Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 372 Let me go on an adventure

Chapter 372 Let Me Go on an Adventure

To put it simply, it is a disguised form of borrowing a knife to kill someone.

Judging from the current situation, even if the Slian Theocracy has any hole cards, it is unlikely to be used before a crisis arises.

That being the case, then let the Slan Theocracy be in crisis, right?

However, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick did not want to take the hole card of the Theocracy of Slane and cause losses. In this way, the hole card used to block the Theocracy of Slane was used to test out the opponent's hiding place for the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. The object of the means can only be chosen from other places.

The Kingdom was the first object chosen by Nazarick.

That's why Albedo and Demiurge proposed to Ainz to bring the conflict to the kingdom and let the kingdom test the Theocracy's methods.

In other words, their purpose is to completely sow the relationship between the Kingdom and the Church, causing war between the two countries.

That's why Shalltear swindled defeat to the Dark Scripture, lured the Dark Scripture from the Theocracy, and then led the opponent to the kingdom's capital.

Then, after confirming that the prey was in the cage, Demiurge would use his special ability to dominate others to forcibly take away the sanity of the people of the Black Codex, causing them to cause trouble in the capital of the kingdom.

As long as the information is cleverly leaked to the royal family and nobles of the kingdom, making them think that the Dark Codex is going crazy to annihilate the monsters that attacked the city of their own land, and if there is a killing spree in the royal capital, the royal family and nobles will definitely hate it completely. The Theocracy created an irreconcilable conflict with the Theocracy.

In order to achieve this goal, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick also sent people to the vicinity of the capital to use the magic of [Final War · Good] at the beginning of the plan.

[Final War · Good] is a magic that can summon a large number of high-ranking angels, ranking the tenth in the highest rank.

As we all know, the Silian Theocracy is a country with extremely strong religious beliefs. It worships the six great gods and regards angels as the messengers of the gods. Domestic priests and magic casters of related professions often use angel summoning magic to fight against the enemy.

For example, the members of the Sunshine Codex, including Negan, all use the third-level and fourth-level angel summoning magic, and by driving monsters like angels to publicize that they are believers in gods, they are inspired by the gods. A blessed citizen of Theocracy.

If there are a large number of angels invading the capital and wreaking havoc in the capital, and there are people from the dark scriptures making trouble here, it will be impossible for Naslian to get rid of the blame of the Theocracy, let alone their extreme hatred It is not incomprehensible that demihumans and aliens will go crazy in order to fight against powerful monsters that defile the country.

As long as this goal is achieved, the mission of the dark scripture will be completed.

At that time, Nazarick will kill the people of the Dark Codex, avenge Shalltear, and completely anger the Theocracy, making the conflict between the Theocracy and the Kingdom even more irreconcilable.

After all, the Dark Codex will be killed in the capital of the Re-Estij Kingdom, and the Kingdom will also have to bear the blame.

In this way, it is impossible for the two countries not to go to war.

This is Nazarick's plan.

They also planned to involve the surrounding empires, holy kingdoms, and reviewing countries, setting off a war that swept across the western countries of the mainland.

In this way, while they are hiding in the dark and doing things to weaken the power of the major countries, they can calculate the teaching country and test out the teaching country's hole cards. In the end, if all goes well, they can annihilate all the surrounding countries in one go, so that The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick came to the fore, causing the name "Ainz Ooal Gown" to spread throughout the continent.

For Shalltear, this is a grand revenge plan.

For the Guardians such as Albedo and Demiurge, this was a conquest plan for Nazarick to gradually occupy the world.

For Ainz, this was a plan to make "Ainz Ooal Gown" famous, spread it thoroughly, and attract companions who were likely to be transferred to this world.

In short, there are many rings to this plan, and there are many benefits. Ainz has made this plan the top priority for the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick to gain a foothold in this world.

The premise is that everything goes well.

So far, the plan is going well.

The Dark Codex has been drawn out, and Demiurge has also used his special skills to control the members of the Black Codex who just quit. Except for one person who failed to control them and could only be detained temporarily, only A [Undead Jue Ming] escaped unharmed because he stayed by Li Ge's side.

Now, those controlled members of the dark scriptures have gone crazy in the royal capital, and the people of Nazarick lurking in the royal capital have also launched [Final War · Good] and summoned the angel army, let them cooperate The members of the Dark Codex attacked the capital, and as long as the incident was big enough, the Dark Codex would die, and Shalltear's revenge could be avenged.

Nazarick also controlled a princess in the kingdom, and controlled the [Eight Fingers] organization. In the future, there will be ways to make troubles and let the kingdom send troops to fight against the teaching country.

Ainz also sent other guardians to other countries, ready at any time to sow dissension, lest one kingdom is not enough to teach the country to fight, and even the other's cards cannot be forced.

Now, the only remaining destabilizing factor is one.

That is Rieger.

That's why Ainz appeared like this, bringing four guardians to block Lige.

He must not let this variable appear.

Ainz would not choose to tell Li Ge about these things, otherwise, once the information was leaked, there might be no way to further develop the plan.

Now that Li Ge questioned this matter, Ainz naturally would not choose to tell it frankly.

"I just want to retaliate against the Theocracy."

With such a sentence, he took all the explanations and explanations in one stroke.

Seeing Ainz like this, Li Ge was also silent.

After a while, Li Ge seemed to give up thinking.

"Forget it, it's not bad." Li Ge said flatly, "Anyway, what I'm going to do won't change."

Ainz reacted to Li Ge's words.

"...In other words, do you really plan to be our enemy?"

Ainz whispered in such a low voice that one could clearly feel that if there were brows on his skeleton face, those brows must have been deeply wrinkled.

To this, Li Ge answered in this way.

"You say that as if it's so strange."

Li Ge spread out a hand and pointed to the urban area below.

There, the buildings were still burning, the angels were still raging, and the innocent people were fleeing everywhere, causing screams, crying, screams, etc. to be heard unceasingly.

Rieger said so.

"As long as you are still a human being, if you still have a sense of being a human being in your heart, you won't be indifferent to this scene, right?"

Li Ge, who said such words, had an unusually calm expression, and could even be said to be indifferent.

"...You don't look like the kind of kind person who hates evil."

Ainz expressed his opinion like this.

"Of course I'm not a good person, just like you." Li Ge stared at Ainz, and said, "But I would like to ask you, if it was you in the past, would you see this picture?" Jingjing, what will you do?"

"If it was...you when you were human."

Hearing this, Ainz fell silent.

But he was not silent for long.

"I will run away." Ainz replied truthfully: "If I am really the ordinary and ordinary me before, what can I do? I can only run away?"

"This is the biggest difference between me and you." Li Ge smiled, and said: "If it were me, I might rush into the fire instead? Because that would be very exciting!"

The implication is that Li Ge is still the same now, choosing to rush into the fire.

"I'm really not a good person who hates evil and hates evil, but if I see an unfortunate person who falls when passing by, I will still help him up, unless he wants to blackmail me."

"I can't say there are no guys who are indifferent to people screaming in front of them, but that doesn't seem to include me."

"This is the so-called human nature."

Li Ge's voice spread slowly.

"If you were a human being before, you would definitely understand what you said."

"But you are no longer. You have become an undead, a monster, no longer a human, and you are gradually losing your emotions as a human."

"So you can make cruel decisions for the interests of Nazarick and yourself without hesitation. Even if you take the initiative to start a war and make several countries lose their lives because of your actions, you can do it. Moved."

"Since this is the case, is it incomprehensible for someone to come out to be your enemy, hinder you, and want to knock you down?"

As he spoke, Li Ge smiled lightly.

"Let alone say that this person is me."

"Don't talk about other things, just talk about the battle itself. I actually really hope to be able to fight with you?"

"I, I sincerely hope that you can put pressure on me and let me go on an adventure."

With the appearance of such a declaration, Li Ge's transparent world seemed to loosen a little, allowing the dou qi that had been sealed up all the time to burst out like a mountain and sea in an instant.

"whispering sound……!"

Albedo was speechless.

"Is it still like this?"

Demiurge was not surprised at all.

"The strong enemy has appeared."

Cocytus spoke in a deep voice.

"I have already said, that kind of guy, just kill him!"

Shalltear no longer concealed her sadism, and became ferocious.

Even Ainz raised his head and looked at Lige.

"I regret that."

His voice started to become cold and without any emotion.

"If possible, I don't want to be your enemy, but now it seems that things are backfired."

"In that case, let me get rid of you here, Rieger Brehaut."

"You are really in the way."

As soon as these words came out, the world froze.

Time, at this moment, was stopped.

Undoubtedly, this is the tenth-level time-based magic——[Time Stop].

The initiator was naturally Ainz.

He used magic without chant, and cast the magic [Time Stop] instantly.

"Sure enough, like the information provided by Shalltear, you didn't take any time countermeasures."

As the only one who was still able to move, Ainz couldn't help laughing as he looked at Lige who was in a state of standstill.

(End of this chapter)

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