Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 335 [Wish on the Stars]

Chapter 335 [Wish on the Stars]

Facts have proved that although Ainz is no longer a human being, this guy still pays attention to the most basic integrity.

That night, Li Ge received a message from Ainz.

"Your reward is ready, come and get it."

The place of payment that Ainz gave Li Ge after saying such words was not any other place, but the prairie at the junction of the Kingdom, Empire, and Theocracy when the two met for the first time, that is, Nana. Near the Great Underground Tomb of Salik.

Apparently, the goods were still extremely cautious, thinking that it would be safest to deliver the goods to Li Ge near their home base.

Li Ge had no objection to this, and after receiving the news, he used [Advanced Teleportation] to leave Ye-Rantel and head for the prairie.

Around midnight, Li Ge successfully arrived here.

And here, Ainz, as if he had been waiting for a long time, greeted Li Ge with a few people who had used illusions to cover up their real faces.

Beside Ainz, there were treasure boxes piled up one after another.

Li Ge first glanced at the treasure chests, then looked around and spoke to Ainz.

"Every time you see me, you have to put on this battle, isn't it a bit too exaggerated?"

Naturally, Li Ge was referring to those people who surrounded him in the dark like when they met for the first time.

No, it wasn't just the case when they met for the first time. When Ainz came to confront Li Ge during the day, Li Ge was once again surrounded by this invisible "alien army".

That's why when Li Ge stepped into the room provided by the guild for him to talk with Ainz, he stopped for a moment.

Now, for the third time, he has been treated like this, and he has had it.

"...No way, facing you, if I don't make multiple preparations and defenses, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it with ease."

Ainz lifted the subject and pointed to the treasure box next to him.

"This is a magic item I have prepared. It can fill in the magic information that I will lack to pay later. You can go and check it later."

With that said, Ainz instructed the few people he had brought with him to open the box.

Immediately, Li Ge saw the contents of those treasure chests.

Inside, some were neatly stacked with scrolls, some with pieces of magic-sealing crystals, and some with walking sticks of different lengths. Few, it can barely be called a dazzling array.

Among them, the more parts are scrolls, which are filled with several treasure boxes, and the relatively few parts are those walking sticks of different lengths, which are not even enough to pile up a treasure box.

These are all magic props that can be used to cast magic.

Needless to say, the magic-sealing crystal can seal the magic of any level from the first level to the tenth level. It is a disposable item, and each crystal contains a kind of magic.

The scroll is a kind of magic prop similar to the sealing magic crystal. It is made by melting gold coins on the parchment, drawing a magic circle, and then using magic to make it. Both are disposable items, but the magical power released by using the scroll is basically at the lowest level, so it is much cheaper than the magic sealing crystal, even in this world, it is not uncommon.

And those canes of different lengths are mainly divided into short canes and staffs.

These two kinds of magic props are precious treasures that can activate the magic contained in them a certain number of times.

In other words, it is a magic sealing crystal or magic scroll that can be used repeatedly.

The difference between the two lies in the conditions of use.

When using the magic in the short staff, in principle, only magic casters who can use the system where the magic is located can use it successfully.

For example, a short staff infused with the first-level faith-based magic [healing minor wounds] can only be used by magic casters of the faith system, and magic casters who are proficient in other systems of magic cannot use it successfully.

Such restrictions actually exist on magic scrolls.

When using the magic in the magic scroll, you must be able to use that magic, or you must have this magic in the magic that you can learn at present, otherwise you will not be able to use the magic scroll.

The conditions for using the scepter are looser than those of the magic scroll, but it still exists, and not everyone can use it.

In contrast, staves have no such restrictions.

A staff is a precious magic item that can be freely used by magic casters of different systems, so its value is much higher than that of a short staff.

However, the wand also has flaws. The magic power and effect time it releases are fixed. The effect time can only maintain about half of the normal time, and the power is only three quarters of the original power. It is not a big regret.

Now, Ainz prepared different numbers of magic scrolls, magic-sealing crystals, short staffs, and staves to pay for the lack of magic.

"The few people I brought here can use part of the magic that even I don't know. In addition to the magic that I can show myself, if there is no accident, it should just meet the agreed number."

When Ainz said that, Li Ge nodded casually.

Today, Ainz asked Li Ge a total of twelve questions. Based on the price of one hundred spells per question, he would need to show Li Ge 1000 or two hundred types of magic.

This has far exceeded the amount of magic that Ainz possessed.

In particular, Li Ge also asked Ainz to prepare various types of magic with different systems, different effects, and different types for him. This undoubtedly created another problem for Ainz.

After all, Ainz is a magic caster who is extremely specialized in necromancy magic. He is best at necromancy magic. It's not like he doesn't know the magic of other systems, but those magic spells are obviously not enough to pay Li Ge.

In desperation, Ainz could only put in a lot of painstaking efforts and money, and recruited a few servants from the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick to show off the magic he didn't know, and paid for the missing part with magic props, making up 1000 taels Hundreds of magic.

"The rest is super magic."

Ainz threw a piece of parchment to Li Ge.

"I've written all the super-level magics I know here, so you can choose one of them."

Hearing this, Li Ge took the parchment without wasting any time, and directly browsed it.

It is indeed recorded that there are several kinds of super magic.

Li Ge saw several familiar names on it, all of which were super-level magic used by Ainz in the original book.

For example, after it is activated, it can generate ultra-high temperature, burning everything within the range, and the heat is enough to make the earth crystallize super-level magic——【Sky Falling】.

For example, super-level magic that can change the climate of the sky——[Heaven and Earth Change].

Another example is a range-type instant death magic that can cause all the people within a certain range to die suddenly, and summon monsters like "Black Goat Cubs" in proportion to the number of dead people——[Dark Feng Rang's Sacrifice].

These magics all have terrifying power or effects that can determine the outcome of a war in an instant, and they are worthy of the name of magic above the tenth rank.

To be honest, Li Ge was quite moved.

Especially the super magic of [Sky Falling], it was almost as if it was tailor-made for Li Ge.

From the description of this magic, it can be seen that it is a magic of fire attribute or light attribute. Once this kind of magic falls into the hands of Li Ge, after the boost of [Sun Wheel Pioneer], the power effect will be doubled. It is conceivable how terrifying it will become at that time.

If there is really no choice that is extremely satisfactory, Li Ge will definitely choose this magic.

However, Li Ge suppressed the urge to choose this magic.

There are two reasons.

One was that he knew that Ainz would use this magic in the future, and he would have a chance to go whoring for nothing at that time, so there was no need to waste an opportunity to choose this magic.

One is that he has already thought about which super-level magic to use this opportunity to choose.

It was a very foul magic in the eyes of Li Ge, and even in the eyes of many people.

——【Wish on the Stars】.

In "YGGDRASIL", this is a super magic that randomly produces various effects once it is used.

Its activation needs to consume experience points. The more experience points are consumed, the more effects will appear randomly. Users can choose one of these effects to realize, that is, to realize their wishes.

After this super-level magic came to this world, it has become an incredible magic that can realize the wishes in one's heart, and turn the impossible into possible according to the expended experience points.

Super magic that can make wishes come true!
Although there is a price, is there any magic more worth learning than this kind of magic?

"I choose this!"

Li Ge chose this magic without hesitation, pointed to the words "Wish on a Star" on the parchment, and spoke to Ainz.

"……it is good."

Ainz glanced at it, and then cast a slightly weird look at Li Ge.

The current Ainz hadn't used super-level magic in this world, so he didn't know what an incredible power the [Wish on a Star] had turned into in reality.

Therefore, Ainz nodded and agreed without much hesitation.

Next, Ainz took several of his subordinates and began to demonstrate magic in front of Li Ge.

This display lasted almost one night.

When it was almost dawn, Li Ge took Ainz and others away to show the results of the whole night, and also took away the treasure chests full of scrolls, crystals and walking sticks.

These scrolls, crystals, and staffs all carry magic, and Li Ge has obtained detailed information about those magics from Ainz. Under such circumstances, as long as he uses these props once, the magic carried in these props will also Learned by him.

One kind of super-level magic and 1000 or [-] kinds of level magic, Li Ge already got them all.

This time, he really came back with a full load.


Before leaving, Li Ge said something to Ainz.

"Afterwards, I will probably watch the battle between you and the guardian of your house."

"Don't be unwelcome then?"

After leaving such a sentence that made Ainz frown, Li Ge left satisfied.

 37 degrees, the fever is almost gone.

  The fever should be completely gone by tomorrow.Two chapters will be updated as appropriate today, and all burns will be canceled tomorrow, and the update will be resumed immediately.

  Please forgive me for the inconvenience.

(End of this chapter)

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