Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 312 Seventh Level Magic

Chapter 312 Seventh Level Magic (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass!)
Kahn Village, in a simple big house.

At this time, all the villagers in Kahn Village were gathered here to take refuge.

Gazef stood at the door, surrounded by his subordinates, surrounded the entire house in a defensive formation, silently telling those who planned to invade here that this is the object they want to protect, and they will not be tolerated. Take another step forward.

Holding the heavy sword tightly in his hand, Gazef looked towards the direction of the plain.

There, a big battle is about to start.

"Warrior Commander." During the prelude to the war, the subordinate couldn't help asking Gazef in a low voice, "Is this really good?"

Gazef knew why his subordinates asked this question.

"Isn't it good to let that person go alone to meet the Sunshine Scripture of the Slan Theocracy?"

The subordinates felt uneasy about this.

"This is the request of Your Excellency Brihot." Gazef said without turning his head: "Since Your Excellency has said so, then we will do as we wish. It is our wish to protect the safety of the villagers. There is nothing to complain about." .”

"That's right..." The subordinate still murmured a little uneasy: "But, he alone, is there really a way to repel the entire Sunshine Sacred Book?"

It's normal for soldiers' subordinates to worry about this.

After all, the opponent is one of the six special forces of the Theocracy of Slane. The usual job is to wipe out the villages of subhumans. So far, I don't know how many powerful non-human creatures have been dealt with, and I don't know how many life-and-death hurdles have been overcome.

I don't know how many demi-human races they wiped out, ranging from goblins to lizardmen, tauren, centaurs and even giants. They all fell in front of them and were slaughtered by them.

Facing such a powerful human elite force, even Gazef with so many subordinates thought he had no chance of winning, but Li Ge asked them to stay here to protect the villagers and went to meet them alone. No matter how you look at it, this is too reckless .

However, Gazef believed that Li Ge could solve it.

"The person who can easily defeat me without even using magic, even if the opponent is the strongest dragon clan ever, can he have a chance of winning?"

Gazef said in a low voice.

"We just need to protect the villagers and wait here for the triumphant return of His Excellency Brihot."

Hearing this, all the subordinates nodded in unison, clenched their weapons tightly, and increased their alertness.

Gazef looked towards the plain again.

"I leave everything to you, Your Excellency Brihot."

The soft grunt echoed in the wind and drifted to the other side of the plain.



When a human voice sounded in the air without warning, Nigan gave a loud warning without thinking about it.


A group of clergymen of the Sunshine Sacred Scripture immediately stretched out their hands, put on a posture ready to cast magic at any time, and entered a state of alert.

They raised their heads together and looked in the direction of the sound.

In the next second, everyone in the Sunshine Scripture saw that figure.

The figure that slowly floated down from mid-air, bathed in the sunset glow and the breeze.


Negan questioned coldly.

The visitors did not answer their questions.

"We have no grievances, so I will give you a chance."

Looking down at all the people in the Sunshine Sacred Scripture, Li Ge was suspended in the air, and with a calm voice, he declared bluntly.

"Retreat now, I will let you survive."

As soon as these words came out, let alone Negan, all the people in the Sunshine Sacred Code turned cold.

"Hmph." Negan said with a sneer, "You have a serious tone. It seems that you haven't seen much of the world, kid."

Although he didn't know who Li Ge was, looking at his appearance and how he flew in the air, an impression immediately formed in Nigan's mind.

That is a fledgling genius who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

Being able to fly in the air proves that this person is a magic caster who can use the third-tier magic [Flying].

His age doesn't seem to be very high, probably not even 20 years old, which is not yet an adult in the Silian Theocracy.

The Silian Theocracy is a human race country where adults are considered adults at the age of 20. If the opponent is not even 20 years old, he will indeed be regarded as a brat by the people of this country.

The little devil who is not yet an adult can already use third-level magic. If this is not a genius, what is a genius?
It's a pity that this genius has obviously never seen the world. It is estimated that he has been receiving magic education before and has just obtained the qualification to become a teacher.

Many geniuses are like this, thinking that they are superior if they can use high-level magic at a young age, and they subconsciously don't take anyone seriously.

This is arrogance.

This is original sin.

This is an immoral psychology that people should avoid as human beings.

Negan decides to teach this genius out of nowhere a lesson.

"Press him down for me."

Negan gave orders to his subordinates.

Immediately, the Sunshine Codex, which had already put on a posture, began to cast magic collectively.

"[Confused Humanity]."






Accompanied by various kinds of magic with negative status effects being used by the clergymen of the Sunshine Sacred Code, bursts of magical brilliance also fell on Li Ge one after another.


"So that's it, do you want to choose a dead end?"

Li Ge seemed to feel nothing, still condescendingly looking down at the priests below.

"If that's the case, don't blame me."

The calm words with a little indifference made the priests of the Sunshine Code slightly taken aback.

"The magic doesn't work?"

Negan also frowned, and suddenly noticed an emerald pendant hanging around the other's neck and a dragon claw-shaped ring on his finger.

It is obviously a magic item, and the grade is not low, it seems very precious.

"Do those two magic items have the effect of resisting magic like the spirit system?"

Negan felt like he had guessed the truth.

It seems that this sudden genius is not only talented, but also has a rich background. At least he is rich enough to equip himself with such magical props.

"Then let the angels attack directly."

Negan ordered indifferently.


Hearing Negan's words, all the clergymen of the Sunshine Sacred Code drove the flame angels on the spot and let them rush towards Li Ge.

"Shu!" "Shu!" "Shu!"...

All of a sudden, inorganic angels holding flaming swords and carrying shining wings charged towards Li Ge who was in mid-air.

The sight of the legion of angels flying towards Lige from all directions gave off an indescribable sense of holiness.

At this moment, Li Ge seemed to have become a martyr, greeted by dozens of angels' flaming sword thrusts, and it was inevitable.

Under such circumstances, Li Ge raised his eyes.

"[Shock Wave]."

In the next instant, a shock wave invisible to the naked eye burst out from Li Ge's body like an explosion.


At the same time as the roaring sound resounded, the invisible impact that distorted the atmosphere suddenly bombarded dozens of flame angels, blowing them all into the air.


Negan was shocked together with many priests.

Li Ge, on the other hand, didn't even look at the angels who were blown away, but still stared at the Sunshine Sacred Book.

"Let's get rid of you all at once."

Li Ge, who said such words, clapped his hands hard suddenly, causing ethereal clapping sounds to resound throughout the plain.

Then, a scene that everyone in Sunshine Sacred will never forget appeared.


Countless dazzling white thunder lights burst out from between Li Ge's hands together, illuminating the sky that gradually turned into night.

Li Ge's whole body was bathed in the thunder light, and his clasped hands were slowly separated, so that a dragon-shaped lightning bolt appeared between the palms, where it kept galloping and making intense thunder noises.


Negan was stunned.


The people from the Sunshine Sacred Book were also stunned.

They looked at Li Ge, who gradually had a terrifying thunderbolt appearing in his hands, and couldn't help shouting in their hearts.

"what is that?"


"How could... such a thing...!?"

These words, they can only roar in their hearts, roaring in their hearts.

As for their mouths, they couldn't shout at all.

If you want to join the Sunshine Sacred Code, you must at least be able to use third-level magic.

In other words, those who can join the Sunshine Codex are basically high-level magic casters.

But precisely because they are high-level magic casters, they can understand how exaggerated and unrealistic the scene before them is.

That was a...miracle that shouldn't have appeared in this world!
"Seventh tier magic..."

Li Ge's voice spread slowly like an echo.

"[Chain Dragon Thunder]."

A higher-level thunder attribute magic than the fifth-level [Dragon Thunder] was released in Li Ge's hands.

Then, the white lightning strike, like a roaring dragon, rushed down towards the ground.


Amidst the thunderous bangs, this thick dragon-shaped lightning seemed to be alive. While burning the earth, it walked on the ground like thunder dragons in flight. The members of the Sunshine Codex were wrapped in Thunderbolt.


There was a shrill scream, and all the clerics hit by the [Chain Dragon Thunder] were bombarded and burned to death as if their whole bodies were entangled by a giant dragon shining with thunder.

The thunder light completely illuminated the coming moonlit night, causing the sound of thunder to spread far and far away for a long time.



Gazef in Kahn Village heard the thunder and raised his head involuntarily.

At this time, he discovered that at the other end of the plain, a burst of lightning kept flickering there, as if lightning had struck there, it was very dazzling.

Gazef stared at it closely, and then found that he felt palpitations.

"Is that... magic?"

Pressing his chest, Gazef endured his palpitations, stared directly at the place where the lightning flashed, and remained silent for a long time.

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(End of this chapter)

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