Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 535 The Shadow in the Sea

Of course, Li Ge didn't know what happened outside.

At this moment, he was looking at the scene in front of him with a little amazement.

I saw that Artoria, who rang the bell of the tour, closed her eyes quietly, with strong starlight and magic power fluctuating all over her body.

The starlight and magic power became stronger and stronger as time went by, which made the aura emanating from Artoria's body stronger and stronger.

That's right, Artoria is getting stronger.

Just like ringing the tour bell in Salisbury before, the goblin from Paradise is using the tour bell to liberate its own power step by step.

Li Ge could feel that Arturia's strength had been raised to a level very close to Lv.7.

If it is the current Artoria, even compared with the lord's personal guard under Sprigan, I am afraid that it is not the same, and may even be stronger.

"It's only ringing the two tour bells, has it become so strong?"

Li Ge was thoughtful.

According to this improvement rate, if you ring the tour bell again, Arturia can be raised to Lv.100 7%. The limit must be a certainty, and it is even possible to take that step and step into Lv.7.

Lv.8, this is rare in the Fairy Kingdom of Britain.

Including Li Ge, those who can display the strength of Lv.8 level will not exceed the number of five fingers.

If Arturia can finally step into this level, then even if she faces existences like Gawain and Lancelot, she may be able to fight against them.

"Is this the Fairy of Paradise?"

What an existence with amazing potential.

Li Ge, who was sighing in this way, suddenly felt a move in his heart, turned his head, and looked at the entrance of the bell-strike hall.

There, a sound of powerful footsteps was rapidly approaching.




Accompanied by the sound of several piercing sounds, all the fairies of the Fang clan rushed into the bell-strike hall and appeared in front of Li Ge.


The lord's personal guard was at the head position, growling.

"Lord Sprigan's order, take down all the Sons of Prophecy who broke into the Bell Hall without authorization!"

After finishing speaking, the lord's personal guard was the first to rush out, rushing towards... Artoria at an astonishing speed!

Obviously, the lord's personal guard was not as courageous as he showed, and he still picked a soft persimmon to squeeze.

Seeing this scene, Li Ge's eyes flickered a few times, but he didn't choose to make a move.

Soft persimmon?
It was before, maybe not now.

I have to say that the other party's arrival was too unfortunate, it was really unlucky to choose Arturia to come after ringing the tour bell.

as predicted……


When the starlight exploded in the hall of the bell, the lord's guard who rushed towards Artoria at an alarming speed immediately let out a scream.

He flew backwards at a faster speed than when he pounced forward, and hit the wall of the bell hall.

He was covered in bruises, and it was obvious from a glance that he had suffered serious injuries.

"Scared, scared me to death..."

The instigator held up the staff of selection, on which there were still stars that had not yet dimmed, and his face was full of undecided shock, as if he had been seriously frightened.

"... You shouldn't be the one who was scared, right?"

Li Ge couldn't help but complain.

"team leader!"

"team leader!"

The goblins of the Tooth Clan didn't react until this time. Looking at the fallen lord's bodyguard covered in scars, one by one, they all exclaimed.

Immediately, they glared at Artoria.

"Damn intruder!"

"How dare you hurt the captain?"

"Kill you!"

As the Clan of Fangs with poor brains, these goblins fully embody what is ferocity and what is unreasonable, and they rushed towards Artoria one after another while shouting.

At this time, Li Ge made a move.

"Dragon of Sun Halo Head Dance!"

The flying fire dragon appeared in the hall of striking the bell. While swinging its body, it swept around at a high speed, causing the surging flames to sweep away, instantly raising the surrounding temperature.

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"...

The flaming blade cut through the goblins of the Fang Clan, disembowelling them.

"Uh... ah...!"



The goblins of the Fang Clan didn't even have time to react, they only felt a flash of fire in front of their eyes, followed by a sharp pain from their bodies, which made them howl on the spot and fell to the ground.


Li Ge put away his saber and stood, unexpectedly appearing beside Arturia at some point.

"Let's go." Li Ge said concisely: "Let's leave here."

"Yeah!" Artoria responded and nodded quickly.

Now that Sprigan has been offended, he can no longer stay here.

Unless they want to kill here and bring down Sprigan, Li Ge and others may not be able to stay in Norwich, let alone stay in the vault city.

Therefore, Li Ge pressed Artoria's shoulder, and wanted to activate the teleportation magic to leave.

However, a burst of noise and commotion suddenly came from outside the Bell Ringing Hall, attracting the attention of Li Ge and Artoria.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

It was a bell that sounded like an alarm.

At the same time as the alarm bell sounded, bursts of exclamations, shouts, roars, and screams also sounded one after another, changing the atmosphere in the air.

"What, what's wrong?"

Artoria was stunned.

A transparent light flashed in Li Ge's eyes, and he looked outside the Hall of Bells, or outside the Vault City, looking at the streets of Norwich.

With this perspective, Li Ge shrank his pupils, let go of Artoria's shoulders, and walked forward quickly, and came to the empty wall of the bell hall.

Arturia also followed and looked outside.

The next moment, Arturia was shocked.


It was a scene like hell.

In the direction of the port of Norwich, in the sea opposite the city, a large black shadow is gradually emerging from the sea like a shadow.

The shadows gnawed at the sea, gradually dyeing the sea black, exuding strange, evil, depraved and decadent magic power.

It was the breath of the curse.

That is the power of darkness.

And the main bodies of this power and this shadow are Morse who are all black and look like soft-bodied creatures.

The number was extremely astonishing, forming a large shadow, and a large group of Morse appeared in the sea, rushing towards Norwich in groups.

They invaded the harbor and drowned the ships that stayed there.

They poured into the city and appeared in the streets.


"Morse is here!"

"W-why did you come from the sea...!?"

"Shouldn't it have come down from the vortex above!?"

"Ah ah ah ah! Don't come here!"

The goblins in Norwich were completely in a panic. They didn't even resist, and fled in a panic full of horror.

The guards and gendarmes bravely took up their weapons and rushed to fight with Morse, but soon, they were swallowed by Morse's group one by one, either in the screams, or touching After being infected by Morse, he turned into a new Morse, joined the enemy group, and strengthened their power.

It is impossible for ordinary goblins to resist Morse.

Morse is the natural enemy of goblins. Once a goblin touches them, they will be infected, swallowed, and assimilated immediately.

The only ones who can slightly block Morse are the elves of the Fang Clan and the elves with iron weapons.

Iron is highly poisonous to most goblins, and it also has a restraining effect on Morse. The goblins of the Tooth Clan also have a high resistance to Morse's infection, so the two can somewhat organize some resistance.

Unfortunately, the strength of resistance is extremely limited.

There is no way, there are too many Morse who invaded Norwich, at least there must be thousands.

In the face of this terrifying army, Norwich can be said to be defeated and defeated at the first touch.

However, the defeated goblins are not dead, but will be infected and assimilated to become a new Morse, making the enemies more and more numerous. This is simply an unsolvable nightmare, and the goblins are basically unable to get up The consciousness of resistance can only run away in a panic while screaming, turning the whole of Norwich into a cursed hell.

Seeing this tragic scene, Arturia was shocked and stunned.

After a while, the fairy girl also exclaimed.

""Calamity"... broke out...! ? "

This is something that couldn't be more obvious.

Li Ge also stared at Norwich gradually turning into hell, whispering in his heart.

"Did it really come according to the prophecy?"

"Disaster" will break out, which is something that everyone can predict.

But in the original book, Norwich's "disaster" broke out almost a month after Chaldea came to the fairy kingdom of Britain.

Now, Chaldea has only come to the Fairy Kingdom of Britain for a few days, and the "disaster" in Norwich has already broken out. This is obviously because the Son of Prophecy has come here.

Just as Artoria had worried before, her arrival would directly detonate the accumulated "disaster".

This has nothing to do with time, it is a fixed cause and effect.


Li Ge pressed Artoria's shoulder again and spoke calmly.

"Go to Matthew and the others first!"

Li Ge's voice awakened Artoria, making the fairy girl realize that now is not the time to be shocked.

"it is good!"

Artoria, who was holding the staff of choice tightly in her hand, showed a firm expression, and nodded heavily.

"[Advanced teleportation]!"

Li Ge activated the teleportation magic and disappeared into the Bell Ringing Hall of the Treasury City.

"Clang clang clang clang!"

In Norwich, the alarm bell was still ringing, making the swirl of dark clouds in the sky seem to spin faster.

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