Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 19 Super short essay chant

Chapter 19 Super short essay chant

Twilight Pavilion, Atrium.

In this small circular courtyard surrounding the central tower, Li Ge walked out of the mansion with the slender sword as the main weapon, and entered here.

There are several towers standing side by side in the surrounding area, so the lighting in the courtyard does not seem to be very good. Even though there are obviously well-tended flowers and plants growing thriving, there are still many shadows in the atrium.

The result of this is that it is already bright tomorrow, but the light here is not very sufficient, so that people wonder if it is still night.

Fortunately, there are small fountains and magic stone lamp posts in the atrium, and the lights of magic stone lamps are blooming on them, so it won't make people feel inconvenient.

Li Ge walked in the atrium until he reached a corner.

Here, the sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

It was the sound of a knife cutting through the air.

Li Ge stopped and looked towards the source of the sound.

In the next second, Li Ge saw the girl he had arranged to meet here.

The blond-haired puppet girl was currently training with a bright silver saber in her hand.

Her plain expression became very cold, and her transparent eyes became extremely sharp. Every time the saber in her hand was swung, it would sharply cut through the atmosphere, causing streaks of silver light to flash at an astonishingly fast speed.

Vertical slashing, horizontal slashing, slashing, thrusting, fierce cutting. The girl who is as beautiful as an elf and mysterious as a goddess stops at a corner of the green grass and continues to wave her beloved sword, as if there is an enemy in front of her, and she seems to be in front of her. As if he was afraid that he would stagnate, he danced a fierce sword dance alone.

Watching this scene, Li Ge didn't make a sound to disturb, and he didn't do any other superfluous actions. He just stood there and watched quietly, his eyes were piercing.

He is studying.

Learn Aisi's sword, and try to see the trajectory of her sword.

Unfortunately, Aisi's sword was too fast, so fast that Li Ge couldn't keep up with the opponent's movements, he could only see silver trails dancing in the air, and he couldn't see anything else.

Even so, Li Ge still didn't feel bored, and continued to keep his eyes open, watching carefully until he saw the sun falling from the sky, illuminating the entire atrium.


Ace finally stopped.

She swung the sword upwards, and sheathed the sword at the same time as she made a "swoosh".

After finishing the exercise, Ai Si turned around and faced Li Ge.

"Sorry." Aisi lowered her eyes slightly, and said apologetically, "I kept you waiting for so long."

"No." Li Ge shook his head and said calmly, "It should be me thanking Miss Aisi for allowing me to watch your training."

"Really?" Ai Si tilted her head, she didn't seem to understand it very well, and asked hesitantly, "Is it helpful to you?"

"Of course." Li Ge was stunned, nodded and said: "After all, as you can see, I, like you, use swords."

Li Ge raised the weapon in his hand, allowing it to enter Aisi's field of vision.

"Use a sword." Aisi was a little surprised, and said in surprise, "You really aren't a mage?"

"At least, I'm not the kind of pure defender magician." Li Ge thought for a while, and said: "Compared to staying behind and using magic, I'm more inclined to charge into the enemy group and start a fight."

After all, that must be more exciting.

Li Ge silently chanted such words in his heart.

Ais remembered Loki's speech yesterday.

"This kid should be of the same type as Ai Sitan. They are both problem children who will never settle down unless they rush into the crowd of monsters and kill them."

Thinking of this incident, Ai Si couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy when she looked at Li Ge.

She felt that the newcomer who was highly respected by Rocky in front of her was really similar to herself in every aspect.

Now, the other party even wants to learn his own magic.

Thinking of this, Ai Si inevitably had a trace of complicated emotions in her heart.

".May I ask you a question?"

Driven by complicated emotions, Ai Si asked Li Ge a question.

"Please say."

Li Ge seemed to have guessed what Ai Si was going to ask, and his expression didn't even change.

"Why me?" Ai Si thought about her choice of words, but in the end she said a little clumsily: "Obviously Riveria is willing to teach you."

The implication is to ask Li Ge, why Li Ge did not choose the other party when the strongest mage of Olalie was willing to teach him personally, but chose himself, expressing that he wanted to learn his own magic.

"My magic doesn't have a powerful effect and range like Riveria and Refia's."

Ace thought so.

Li Ge also knew that if he wanted to use powerful magic that generally conformed to people's perception of the power of "magic", then learning from Riveria was the best choice.

That man's magic is famous for its firepower. Once it is successfully used, it is completely possible to burn up enemies with higher levels than itself on the spot, and even burn a large area around it.

In contrast, although Aisi's magic is somewhat special, it does not have that decisive power and firepower.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, people would generally want to learn Riveria's magic more.

Ai Si who thinks this way doesn't know that Li Ge also has her own plans.

"As I said yesterday, I personally think that Miss Ais's magic is the most suitable thing for me at this stage."

Li Ge looked directly at Ai Si and explained to Ai Si.

"As we all know, all magic in the world has a common condition for use, that is, you must speak a fixed incantation, which is the so-called chant."

Ace nodded, agreeing.

Chanting is the only way to use magic.

It is the trigger of magic, it is the switch to activate the supernatural, it has the spirit of stabilizing itself, so that the magic power can be turned into fuel more smoothly, and it is an important effect of magic being released.

This point is the same whether it is in the original world or this world.

Therefore, generally speaking, the longer the chant text of a spell and the more time it takes to chant, the more astonishing the power and effect of the spell.

However, that doesn't mean spells with long chant texts are a good thing.

"The magic of chanting Buncho is extremely powerful, but relatively, its activation time will become very long, which will cause many problems."

Rieger thought so.

"Leaving aside the interruptions and accidents during the casting process, etc., it is not a good thing to have a spell with too long a chant for the growth of ability value."

Magic that takes time to activate is bound to have many limitations in use, and there are very few opportunities to use it.

And if the opportunities and frequency of using magic are small, the growth of ability value will not be very optimistic.

You know, whether it is "magic power" or other basic abilities such as "strength", "durability", "dexterity", and "agility", the way to make it grow is to use it frequently.

If you don't get the chance to use it normally, it means that the basic ability "magic power" related to the power and effect of magic will be difficult to improve.

Because of this, many magicians are trying their best to find opportunities to cast magic, but the power of magic is extraordinary, it is a supernatural force, and a single blow can cause great damage, and it is basically difficult to have a chance in the city use.

Even if they enter the dungeon and cast it in the dungeon, facing the attack of monsters, whether the mages can stabilize their spirit and mentality and sing the magic smoothly is another unknown.

Therefore, in the perception of people in the industry, the improvement of the basic ability "magic power" is recognized as more difficult than other projects, and it is still much more difficult.

But in the same way, once this item is improved, the direct impact is that its own magic power, effect, etc. will be greatly improved.

The reason why Li Ge chose Aisi's magic was that, in his opinion, only Aisi's magic was the easiest to use among the entire Loki family.

"If I'm not mistaken, Miss Ais's magic should belong to the type of ultra-short chant?"

Li Ge's inquiry, in exchange for Aisi's affirmative action.

Basically, magic is divided into ultra-short text chant, short text chant, long text chant, and ultra-long text chant.

The longer the chant, the stronger the magic power, but the usable time and convenience will decrease accordingly.

Conversely, the shorter the chant, the weaker the magic power, but it will have the convenience of being able to activate it quickly.

In this way——

"The magic that is chanted in a short text is the easiest magic to use."

Li Ge revealed his purpose.

"I just want to learn magic that is easy to use, magic that can be used frequently, so that I can improve my "magic power". Li Ge smiled calmly, and said: "As long as the "magic power" is improved, the scale and effectiveness of magic will also increase. When I learn other magic in the future, the power and effect of these magic will not be limited. If the "magic power" is too low, it will even be trained because of the "magic power", thus exerting stronger power and effect. "

Therefore, Li Ge had already decided that his first magic must be the magic chanted in a super-short text.

Only by being the first to acquire the magic chanted by the ultra-short text, can the growth of one's future magic ability be guaranteed.

Of course, this will inevitably cause a problem.

That is, the power and effect of the magic learned by Li Ge must not be too great.

However, this problem does not exist in front of the magic of the female swordsman in front of her.

Because, the only magic possessed by Aisi, the magic that is positioned as ultra-short chant, actually belongs to the supernormal type.

Its effect is not only not weak, but it is recognized as strong.

How strong is it?

She is so strong that Ace is obviously only Lv.5, and there are still big figures of Lv.6 and Lv.7 on top of her. She can still stand out and become the strongest female swordsman in everyone's mind.


"May I ask you to use your magic?"

Li Ge made a request.

So, after being silent for a while, Ai Si responded.

"[Wake up (Tempest)]."

The wind, began to roll up.

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(End of this chapter)

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