Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 462 "Tintagel"

I don't know if it's because of a new understanding of the Dimensional Rubik's Cube. In Li Ge's feeling, this time's dimensional shuttle seems to be a little different from the previous few times.


Rieger thinks so.

After all, the feeling of losing the body during the dimensional shuttle, and the consciousness swimming lightly to the other end of the dimensional channel in a soul-like state, is no different from the past.

The only difference may be that Li Ge unintentionally thought of something.

"When Liz's ancestors traveled through dimensions, did they also use this dimensional passage like me?"

With this feeling that he didn't know when, Li Ge kept flying forward, until at a certain moment, the weight of his body and the feeling of being down-to-earth returned.


Li Ge immediately opened his eyes.

However, what caught Li Ge's eyes was not the characteristic scenery of another world, but a dead and silent closed space.

All around are stone walls.

The air was a bit dull and weird, as if something was mixed in, which made Li Ge feel that the magic power in his body produced some reactions that were different from usual.

For a split second, Li Ge almost thought that he had returned to the body of the underground monster Yarakuron, and came to the world like a huge cave, but compared with the body of Yarakulon, it was undoubtedly much smaller.

"Where is this?"

Li Ge subconsciously prepared to open the transparent world.

At this moment, a somewhat surprised and timid voice came from the side.

"You, who are you?"

When the voice sounded, Li Ge turned around almost reflexively, and looked towards the source of the sound.

In the next second, Li Ge saw a young girl.

It was a girl imprisoned in a dungeon, hugging her knees, squatting in a corner, looking at Li Ge's side with astonished and surprised eyes.

From the outside, the girl seems to be only about 15 years old. She is the same age as Liz. She is dressed in a simple style, like old clothes worn by village girls, which makes the girl's supposedly exquisite appearance ordinary. It made her long golden hair in the shape of twin ponytails seem to have lost the brilliance it should have, and became ordinary.

"You are……?"

Seeing this young girl, Li Ge was also shocked.

But immediately after, Li Ge's expression changed, and he suddenly activated the magic that had been processed without the effect of chant effect——【Completely Unknowable】.


The girl in the dungeon suddenly let out a sound of surprise.

There is no way, anyone who sees the person who was in front of him just now disappearing suddenly will react like a girl.

However, the girl's reaction was met with rude footsteps.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the girl seemed to understand something, she quickly put away her surprised expression, and there was a glimmer of gloom in her eyes.

Under such circumstances, a figure came to the dungeon.

It was a dwarf-like rugged old man with a big beard and a very rough look.

"……Give you."

The old man threw a few fruit-like fruits into the dungeon, and said something to the girl in a merciless voice.

"Tomorrow, Woodworth will bring the execution team to Tintagel, and we will hand you over to him."

The dwarf who said such words looked at the girl in the dungeon as if he was looking at something dirty, and after a few seconds, he spat out.

"Be prepared, you impostor."

Leaving such words, the dwarf turned and left, and the dungeon returned to silence.


An indescribable silence suddenly filled the air.

The girl in the dungeon carefully picked up the fallen fruit, wiped it on her clothes a few times, and then whispered to her surroundings.

"Excuse me... are you still here?"

The girl's overly cautious appearance really makes people feel a little pitiful.

So, the young man who had been staying here and watching what happened just now appeared in front of the dungeon.

"Ah, it really is here."

The girl opened her eyes slightly, as if feeling very surprised.

Li Ge took a deep look at the other party and said, "I thought you would expose me."

Li Ge was referring to the fact that he broke into here and disappeared.

He has already realized that his dimensional travel this time is not like the previous few times, either appearing on the streets with people coming and going, or appearing in the deserted mountains, but came to an obviously owned place. A place, a private realm.

This is an underground dungeon, a cage used to imprison others.

Li Ge's current situation is equivalent to intruding into someone else's prison where important prisoners are held, and the girl is the person imprisoned by the other party.

Therefore, Li Ge thought that the girl would accidentally expose his breaking into the prison.

But the girl was obviously smarter than she appeared on the outside, and she didn't reveal that there was an outsider here just now.

"...I just subconsciously concealed it."

The girl said so in a low voice, causing Li Ge to shrug his shoulders.

He wasn't in a hurry to go out, it didn't look like he had strayed into someone else's important territory, but he started talking to the girl.

"Do you want me to rescue you?"

Li Ge looked at the girl in the dungeon rather curiously.

"is it okay?"

The girl was a little embarrassed and a little unconfident.

If possible, she certainly hoped that someone would let her out.

Otherwise, at this time tomorrow, she will have to be handed over to the terrifying execution team, and the possibility of her successful escape will probably be much lower then.

However, is it possible for this mysterious person who suddenly appeared in front of him to save himself?

Save has been hated from the beginning to the end, not welcomed by anyone, only treated as a valuable item, and now even the only value has been lost.

Thinking of this, another haze appeared in the girl's eyes.

However, what happened next surprised the girl.


I saw that a knife suddenly appeared in the hand of the mysterious boy and was held in his hand.

It was a high temperature exuding knife with red veins all over its body, forming a divine pattern, it was an extraordinary knife at a glance.


The young man drew his sword and slashed at an astonishing speed. The black knife exuding high temperature was like cutting paper. With the sound of gold and iron, the iron bars of the cell were cut off extremely easily.

"Okay, come out."

The boy who put away his knife and stood there stretched out his hand towards the girl sitting in the corner of the dungeon as if he had done a trivial thing.


The girl stared blankly at this scene, unable to react at all.

"Come out."

The boy immediately urged, causing the girl to tremble all over, subconsciously stretched out her hand, and held it.

From the opponent's hand, a warmth that had never been felt before passed through the palm of the hand, causing the girl to slightly open her eyes again.

Just like that, the boy pulled the girl out of the dungeon, like a knight who rescued the princess from the evil castle, powerful and handsome.

The girl's pretty face without makeup turned red without a trace.

However, when the girl reacted, she panicked again.

"Oops!" The girl said in a panic, "Let's go!"

"what happened?"

Li Ge showed a puzzled expression.

The girl said so.

"The goblins of the Wind Clan are guarding this dungeon!" The girl said quickly, "The goblins of the Wind Clan have the most sensitive ears, and they must have heard the sound of you cutting the iron bars just now. !"

Just as the girl's voice fell, Li Ge had already heard the sound of messy footsteps approaching here quickly.

Not long after, several figures appeared here.

It was different from the dwarves just now, with a good appearance and a tall stature, with pointed ears, very similar to the elves in the Earth Wrong World.

As soon as they appeared, they immediately spotted Li Ge and the girl standing in front of the destroyed dungeon.

All of a sudden, these beings, whom the girl called the fairies of the Wind Clan, let out a roar.

"Caster escaped!"

"The counterfeit Son of Prophecy has escaped!"

"How dare she escape?"

"Go! Catch them!"

The goblins of the Wind Clan roared and rushed forward.

Surprisingly, their clothes are obviously not luxurious, and they can even be said to be the same as girls, very old, dressed like rural villagers somewhere, but their skills are exceptionally good, they are not even the slightest Not inferior to Lv.5.

"At least Lv.5 villagers?"

This joke is really big.

Li Ge, who was thinking so in his heart, did not move slowly at all.


He slowly drew his sword, as if preparing to attack.

"and many more!"

Seeing this, the girl quickly yelled.

"Don't hurt them!"

This cry caused Li Ge, who was about to draw his sword to attack, to stop and use magic instead.

"[Magical Resistance Difficulty Strengthening · Restraining All Races of the Group]."

Along with Li Ge's chanting, a magic circle expanded on the ground.




The fairies of the Wind Clan who were rushing towards this side were immediately imprisoned by Li Ge's binding magic, and their entire bodies were bound there by invisible chains, unable to move.

They struggled with all their strength, and they actually spewed out a good amount of magical power, bursting out with astonishing power, and under Li Ge's binding magic, they could still move to a certain extent.


Li Ge looked at these goblins and became interested all of a sudden.

He didn't expect to encounter such a situation.

It's just a few small people like minions, but they are able to display such a power far beyond human beings. Li Ge also encountered this situation in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

There are quite high-level servants on every floor there. When Li Ge invaded, they rushed towards him like a herd of beasts, which made Li Ge really happy for a long time.

Now, a few minion-like little people can actually have such power, which undoubtedly aroused the exciting side in Li Ge's heart.

But the girl at the side seemed to be able to see through Li Ge's heart, and grabbed him.

"Now, let's run away!"

The girl didn't give Li Ge a chance to hurt the villagers, and dragged him to the entrance of the dungeon.

"Give...stop for me...!"

"Don't run...!"

"You... counterfeit...!"

The bound goblins were still struggling there, talking loudly, which made the eyes of the girl who dragged Li Ge towards the entrance dim.

When Li Ge saw him, he frowned unconsciously, but he didn't say anything, letting the girl pull him and ran out of the ground.

The two just ran on the steps for a while before the entrance appeared.

The next moment, the boy and the girl left the ground together, returned to the ground, and saw the sky.

Li Ge immediately looked around and took in the surrounding terrain.

This seems to be some kind of remote countryside, surrounded by simple houses, you can vaguely see the fields, the pastures, and the prairie connected to the other end of the horizon, the scenery is quite pleasant.

"The village?"

Li Ge remembered what the dwarf said at the beginning.

The other party claimed that at this time tomorrow, an execution team would come to Tintagel, so this village is the Tintagel that the other party said, right?

"Then this girl really is..."

Li Ge glanced at the girl next to him, then turned his eyes and looked forward.

In that direction, there are one after another figures rushing towards this side.

"Quick! Go quickly!"

"Something must have happened over there!"

"The guys from the Wind Clan are really useless, they can't even look down on a counterfeit!"

"Where are the guys from the Fang Clan? Tell them to go there first!"

"We don't need you to tell us!"

In this way, among the figures rushing this way, several suddenly broke away from the group, bursting out with terrifying physical abilities, while landing on all fours like beasts, running wildly on the ground, while still jumping high towards this side. Come on, some jumped onto the roofs of several buildings, like the legendary savages.

"This, this is terrible!" The girl panicked again, and said with a pale face: "Even the goblins from the Fangzhi clan have come, what should I do?"

Li Ge immediately looked at this anxious and flustered girl in a bad mood, not only was not frightened by her words, but felt that she was noisy.

Want to fight?
Li Ge began to think about such things.

"never mind."

Thinking of the girl's attitude towards these goblins who imprisoned her just now, Li Ge knew that this person would not want to see the goblins in the village hacked to death by him.

Although it's a bit regretful that I can't try the skills of the fairies in Fairy Kingdom, but anyway, I have a long time to come, and I am new here, so let's go here first this time.

"come here."

Li Ge stretched out his hand and hugged the girl up.


The girl suddenly let out a cry.

Don't get me wrong, it's not because Li Ge touched something that shouldn't be touched, nor is it because of how ambiguous his hugging posture is.

The boy just regarded the girl as his carry-on luggage with an indifferent face, and hugged her on the side of his abdomen.

That's right, the kind that pinches the opponent under the armpit.

"This, what kind of pose is this! It's too embarrassing!"

The girl blushed almost to the point of tears.

"[Advanced teleportation]."

Li Ge ignored the girl, activated the teleportation magic, and disappeared in place.

About ten seconds later, those figures rushing from the village rushed into the basement.


"I can't find it at all!"

"Damn! How could this be...!?"

"Go and find her! We must find her!"

"Yes! Give her to Woodworth! Let Woodworth execute her publicly!"

"We don't need a fake son of prophecy!"

Amidst such roars, the figures in the basement rushed out again and spread out in all directions of the village.

They launched a carpet search, intending to catch the fleeing girl.

They didn't realize at all that the person they were looking for was actually right above their heads.

Li Ge appeared here without a sound, suspended in mid-air, the outline of his body wrapped in a faint blue magic light, condescendingly looking down at the village below, and let him cover his mouth to prevent himself from screaming The girl didn't know how many times she opened her eyes wide.

"This, is this magic?" The girl looked at Li Ge as if she was looking at some magical animal, and said in astonishment, "You can still fly?"

"Not only can I fly, but I can also swim in the sea." Li Ge glanced at the girl under his arm, and said, "Do you want to try?"

From this position, Li Ge could see a coast on the border of the village.

In other words, this place is close to the sea, if Li Ge really wants to take the girl to swim in the water, it is absolutely possible.

"No thanks!"

The girl seemed to see that Li Ge's words were not joking, so she quickly said loudly that she didn't even make subconscious struggles.

Honest and well-behaved.jpg
"So you're afraid?"

Li Ge couldn't help laughing.

"...Speaking as if others wouldn't be the same."

The girl teased in a low voice.

Li Ge ignored it and landed towards a hill near the village.

Although this place is very close to the village, it is unlikely that those goblins will search for it in a short while.

Li Ge and the girl landed smoothly, landed on the peak of the hill, and stepped on the unexpectedly soft and comfortable grass.

"That...can you let me down?"

The girl begged humbly.

Li Ge didn't reply, but just put the girl down.

"Thank you." The girl finally calmed down, and while bowing to Li Ge, she thanked: "Thanks to you, I don't need to be handed over to the execution squad tomorrow."

The girl's somewhat masochistic words sounded like she was having fun in pain.

"Don't worry about it." Li Ge said indifferently: "Even without me, you should be out of trouble soon."

"Ahaha." The girl scratched her head and said, "You think highly of me, as you can see, I'm just an ordinary country girl, and maybe the weakest elf in Tintagel. People, it is impossible to escape from the dungeon no matter what."

As she said that, the girl spoke as if she wanted to change the subject.

"By the way, I haven't asked your name yet, and I haven't introduced myself yet."

The girl put down her hands and showed a gentle smile to Li Ge.

"I'm Artoria Castor, please give me your advice."

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