free from the swamp.

But just as Eredman broke free from the swamp, a sandstorm fell from the sky above the entrance of the cave. Like a torrential rain, it was dumped directly into the pothole and washed Eredman down.

Now, Eredman's situation is not good.

Down below is a swamp that swallows you if you sink into it.

There was a sandstorm above, and he couldn't break free from the impact.

Regardless of whether it is a swamp or a sandstorm, they are all physical things, and the magic defense barrier used to defend against magic attacks will not work against such attacks at all.

"No! You can no longer use the barrier of magic defense!"

Eredman gritted his teeth, removed the barrier of magic defense, and chanted the magic of physical defense.

The sandstorm that rushed to Eredman's body was separated by the barrier when the physical defense barrier was erected and fell from the sky. The swamp under Eredman's body was also separated, allowing him to finally be freed.

So, Eredman rushed out of the pothole, separated the gravel all the way, and returned to the field.


In the auditorium, bursts of noise immediately appeared.

There is no way, the image of Eredman reappearing is really a little bit worse than before.

Before that, Eredman was well-dressed and well-dressed, like a middle-aged gentleman, calm and handsome.

But at this moment, Eredman's body is full of mud, swamp water and gravel, and his image is in a mess. Compared with before, he is completely different.


Eredman also seemed to feel the humiliation.

He didn't know that the reason why the audience made loud noises was not only because of his embarrassing appearance, but also because a figure had already appeared beside him.


The purple wave undulated on one finger, and it was tapped on Eredman's back.

Eredman didn't move.

Everyone present also lost their voices again.

"You're easier to deal with than I thought."

These calm and indifferent words deeply hurt Eredman's self-esteem.

"when will you.?"

Eredman gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sound from his throat.

"Just when you fell into the trap I created with magic." You Li said with a sneer, "Don't look incredible, I came here slowly, waiting for you here."

"I know that if you want to get out of this trap, you must use magic for physical defense."

"But this way, you won't be able to defend against my magic attacks."

This time, it's the general.

"Admit it, you can't keep up with this era."

"Whether it's your fighting style, your magic, or your thoughts and concepts."

"That's all."

After leaving such words, Yuli turned and left.

"Second game, Franzelle Hou wins."

Hearing this announcement, Eredman collapsed to the ground.

His face was full of decadence.

(End of this chapter)

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