Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 31 Ace Wallenstein

Chapter 31 Ace Wallenstein
Tower of Babel, Square.

As night fell, the magic stone lampposts around the square had been turned on one by one, allowing the magic stone lamps to emit bright light, illuminating the entire towering chalk tower.

Ai Si walked out of the giant tower, her dazzling blond hair was undisturbed, but there were traces of mess everywhere on her body.

However, even so, the girl still attracted countless eyes and became the focus of the audience.

"Look, it's Sword Fairy."

"The one from the Loki family?"

"It's still as beautiful as ever, not inferior to the goddesses at all."

"Looking at her, she seems to have just returned from the dungeon, right?"

"It's really hard work. Obviously the Loki family just returned from an expedition not long ago, and they are still drilling into the dungeon every day."

"It's already at Lv.5, and she's still the number one female swordsman in Orario."

"If only I could become a first-level adventurer."

"How easy is it?"

Amidst the discussions, eyes with various emotions focused on Aisi, some were full of surprise, some were full of admiration, some were full of envy, and some were full of jealousy.

As one of the most famous people in O'Leary, Ais, the sign of the Loki family, is destined to attract attention like this no matter where she goes, not to mention that she also has a beauty comparable to that of a goddess.

Aisi is already used to this, or she doesn't care about it.

The girl just lowered her head slightly and walked among the crowd, thinking about other things in her heart.

Or rather, she was thinking about her own business.

Looking at her back slightly, the first thing Ais thought of was today's struggle and yesterday's achievements.

ace wallenstein
Strength: D535 → D536
Durability: D531 → D532
Smart: A813
Agile: A810
Magic: A888
Hunter: G
Abnormal Resistance: G
Swordsman: I
This is the latest result obtained by Aisi after she updated her ability value with Loki yesterday.

If this result was leaked out, many people in Ola Lili would be amazed, right?

Both "Strength" and "Durability" have reached the D stage.

"Delicacy", "Agility", and "Magic Power" have all reached the A stage.

Even the development ability that can only be obtained when leveling up, Aisi has a full three, although the level is not high, but compared to the situation where no development ability is obtained when upgrading, this achievement is also called excellent, at least Enviable enough.

To put it bluntly, Aisi's ability value can occupy the highest level in Lv.5.

In Olalie, or even in the whole world, at the level of Lv.5 alone, there will not be many existences with higher ability values ​​than the current Ais.

However, thinking of her ability value, Aisi felt a little haze in her heart.

"too slow"

That's what the girl was thinking about.

In the past few days, Aisi has been working hard to explore the dungeon, and she still goes deep into floors that are difficult for ordinary adventurers to reach.

The floors she reached had to be at least 20 floors down, and she faced monsters that were at least classified as Lv.3 by the guild every day.

Ai Si was on such a floor, among such a group of monsters, killing an unknown number of enemies every day, from the dawn before dawn to the night after dark, making herself dusty and embarrassed.

But after working so hard, after a few days, in the end, the proficiency of the lower "strength" and "durability" was only increased by 1 point, and the rest of the abilities did not even move, which made Ai Si's mood change from last night. It's been a bad start.

Seeing the girl's appearance, the lord god was a little bit more talkative.

"I said, Ai Sitan, you are already doing very well. You are already at Lv.5. You can still grow after exploring the floors where the monster level is far lower than your own. If it is someone else It's impossible."

The Lord God opened his usually squinted eyes, and rarely looked at Ais seriously, saying so.

"Which child who has reached your level has not struggled for several years or even ten years to achieve such results?"

"It's only been three years since you were promoted to Lv.5. In three years, you can raise your ability value to the top of Lv.5. This potential is the highest in our family, even Finn and Ge Reese didn't grow as fast as you at Lv.5."

"We hope that you will become stronger and better, but there must be a limit to everything. Even we (the gods) will not ask you (children) to become heroes overnight. ?”

"You're already running fast, any faster you're going to fall."

"So, sometimes you have to know when enough is enough, understand?"

The persuasion from the heart of the Lord God is still vivid in my memory, echoing in Aisi's heart.

But Aisi is still dissatisfied with her growth rate.

It has been more than three years since she was promoted to Lv.5, and Aisi also knows that she has already handed in a result worthy of praise from the gods at this level.

But recently, the growth of ability value has been negligible, which makes Aisi feel a little urgent.

Like now, after fighting monsters hard in the dungeon for a few days, the overall increase in ability value is only 2 points. How can this make Ais happy?
It was the same a while ago, obviously I went on an expedition with the family, and fought in the ultra-deep layer below the 50th floor for about two weeks. During this period, I did not know how many monsters were classified as Lv.4 or higher. The growth obtained by Silk is only a total of more than ten points of proficiency improvement.

This is too slow.

It was so slow that Ace was dissatisfied.

The slowness filled Aisi's heart with haze.

Especially after seeing someone growing up at a speed that can be called a foul, Aisi's heart is not only dissatisfied, but eager and anxious.

If this continues, when will I become strong enough?

"[The Fool's Obsession]?"

Aisi thought of that skill that she had never seen or heard before, and her mind was full of distracting thoughts.

A skill that can speed up growth and increase the upper limit of potential.

Why doesn't she have such skills?

".What kind of obsession is it that makes that skill appear?"

Ability, whether magic or skill, discovered by divine favor is related to one's nature or interest.

In other words, it is the crystallization of longing, the fruit of fantasy.

It sounds like a miracle that can turn fantasies into phenomena and dreams can come true, but it is not the case.

In this world, there are almost all people who desire to become stronger quickly, but there is no one among them who has awakened this foul skill that can accelerate growth and enhance potential, right?

If you can think about it, why don't you have it?

Will my desire and mood to become stronger be lost to others?

Therefore, if you want to have a skill like [The Fool's Obsession], it is definitely not enough to just fantasize.

The more exaggerated the skill, the more amazing the effect of the skill, the more it will test the heart and essence of the person. Only when this part of the heart and essence is recognized and strong enough can it be turned into a substantial ability and appear in the favor.


"What kind of obsession made him awaken such a skill?"

Ai Si fell into deep thought about this question, and her mind was full of the face of the man who seemed to be calm and calm, but actually contained sharpness and passion in his eyes.

Ace Wallenstein yearned to be powerful.

Incomparable desire.

Because, she has a sad wish and a hatred.

For this, she must become stronger as soon as possible.

With this sad wish, this hatred, the girl is still pursuing the secret of becoming stronger today.

However, just as Ai Si was about to walk out of the square and into the main street, she noticed some commotion.

"Hurry up and go to the guild!"

"This matter must be reported up.!"

"Something happened! Something big happened!"

"An abnormal situation has occurred on the 6th floor, and some adventurers have already suffered casualties!"

A group of adventurers who had just returned from the dungeon were clamoring on the road in embarrassment. The terrified appearance and the blood stains all over their bodies made Aisi stop in her tracks.

"Abnormal situation?"

Hearing this term that made adventurers most nervous in the past, Aisi frowned slightly.

Especially the latter words made Ai Si even more concerned.

"Someone witnessed a male human swordsman fighting an unknown monster, and there was an elf girl mage next to him?"

Unfortunately, Ace just knew about such a combination.

A combination that just appeared today, which made Ai Si feel a little surprised.

That was something that Aisi just found out when she happened to hear the members of the family discussing it when she went out in the morning.

"Will it be Li Ge and Refia?"

Ace felt a little uneasy.

Will there be a second team of human swordsmen and elf mages on the upper level, which is usually a group of three?

Ace didn't think so.

"Layer 6."

Muttering something in her mouth, Aisi turned around and started running.

Goal, Tower of Babel.

Dungeon, level 6.

As soon as she entered here, the uneasiness in Aisi's heart turned into reality.

There is no reason for it.

I saw that in this floor that only newcomer adventurers would explore in the past, Aisi saw many adventurers who fell to the ground, lost their lives, were well equipped, and obviously had good strength. They should be able to venture into deeper floors. dead body.

Their deaths were extremely miserable, some were disemboweled, and some were left with only broken limbs, leaving scarlet blood all over the ground and walls, which made Ai Si feel deeply uncomfortable.

This told Aisi that there was really an abnormal situation here, and a powerful monster appeared.

The figure of the human man who left a deep impression on her heart and the descendants of the family members with good relations flashed in her mind, lying in a pool of blood. Ai Si shook her head vigorously to shake them away, but the speed was unconsciously increased.

"Is it here?"

Not long after, Aisi noticed a loud noise, like the sound of something fighting.

So Ace hurried over.

Not long after, Aisi arrived at the battlefield.

Then, she saw the familiar figure of the younger generation.


Ace cried out unconsciously.

However, the younger generation who used to run over with a moved and happy face when they heard their own shouts, now they just stared blankly ahead.

Aisi followed the prestige, and then lost her voice as well.


The giant body unique to the large species appeared in the narrow passage, making a deafening cry.

In that cry, there was anger, ferocity, rage, hysteria, and in the end, there was even a trace of fear.

Ai Si saw a huge monster that had never been seen before, roaring in pain.

In front of it, a bloody figure was charging and galloping.

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(End of this chapter)

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