Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 139 "Breathing"

Chapter 139 "Breathing"

"Infinity Train" - the name sounds very high, and it is easy for people to mistake it for something extraordinary.

But in fact, the so-called Infinity Train refers to just a train called "Infinity".

This train is quite famous, perhaps because there are not as many trains in this era and they are not as popular as later generations, but anything related to infinite trains, these things are often published in newspapers.

A while ago, a strange thing happened on this train.

It is said that the passengers on the infinite train disappeared inexplicably after the train arrived at the terminal station.

It's not that the entire train disappears, but every once in a while someone mysteriously disappears after boarding the train. Only people saw them go up, and no one saw them get off.

This incident caused a great sensation, and it was published in newspapers several times, attracting a lot of attention.

So, I don't know when it started, a rumor that "the infinite train will eat people" spread.

When Li Ge saw the newspaper, it was for this reason that the headline "The Infinite Train That Eats People" was specially marked on it.

Thanks to this, the Infinity train was returned to the factory for maintenance a while ago, and it was not put into operation again until the maintenance personnel were absolutely sure that there was nothing abnormal on the train.

Today marks the first trip of the re-running Infinity Train.


When the loud whistle rang through the night, the train with a black steel front and wooden carriages came from the other side of the track and stopped in front of the platform.

People lined up to get on the train in an orderly manner, entered the compartment, and began to look for seats to sit down.

Li Ge was also in the middle of it, holding the ticket, like a young man preparing to go on a trip, he found a seat by the window and sat down.

Behind Li Ge, there were several passengers talking.

"Is this an infinite train that eats people?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how can there be human-eating trains in this world?"

"If there is, I'd like to pay a visit. Let me see which part the train uses to eat people."

"Maybe by locomotive?"


A few people were talking and laughing like this, and it could be seen that they took the rumor of the man-eating train as fun.

Li Ge didn't look back at these passers-by who would probably be the first batch of victims if they were in a horror movie. He took out the bento he bought at the station just now, and prepared to fill his stomach first.

Unexpectedly, when Li Ge opened the bento box, a loud voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Don't underestimate the enemy! Everyone!"

This is really a very loud sound, the kind that is loud enough to make people's eardrums hurt.


"You, who are you!?"

"So loud!"

The passengers behind Li Ge seemed to be taken aback.

The owner of the voice continued to speak as if he didn't care about the reactions of the passengers.

"As long as there are rumors, there must be a reason. You must not treat things that are likely to be dangerous with an attitude of entertainment. You must be extra careful. Do you understand? Everyone!"

The owner of the voice seemed to be shouting deliberately, and the volume of the voice became louder and louder, attracting the eyes of the surrounding passengers.

"What's the matter with this man?"


"Let's switch cars."

Several passengers suddenly had the idea of ​​keeping a respectful distance, and hurried away, not staying here anymore.

There seemed to be quite a few passengers who had the same idea, and as a result, the originally crowded compartment suddenly lost many people and became deserted.

Only then did Li Ge put down his hands covering his ears, half-closed his eyes, turned his head, and looked behind him.

In the next moment, a person broke into his field of vision.

That was an impressive young man.

The young man has yellow hair with a very striking color. The hairstyle is very avant-garde, like a burning fire, and the edges of some hair are even red.

He also has thick black sword eyebrows, piercing eyes, and he is wearing a brown uniform with a flame-patterned feather at the end. He is dressed very distinctively, and he is a very special person at first glance.

Of course, this is nothing compared to the large number of bento boxes that the other party is carrying in both hands.

Looking at this young man with a lot of bento boxes in both hands, and his dress and appearance are also very distinctive, Li Ge silently sighed in his heart.

"Just got in the car, did you meet an important plot character in the original book?"

This conspicuous and eye-catching personal style and personal dress made Li Ge recognize the identity of the other party at a glance.

On the other hand, the other party was smiling, didn't pay attention to the gazes around him at all, let alone noticed Li Ge's gazes, and only shouted at the passengers running to another compartment.

"Remember to be extra careful, and shout loudly if you encounter danger, do you understand? Everyone!"

The final result of this loud voice was that the passengers ran faster.

Seeing this scene, the young man of Huo Yuzhi just nodded in satisfaction as if he had completed some task, then turned and sat down.

The position where he sat was exactly where the passengers were sitting just now, that is, behind Li Ge.

Li Ge didn't turn his head to look at the other party, but just smiled faintly, and started to eat the bento.

This is a very high-quality beef pot bento. Although it is a bit cold, it still tastes special.

Li Ge hasn't even eaten a single grain of rice since he traveled through the dimension last night. This bento came at just the right time, and it's enough to fill his stomach.

However, Li Ge didn't concentrate on tasting the bento, but while eating mechanically, he gradually turned his attention to the person behind him.

Although he didn't look back, Li Ge could still keenly notice that the breathing of the other party was different from others.

Specifically, the way of breathing is very peculiar.

Regardless of the rhythm or frequency, this person's breathing is different from that of normal people. It may not be obvious on the surface, but in fact, the amount of air sent into the lungs by this person is quite large. There is very little air, making people wonder where the other party sent such a large amount of air.

"Is this the way of breathing in this world?"

Li Ge thought silently in his heart.

Yes, there is breathing in this world too.

However, unlike the breathing method in the Akasha continent, which is only an auxiliary method for swordsmen, the breathing method in this world is a combat auxiliary method, a technique created to enable humans to fight ghosts with their fragile bodies.

Its main function is to strengthen the heart and lung function, absorb a large amount of oxygen through a special breathing method, and make the blood quicken and activate in a short time, which can greatly increase the physical ability of human beings in an instant, and then temporarily have the strength comparable to ghosts. The full name of physical fitness is——"breathing with full concentration".

One of the biggest factors why ghost hunters in this world are able to contend with ghosts, fight ghosts, and even defeat ghosts is this kind of concentrated breathing.

Most of the people who practice the breathing method of complete concentration, that is, breathing method, are ghost hunters who belong to a ghost killing organization called "ghost killing team".

At this moment, the impressive person sitting behind Li Ge is undoubtedly a ghost hunter who has mastered the breathing method.

Listening to the breathing of that ghost hunter, Li Ge gradually had an idea.

"Is that so?"

Li Ge began to consciously adjust his breathing, letting his breathing approach the ghost hunter.

This is not difficult for Li Ge.

He had already practiced the breathing method because of the Broken Steel Sword Skill, so even if it is a breathing method with different effects and functions in different worlds, with Li Ge's growth rate, he can quickly master it.

Coupled with the fact that there was a reference object there, it didn't take long for Li Ge to adjust his breathing rate to be almost the same as the opponent's.

In this instant, Li Ge really felt that the oxygen he sent into the body activated the blood, making the blood flow faster, and the heart and lungs became even stronger, causing a force to emerge in the body.


Feeling all this, the corner of Li Ge's mouth curled up, and he took another breath.

This kind of wonderful feeling made Li Ge a little immersed in it, ignoring the movement around him for a while.

And soon, Li Ge was awakened by a voice.

"It's not enough to just inhale a lot of oxygen, it's also very important to find the right time to inhale and exhale, right? Boy!"

When that familiar loud voice resounded again, Li Ge was finally awakened.

Turning his head, Li Ge found that a person had already sat next to his seat at some point.

It was the young man named Flame Feather Weaving.

The other party brought a large number of bento boxes, and quietly sat beside Li Ge, holding an open bento box in his hand, and showed a big smile to Li Ge while eating.

"Come on, keep breathing. You were in a good state just now. If you can keep breathing in that state, you will be able to become a teacher!"

The other party had obviously discovered that Li Ge was secretly learning his breathing techniques.

However, the other party not only didn't care about it, but also gave guidance from the side, looking like a good teacher.

"I'm sorry." Li Ge naturally wouldn't continue when he was discovered by the other party, bowed his head to apologize to the other party, and said: "I saw your breathing method is very strange and very interesting, I imitated it casually, without your help If you agree to do such a thing, please forgive me."

Hearing this, the other party still didn't care about it, but started to eat lunch instead.

"good to eat!"

After taking a bite, the other party immediately praised it loudly.

Li Ge suddenly discovered that the bento eaten by the other party seemed to be from the same family as the one he ate.

"good to eat!"

The young man of Huoyan Yuzhi yelled loudly like no one else, and then suddenly spoke to Li Ge after a while.

"My name is Purgatory Xingshourou! What's your name? Boy!"

The youth of Flaming Haori is none other than Purgatory Kyojuro.

Yan Zhu of the Ghost Killing Squad is one of the most important characters in the Infinity Train chapter in the original work.

(End of this chapter)

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