Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 314 "Mithril Level"

Chapter 314 "Mithril Level"

A few days later, Ye Lantel.

In the urban area of ​​this fortress city, among the bustling crowd, one can occasionally hear someone talking about something.

"We seem to have another Mithril-ranked adventurer here."

"I heard that he was promoted to the Mithril rank just the day before yesterday, right? And it looks like he rose from the lowest rank, the Bronze rank, in one go."

"Isn't that a rumor?"

"That's right, it's unheard of to go from Bronze to Mithril in one go."

"But is this true? It is said that not only did that person easily defeat many higher-level adventurers than himself when he first became an adventurer, he also accepted the invitation of the kingdom's warrior leader Gazef Strono a few days ago. At the request of my husband, I thwarted the enemy's plot outside and saved the life of the warrior commander."

"Are you talking about the warrior captain known as the strongest warrior?"

"That person is still entrusted by such a person?"

"That's no wonder."

People are talking about such things.

Especially those who are armed and obviously adventurers, when talking about this matter, they have many more details than ordinary people.

"You don't know, a few days ago, the kingdom's warrior leader brought a large army to the Adventurer's Guild, and it caused a big sensation at that time."

"Warrior Captain in the Hero Field, even the highest-ranked steel-ranked adventurers can't compare to him, can they?"

"It's such a character. When he came to the Adventurer's Guild a few days ago, he not only personally escorted the newcomer, but also directly declared to the guild leader that he was rescued by that person, because he was able to get out of the predicament and defeat him. The conspiracy of the enemy country."

"Unfortunately, the warrior leader refused to disclose the specific details, only saying that it is a state secret, so no one except the guild leader should know what happened here, right?"

"Afterwards, that rookie rose from Bronze to Mithril in one go."

"There must be many people who are dissatisfied?"

There are indeed many people who are dissatisfied.

After all, the advancement of adventurers depends on their strength and achievements. Without sufficient strength and achievements, it is impossible to increase the level of adventurers.

Merit refers to the number of commissions completed and the contribution of major events that have been participated in.

The duty of adventurers is to hunt monsters and protect weak ordinary citizens from powerful monsters. Therefore, high-level adventurers usually have completed many difficult commissions and protected many civilians from powerful monsters.

After nine deaths, I don’t know how many injuries they suffered, and how many dangers they experienced, they accumulated these achievements and were able to raise the level of adventurers. Now there is a newcomer who just became an adventurer a few days ago and is working hard for the country. And rising up in one breath, anyone would be dissatisfied with this, let alone a fresh-blooded adventurer.

It is worth mentioning that in the fortress city E-Rantier, the highest-ranked adventurers are Mithril-ranked.

Orichalcum-level and fine-steel-level adventurers are rare in number and have a wide range of activities. Generally, they will not stay in a city.

Therefore, the resident adventurers in E-Rantel are only up to Mithril level.

In other words, this person not only raised the adventurer level in one go, but also directly rose to the Mithril level, the highest level in E-Rantel. It is conceivable what kind of sensation this will cause and how many people will feel unconvinced.

"Thanks to this, the nearest guild is very lively."

"At the beginning, there were a lot of protesters. Some said it was unfair, and some accused the newcomer of violating the guild's regulations and participating in international events. Some people thought that the entrustment of resolving international conflicts could not be regarded as the credit of adventurers. , in short, there are all kinds of reasons.”

"But now, those voices have disappeared, right?"

"Who made that person swear harshly at the guild? Anyone who doesn't agree with him can come and challenge him. As long as he can successfully touch him, he will not only return the mithril medal given by the guild, but also send a big bag of gold nuggets? "

"It's been a few days now, and the number of people who challenged him is unknown. There are even platinum-level adventurers among them. In the end, they were all easily defeated, and they couldn't even touch him. Once."

"Many veteran adventurers have said that that person is definitely more than Mithril."

"That's right, to be able to defeat many adventurers including the Platinum level so easily, he must be at least at the Orichalcum level, or even at the Fine Steel level."

Conversations like this have frequently appeared among adventurers in the past few days, and many adventurers who have recently returned from outside missions know about it.

"By the way, what's the name of the newcomer?"

"It seems to be called Rieger Brihaut?"

"Yes, that's the name."

Several adventurers were talking like this while walking on the road.


"Sorry to bother you."

A thick voice suddenly sounded from behind the group of people, which surprised all the adventurers.

They turned around subconsciously, looked behind them, and then saw a tall figure.

It was a warrior wearing a pitch-black full-body armor, including his head, hands, and feet, so that no specific appearance could be seen at all.

There is a red cloak behind the full body armor of the warrior. Under the cloak, two huge swords with exaggerated sizes can be vaguely seen, creating an extraordinary pressure, which shocked the few adventurers who only had silver ranks. .

Behind the warrior was a man aged between 15 and 20, with slender eyes, thick ponytail black hair, delicate snow-white skin, and exotic beauty. He was wearing a dark brown robe with a waist A woman with a sword.

Such a combination gives people a sense of contrast between Beauty and the Beast, no matter which aspect you look at, they are quite eye-catching and full of force.

"What, what are you doing?"

Several adventurers stammered as if they were frightened.

The pitch-black warrior standing in front of them turned a blind eye to this and asked.

"Sorry, I just want to ask, what is the name of the adventurer you mentioned just now?"

Hearing this, several adventurers looked at each other in blank dismay.

"It's Rigo Brihaut, isn't it?"

Seeing this, the dark warrior calmly spoke again to confirm.

"Yes, yes."

"That's the name..."

"Is there a problem?"

Several adventurers responded.

"No, I just want to confirm." The dark warrior nodded and said, "I'm bothering you."

After saying that, the dark warrior turned and left, and the beautiful woman behind him followed immediately, leaving the adventurers here to continue looking at each other, not understanding what happened for a long time.

But at this moment, the woman following behind the dark warrior spoke out.

"Ainz the Great..."

In a word, before the woman finished speaking, she was interrupted by the dark warrior.

"My current name is Feifei, not the Ainz-sama you mentioned."

There is no doubt that this person is a full-level player who traveled from "YGGDRASIL", the ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, a dark warrior who once met Li Ge and traded information with him—— flying bat.

No, he is no longer called Momonga, but just like the development of the original book, he has changed his name to the name of the guild he belonged to in "YGGDRASIL" --- Ainz Ooal Gown.

However, the flying squirrel in the past and the current Ainz clearly did not intend to reveal his true identity here.

Therefore, he said something to the entourage beside him in a slightly stern tone.

"Now I am not Ainz Ooal Gown, and you are not Naberal Gamma, the battle maid of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, but Nabe, Feifei's partner who is about to become an adventurer, stop talking Wrong words, you know?"

Under Ainz's soft reprimand, Narberal lowered her head.

"Yes, I'm very sorry, Master Feifei."

"Don't call me an adult either. We are adventurers who form a partner. In principle, we are companions, not subordinates."

"But, how could you be so rude to the Supreme Being?"

"……This is an order."

"...Yes, Mr. Feifei."

The conversation between the two did not attract anyone's attention.

People were only amazed by the appearance of this male and female combination, some were amazed by the magnificent and expensive full body armor on Ainz, some were amazed by Narberal's beauty, no one heard their conversation content.

People who were attracted by Ainz and Narberal would not know that the pair walking on the street at this time were not human beings at all.

They are aliens.

They are inhuman monsters.

They are visitors from another world with power far superior to the natives of this world. For this world, they are undoubtedly invaders and are very likely to be enemies in the future.

Of course, none of this has happened yet.

Only then did Narberal say what she was going to say just now.

"The Lige Brihaut mentioned by those bugs just now is the intelligence dealer who appeared near Nazarick a few days ago?"

This is what Narberal wanted to say just now.

"...Not sure, but maybe it is?" Ainz's skull eye sockets under the helmet flashed red, and he said in a low voice, "It's only a few days, and there is a high possibility that the other party is still active around here."

"Then how should we deal with him?" Narberal said with a murderous look in his eyes, "He has seen you and Lord Demiurge before, and if he met here, he might have unnecessary suspicion on us. "

"Indeed." Ainz said in a deep voice, "I didn't have you by my side a few days ago, and now that Demiurge is gone, it's replaced by a woman with a conspicuous appearance like you. Generally speaking, there will be doubts, right?"

"There are also many doubts about him. According to others, he seems to have just become an adventurer. Before that, he said that his main occupation is an adventurer. It is very suspicious."

"Also, I may have revealed too many secrets to him."

"In this way, this person can't ignore it."

Speaking of this, Ainz's tone was also full of distress.

He had to admit that he might have made a mistake in making an intelligence transaction with Li Ge.

(End of this chapter)

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