Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 506 The Crisis of Pan-Human History

Chapter 506 The Crisis of Pan-Human History

At this time, Arturia was really thinking about it seriously.

Before that, she obviously had no motivation to save the Fairy Kingdom, save Britain, overthrow Queen Morgan's rule, and become the savior of the world.

If it weren't for the inexplicable fairy mission in Paradise, Artoria wouldn't even think about it, let alone go on a tour.

The world is just a malicious storm to her, but she wants to save this malicious world?

No matter how bad a good person is, I'm afraid they won't have such an idea.

Therefore, after leaving Tintagel Village, Artoria was at a loss for a while, not knowing what to do.

If Li Ge hadn't appeared, then after seeing the villagers in Tintagel village killing each other and receiving Eckert's advice, Arturia would definitely embark on a tour, even if she herself had nothing to do with it motivation.

Ke Lige's appearance gave Artoria another option.

She doesn't need to save the Fairy Kingdom.

She could not redeem Britain.

She doesn't need to become a savior, she just needs to become stronger, to obtain the power that can determine her future.

With this goal in mind, Arturia temporarily got rid of her confusion, and followed Li Ge to Salisbury.

But now, the facts have proved that even if she wants to deviate from her mission, others will not let it go.

The queen supporter headed by Woodworth regards the son of prophecy as a thorn in their flesh, and intends to get rid of the son of prophecy.

Morgan also regards himself as an old enemy, whether it is based on the karma in the history of pan-humanity or the antagonistic relationship between the two, they are destined to stare at him.

The forces against the Queen already knew that the Prophet's Son was born, even if they didn't know that the real Prophet's Son was Artoria, they would come to her sooner or later.

Aurora and Oberon are an example. The two approached Li Ge, intending to support and assist Li Ge, and push themselves and Li Ge to fight against the Queen.

Driven by these realities, Artoria has realized that no matter what, she and Morgan will go against each other.

Even if it was just to protect herself, she had to fight Morgan.

That being the case, I have to seriously consider whether I should continue to take one step at a time as before.

Obviously, under the impetus of reality, in the end, I still have to face up to my mission.

This is also a change in Arturia's mentality after ringing the tour bell and peeping into her own memory of pan-human history.

To put it simply, she was not going to escape any longer.

Regardless of whether to save the world or to overthrow the queen, first of all, she has to go first.

Thus, Artoria turned her head and looked at Li Ge.

Coincidentally, Li Ge was also looking at Artoria, meeting her gaze.

At this moment, both of them understood what the other was thinking.

"Do as you wish."

Li Ge's eyes revealed such a simple but reassuring meaning.

This also made Arturia think that the man in front of her was in the same situation as herself.

He didn't want to save the world.

Nor did he intend to overthrow the Queen's rule.

However, no matter whether he wanted to fight against the strong Queen faction as before, or had an important relationship with Queen Morgan as he did now, the conflict between him and the Queen faction was inevitable.

The same is true.

Li Ge didn't know why Morgan insisted on marrying him, and why he planted a "stake" contract for himself.

He only knows that there may still be many things to happen between himself and Morgan, and there are many causes and conditions that need to be understood and resolved.

Coupled with the fact that Gawain, Lancelot, Tristan, Woodworth and others are either completely hostile to themselves, or seem like enemies or friends, the two sides will definitely have numerous confrontations, conflicts, and even conflicts in the future. Fierce battle.

Therefore, he and the Queen's faction are completely on the fence, not to mention that they will never die, but at least it can be regarded as a rhythm that must not be done without a breakup.

In other words, no matter what Arturia decides, he will be at the party with the queen.

Realizing this, Arturia felt guilty and relieved at the same time.

The guilt was because she felt that if it wasn't for herself, Li Ge wouldn't be regarded as the son of prophecy, and thus would be targeted by the Queen's people.

The reason for her peace of mind was that, although she felt a little uncomfortable, Arturia instinctively became happy when she thought that she was not alone, and that Li Ge would be with her and stand on the same front in the future.

Under such circumstances, Artoria is also determined.

"Even for Li Ge, I have to move forward."

With this in mind, Artoria looked at Aurora.

"It is our honor that the Wind Clan is willing to assist us."

This is the truth.

As I said before, regardless of whether Aurora is trustworthy or not, at least she does want to overthrow the queen.

With this major premise, it is not necessarily a bad thing to accept Aurora's assistance.

Even though Artoria still doesn't want to overthrow Morgan's rule, it is a rare good thing to try her best to get some assistance and strength under the current situation of confrontation with Morgan.

Therefore, Arturia has made a decision.

"I'll leave it to you, Aurora, for the matter of the pilgrimage bell."

Artoria accepted Aurora's assistance.

"Don't worry." Aurora smiled, and said happily: "I have already contacted Sprigan, and he is willing to meet you when you go to Norwich, I believe you will take care of this Opportunity to enter the Bell Hall."

"I will also send people to Orkney in the north, and let the fairies of the Wind Clan scattered in various cities collect information to find Orkney and the two tour bells whose whereabouts are unknown."

"As for Woodworth and Myurion, the situation seems to be a bit troublesome now, but I will try to find opportunities for them."

Because Woodworth had accepted the queen's order and had returned to Oxford with the elite of the Clan of Fangs, guarding the bell of the tour there, Aurora wanted to dismiss it, perhaps not as easy as previously imagined.

Gloucester, guarded by the head of the Wing Clan, Myurion, is even more troublesome, and Aurora can't find a gap to intervene for the time being.

However, with Aurora's affinity and connections, even if she can't do anything, she can still do some testing, and first explore the way for Artoria's pilgrimage.

Of course, the extraordinary eyes and ears of the Wind Clan will also become Artoria's source of information, which can be regarded as a benefit visible to the naked eye.

In this regard, Li Ge did not express any opinions.

This is Arturia's choice.

This fairy girl is the real son of prophecy, and these matters are naturally decided by herself.

He just wanted to figure out what would happen between himself and Morgan, and then to decide the outcome with those elf knights.

And acting together with Artoria is obviously the way to accomplish all this.

After all, this is the heroine in the original book, at least in the world of fairy tales like Britain.

Acting with this person, even if Li Ge does nothing, the plot will advance by itself.

At this time, Aurora turned to Oberon.

"As you can see, these two and I have officially teamed up. This should be a situation you are very happy to see, right? Oberon?"

Aurora's words made everyone focus on Oberon.

"Yeah." Auberon met everyone's gaze, smiled and sighed, and said, "I didn't expect things to go so smoothly. I thought that in Britain, the fairy country, I wanted to find someone who could fight against Morgan together." Companion, it should be a very difficult thing."

"Aren't you wrong?" Aurora shook her head and said, "Aren't Londinian's Round Table Army, Sheffield's Rebel Army, and the Northern King's Clan all your companions? "

"But it also means that the companions I may win are limited to this." Auberon smiled at Aurora, and said: "Now you are added, and there are more legendary sons of prophecy. I feel like Morgan's reign is not as strong as I thought it would be."

"Her Majesty's rule has always been very unstable. Among other things, the existence of taxes alone has made many goblins feel dissatisfied with her." Aurora sighed and said: "But Your Majesty still She has ruled Britain for more than 2000 years, not because of how strong her rule is, but because her power is so strong that people dare not resist."

This is the main reason why Morgan was able to rule the goblin country of Britain for more than 2000 years.

To put it plainly, people who are dissatisfied with her, even if they want to overthrow her, will be afraid of her power and dare not take action.

If it weren't for Morgan being too strong and deterrent, with the goblin's brutality, they would have rushed to the Jade Throne long ago and tore Morgan to pieces.

"A witch who rules Britain by force? It's scary..."

Auberon expressed emotion.

Suddenly, Artoria spoke.

"That...Auberon, right?" Artoria said to Auberon, "You want to overthrow Morgan too?"

"Isn't this obvious?" Oberon was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I am your companion, there is no doubt about it."

However, Artoria looked directly at Auberon.

"What's your reason?"

When asking this question, Arturia's expression was very serious.

"Aurora believes that Britain under Morgan has no future."

"how about you?"

"Is this why you want to fight Morgan?"

For some reason, Arturia cared a lot about Auberon's existence and Auberon's thoughts.

Oberon also noticed this, and took a deep look at Arturia.

Li Ge looked at Auberon, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

He really wanted to see what kind of words this girl would say in the face of Artoria's goblin eyes.

In the end, Auberon's answer was actually done without any hesitation.

"It's good to tell you." Auberon pondered slightly, and then said: "There are two reasons why I want to overthrow Morgan."

"One is my current territory, Forest of Autumn—Wales."

"It is a place abandoned by elves and humans, and it is a gathering place for weak elves who are not needed."

Morgan engraved Command Seals on the goblins all over Britain, and collected their magic power every year.

This made some weak goblins either die after being expropriated for their magic power, or they had no value in being expropriated for their magic power.

Autumn Forest Wales is the place where such a group of goblins gather. It is the shelter of the goblins who were driven out of the city and village because they were too weak.

"Morgan is a ruthless witch. Even if she doesn't eradicate these worthless and weak goblins, she will sit back and watch them kill themselves."

"I can't just sit back and watch that, and that's the number one reason I chose to fight Morgan."

"As for the second one..."

Auberon put away his smile and became serious.

"You already know the existence of pan-human history?"

Auberon's inquiry was met with a rather heavy nod from Artoria.

"Then it's easier to explain." Oberon said surprisingly, "Actually, the current pan-human history will soon come to an end because of the relationship between the Fairy Kingdom and Britain."

When these words came out of Oberon, not to mention Artoria, even Aurora was surprised.

"The history of pan-humanity is being shattered?"

Obviously, Aurora didn't know about it.

"Sorry, I didn't tell you about this." Auberon smiled apologetically at Aurora, and then said: "Soon, Britain will usher in annihilation, and annihilation will sweep the world like a tsunami. It’s nothing more than a belt, and even pan-human history will be affected, and it will collapse with it.”

"At that point, the lifespan of the planet beneath us will come to an end."

"This is the real end of the planet, the cataclysm that would wipe out all life and everything if it happened."

"And all of this is because of Queen Morgan."

According to Oberon, he believed that the reason why Morgan engraved a command spell on all the goblins and absorbed a huge amount of magic power in the name of tax was not only to rule the entire goblin kingdom, but also to launch a campaign against pan-human history. attack.

"Using the magic that has been absorbed in the entire Fairy Kingdom of Britain for more than 2000 years, to expand the Fairy Kingdom until it covers the pan-human history to the outside world, this is what Morgan wants to do."

"She wants to turn Earth into a planet where only the fairy country of Britain exists."

"She wants to take revenge on pan-human history, to launch revenge on pan-human history."

In the history of pan-humanity, Morgan has never been the king of Britain, so he hates Arthur who is the king.

In other words, for Morgan in the history of pan-humanity, sitting on the throne and becoming the king of Britain is a wish that has never been fulfilled.

The history of pan-humanity chose King Arthur instead of Morgan.

Therefore, this period of history, for Morgan, is nothing more dazzling.

Not to mention, pan-human history is the correct history, and it is the victor of history.

That is to say, the history of Morgan not becoming the king is correct, and this is what the pan-human history expresses all the time.

With Morgan's dominance and strength, it is conceivable what terrible things she will do after realizing this.

"She doesn't need a panhuman history of not choosing herself as king."

"What she needs to protect is this fairy country, Britain."

"So, she chose to launch an attack on pan-human history, with the intention of subverting the Fairy Kingdom and covering the whole world."

Regardless of everyone's shock, Auberon said such an astonishing thing.

"I am the servant of pan-human history who was summoned to stop such a crazy her."

—— "Follower".

This is the shadow on the ground incarnated by a hero elevated to a being beyond human intelligence.

On the inner side of the world, there is a "seat" that records all the heroes who have made great achievements in history.

Countless heroes who have made great achievements in the history of mankind have been recorded by this "seat" after their death, and have become the objects of belief of mankind, and have also become existences similar to elves.

These past, present, and future heroic spirits recorded by the "za" are the so-called heroic spirits.

And when the heroic spirits on the "seat" are summoned to the ground through human rituals or the mechanism of the world itself, summoned to the present world, and become an existence that can be used, then they become servants.

Oberon is a follower from the history of pan-humanity, and is the fairy king Oberon himself described in many literary works and inheritance stories including "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

"Because Morgan's actions have caused irreconcilable damage to the history of pan-humanity, and caused unimaginable threats, I was summoned to this land to stop Morgan."

Auberon spoke slowly to Artoria.

"This is the main reason why I want to resist Morgan, and it is also the reason why I and you are companions."

Undoubtedly, Auberon's words brought a huge amount of information, as well as quite amazing news.

Hearing this thing that she didn't even dare to think about, the first thing Artoria did was to look at Li Ge.

no way.

In Artoria's feeling, Li Ge knew far more than she imagined.

Coupled with her trust in Li Ge, Arturia naturally wanted to get confirmation from Li Ge, whether what Auberon said was true.

Then, Artoria saw Li Ge nodded calmly.

"Leaving aside Auberon's personal comments and statements about Morgan, the history of pan-humanity is indeed collapsing, and Morgan has also acquiesced and even approved of this matter."

This also shows that what Auberon said is true.

The pan-human history is indeed going towards extinction step by step, and this is a happening thing.

Suddenly, Artoria fell silent.

Auberon suddenly smiled.

"Next, I will act with you."

His Majesty the Fairy King said so.

"Although I don't have much combat effectiveness, intelligence gathering and rear support are my strengths."

"Please use me unceremoniously and properly."

"Our... Son of Prophecy."

Such words continued to echo in the lord's room of the Great Cathedral, and did not disappear for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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