Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 487 The Bloody Fairy

New Darlington.

This is a city near the east coast of Great Britain, the country of fairies.

This city was once deserted until it was given to the goblin knight Tristan as the territory, and then it regained its vitality and was reborn in this Britain.

But for the humans and even the elves in the Fairy Kingdom of Britain, this is a ferocious castle of the devil king. The degree of terror may be second only to Camelot, or even worse.

Because the lord here is a moody slayer, a bloody man who killed more than 100 goblins in 40 years, and the daughter of the witch Morgan, one of the most terrifying existences in Britain.

She is the only magician besides Queen Morgan.

She is a demon who can decapitate someone with just one pluck of a string.

A beautiful princess on the outside, but an evil vampire on the inside.

This is Tristan, the goblin knight who is as famous as Lancelot and Gawain.

Today, the goblin knight suddenly became in a bad mood as usual.

"Ding dong!"

A very beautiful piano sound sounded in New Darlington.

The sound of the piano comes from a theater.

It looks like an arena in ancient Rome. The overall shape is circular, surrounded by auditoriums. The scale is not very large, but it is not small. It makes people think of the scene when there are no seats here. It can definitely be called It is a sea of ​​people, and once the cheers are heard, they will definitely be able to go straight to the sky and stay there for a long time.

In the past, this theater was indeed very lively, and there were countless goblins who came here every day.

Because, there is a bloody killing here almost every day.

The protagonists thrown into the middle of the amphitheater are generally humans captured from the outside.

They are either rebelling against the queen, or they are assigned slaves. Sometimes the goblins in other cities will send the humans who serve them here because of dissatisfaction or boredom, and let them enter this theater.

And what these people have to do is to put on a show here, in simple terms, it is a fight.

Whoever wins survives.

The loser died on the spot.

Keep killing like this, keep fighting until there is only one person left, and this person can be free.

It's just that no one has ever seen the last remaining champion walk out of here alive.

After they won the championship, they were taken away, and then disappeared, as if the world had evaporated, and the end could be imagined.

Incomparably cruel.

Incomparably cruel.

Incomparably bloody.

Incredibly terrifying.

This is the National Theater of Killing in New Darlington, a place that terrified countless people and made countless people ecstatic.

Of course, fairies are usually the ones who feel ecstatic.

For many goblins, killing humans and watching humans kill each other is a very entertaining game, and it is the best thing for entertainment.

But when the wonderful sound of the piano sounds here, the audience (fairy) who appeared in this theater today is destined to turn their applause into mourning.

Probably because, only today, they are the objects (prey) to be killed.


A goblin's head was cut off by the sudden attack, and it was thrown high, causing the headless body to slowly fall down while spraying a lot of blood, staining the auditorium red.


The beautiful sound of the harp being played keeps ringing.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"...

The heads of the goblins were cut off one after another and thrown into the sky.

Needless to say, this is what the strummed harp did.

The goblin holding this harp is constantly playing it, turning the wonderful sound of the harp into an invisible attack, like an invisible piano wire, every time it passes through the air, it will cut off a The goblin's head, let the goblin die tragically on the spot.

In such an unreasonable tragedy, the goblins who originally came to enjoy the killing drama became the participants of the killing, or ran away from the audience screaming, or panicked in panic.

The entire National Slaughter Theater suddenly turned into purgatory, and also turned into an extremely chaotic slaughterhouse.

"W-Why are you doing this to us...!?"

"We're just here to watch humans kill!"

"Don't kill us!"


The panicked fleeing and hysterical screams of the goblins only irritated the characters who suddenly appeared in the audience and were irritated by their killing.


Tristan, who was dressed in a bright red princess dress, held the harp and shouted angrily and irritably.

"Don't run around, just stand there obediently. Anyway, it's just a group of consumables that will die sooner or later because they can't pay the existence tax. Why don't you let me have a good time?"

Saying this, Tristan walked slowly in the auditorium of the theater as if stepping on high heels on a catwalk, while playing the harp, turning the sound of the harp into sharp knives and the strings of the harp into murderous white lines, constantly drawing Breaking through the air, beheading the goblins who were fleeing in panic.

"Unhappy, it's really unpleasant."

"The existence of you trash goblins already makes people very uncomfortable, and now you don't even have the effect of being used to vent your anger, which is even more annoying."

"If it wasn't for the mother who still needs your magic power, I really hope that all the goblins in this country will die."

"Anyway, there are still human beings, and there is no shortage of toys, so it makes no difference whether you are in this world or not?"

"Ah, die quickly, die quickly, don't be an eyesore anymore, die to me!"

Tristan, who was chattering like this, looked like a young lady who was complaining about the difficulty of life, and there was not much murderous intent in his tone, but he felt like he was talking casually. Some cute.

But when such a cute girl speaks in a tone without tension, and keeps chopping off other people's heads in a public place, what if the place that was previously full of applause and cheers is stained with scarlet blood? , this scene is undoubtedly more terrifying than a thriller.

The killing went on for a whole hour.

An hour later, there was no living person left in the theater, only puddles of blood and corpses fell scattered around the girl, creating a picture of hell.

If Li Ge was here, he might think of the massacre that Shalltear Bradfren carried out in the northern forest of Ye-Rantel back then, right?

The difference was that Shalltear had a happy expression after enjoying the killing, but Tristan still had an unhappy expression.

"Is this gone?"

"No way? There should have been many goblins here just now, shouldn't they?"

"Could it be hiding? Hey! Come out for me!"

Tristan demanded outrageously and unreasonably.

Responding to Tristan like this was a man who didn't change his face even though he was walking in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, even with a smile on his face.

"People have been scared away, Miss Spinel."

The man who said such words was none other than Beryl Gatter.

"Why is this?" Tristan suddenly said extremely dissatisfied: "I haven't vented enough, red beryl, there are not a few fish that slip through the net?"

"Even if there is, it's probably not enough to kill you alone." Beryl spread his hands and said helplessly: "Besides, after you made such a fuss, I'm afraid no one will come to this theater in the future. This is a rare sideshow in the Fairy Kingdom of Britain, and it is a pity that it just disappeared."

"You can rest assured about this." Tristan said with a sneer: "The more killings here, the more unreasonable, the more goblins will be excited about it, and such guys will definitely come here."

"Isn't it? Are goblins so interesting?" Beryl laughed loudly and said, "Compared with humans who are always greedy for life and afraid of death, this is really different."

"It's better not to think too highly of them?" Tristan said disdainfully: "They are just too stupid and don't know how to learn their lessons. Of course they will feel very happy and excited when they watch others kill or kill others. , but when the target of being killed becomes themselves, they will start to be afraid, just like those who were here just now."

"...So that's it, it's not interesting." Beryl suppressed his smile, lowered his head slightly, let the glasses start to reflect light, and covered his eyes, saying: "Even if the evildoers are not justified, at least they should know You are the evil side, if you are doing evil unconsciously, then you are just a worthless pest."

"What?" Tristan frowned, and said even more dissatisfied: "Don't say that kind of words that people don't understand, it will make me look stupid, red beryl."

Isn't that what you are?

Beryl smiled inwardly, but on the surface he still had a hearty expression.

"By the way, you should have vented enough, miss, is the fact that Her Majesty the Queen is going to get married just making you angry?"

Hearing this, Tristan bit his lip.

Yes, it was because of this incident that she became in such a bad mood.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have jumped straight into the audience and slaughtered the goblins who were cheering, irritated by their laughter and applause.

His mother was about to get married, and this incident caused the elf knight to lose control of his emotions.

However, Beryl didn't quite understand.

"It's just a marriage. To the elves, this shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

Beryl said those words with a relaxed expression.

As far as he knows, although there are husband and wife relationships in Fairy Kingdom, compared to the human world, this relationship is basically less resilient.

Because goblins don't have children, or there's no need for that.

Unlike human beings who need to continue their blood, goblins, as a kind of life whose source can be traced back to nature, don't just give birth to new life by themselves, but there are other ways.

For example, the original six Yalings who first came to the earth from the sea of ​​stars, they only need to exist there to create descendants and their own clans naturally. This is how the six major clans of the Fairy Kingdom Britain came from.

In addition, the goblins in the goblin country of Britain will return to the land after they die. After a period of time, there will be a descendant on this land that is exactly the same as the dead goblin, and the offspring will inherit the appearance of the previous generation , power, and life are like the reincarnation of the other party.

In other words, the number of goblins in the goblin country Britain will not change, unless special factors intervene and prevent offspring from being born. Otherwise, no matter how many goblins die, the population of goblin country will return to its original state sooner or later.

This has led to the fact that the fairies in Britain, the fairy country, have no concept of having children at all, but instead adopt more children.

And without the obligation to have children, the relationship between goblins is naturally not so strong. It is not so much forming a family as it is establishing a superficial community of interests. , "curiosity", "want to try that kind of life" and other superficial ideas to get married.

Under such circumstances, the relationship between husband and wife in Fairy Kingdom Britain is not to mention protected by law, it is no problem to treat it as a social behavior. Some fairies with bad nature still have a habit of hunting their own partners, so, here , Sometimes the relationship between husband and wife not only does not represent anything, but also becomes a synonym for danger.

Beryl, who was aware of this situation, thought that it might be a bad idea for Morgan to want to marry the savior who was destined to overthrow his rule in the prophecy.

Maybe, on the night of the wedding, the groom who married the witch will die on the bed?
After all, that's Morgan, who has been called a slut by many people, who is full of evil in the legends of "his world"?
It is normal for such a development to happen, right?

Beryl thought so.


"...You have no idea what Mother has done."

Tristan gritted his teeth.


Beryl frowned.

Tristan said extremely displeased and unhappy: "No one knows except me, right? During the 2000 years that Mother has been queen, she has been missing someone."

"Missing?" Beryl said in extreme surprise and astonishment: "No way? The queen will miss someone for 2000 years? Is it just Morgan?"

"It's unbelievable, right? But it's true!" Tristan said irritably, "Although I don't know who that person is, for his sake, my mother spent half of her reign developing two magic tricks. oh?"

"That's the "court" and "pile" that even I wasn't allowed to use. "

"Originally, I thought that the "court" and "pile" were the same as the "tower", a great mystery that only my mother can use. Later, my mother told me that they are actually the same as the "mirror", and they can be handed over to you. My thing, it's just that she can't do it, because this "court" and "pile" only have an effect on one person, and it's a magic that exists only for that person. "

At this point, Tristan waved his hands angrily, and cut open the corpse of a goblin lying beside him with his sharp nails, dismembering it into pieces.

"From then on, I knew that there was always someone in my mother's heart. If she wanted to get married, she would only marry that person. She would never marry anyone else like other fairies."

Hearing this, Beryl lowered his eyes.

"...This is really a very surprising thing."

Beryl whispered first, and then spoke.

"In other words, the rumored Son of Prophecy is the one Her Majesty is waiting for?"

Didn't the Son of Prophecy come to Britain only 16 years ago?How could it make Morgan miss 2000 years?
There must be something happening that I don't know about.

Beryl's thoughts turned sharply.

However, Tristan spoke first before Beryl could think about the result.

"I don't care if the son of the prophecy is not the son of the prophecy!" Tristan said with a slightly distorted face: "I have no objection to whoever my lord mother wants to marry, but the premise is that this person can't take away my lord mother's love for me." like!"

"I can't allow someone more important than me to appear in my mother's heart!"

"Mother, you can love many people, but the one you love the most must be me!"

"Otherwise, I'll..."

Tristan didn't say what happened next.

She just blinked her eyes, she didn't know what to think, her eyes were red.

Seeing this, Beryl opened his eyes wide.

"Hey, hey, Miss Spinel, don't you want to be the future husband of the Queen?" Beryl said with a look of forgiving me, "Although I still don't want to believe that Morgan will attach so much importance to a man, but if you touch that man as you said, even you will be punished, right?"

Beryl knew that the cruel Witch of Winter was very fond of Tristan.

Even if she didn't show it, she had clearly expressed such an attitude when she indulged Tristan everywhere.

If Morgan's husband only appeared for a dispensable purpose, then Tristan would definitely have no objection to getting rid of him, let alone blame Tristan for it.

But if the husband Morgan chooses this time is really like what Tristan said, a person that Morgan will miss for 2000 years, then even if Morgan loves Tristan again, once Tristan touches him, she will not be happy this time. Maybe forgive my adopted daughter?

However, Tristan didn't seem to realize this, or deliberately ignored it.

"Since it is the partner chosen by the mother, at least let my daughter have a look at it first, right?"

Tristan took a deep breath and smiled alluringly.

"If he dies easily, might Mother think that he has misjudged the person?"

Hearing this, Beryl really wanted to say something.

"If you can't even deal with Lancelot and Gawain, why do you think you can easily deal with him?"

Beryl did not say this sentence.

Because, once you say it, you have to poke the biggest pain in Tristan's heart.

"……never mind."

At that moment, Beryl lowered his head and hid his eyes under the glasses.

"Anyway, I also want to see the rumored son of prophecy, so let's find out what the other party's background is."

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