Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 55: Kind of Magic

Chapter 55 Ten Kinds of Magic
During this period of time, although Li Ge was exploring the dungeon almost every day without sleep or food, he did not forget that he possessed the magic of [Almighty].

After learning Aisi's [Wind Spirit Sprint] and Refia's [Arc Ray], Li Ge learned a lot of magic from others based on practicality and various considerations.

Needless to say about Lefiya, as Lige's teammate, and Lige's partner in the dungeon for more than a month, apart from the overlapping [Elf Ring], Lefiya's last magic, Lige Greg learned without any surprise.

Riveria, as the strongest magician of Orario, holds nine kinds of magic alone, and Li Ge will naturally not miss it. He humbly asks him for advice when he is free, and finally learns from Riveria. Learned five kinds of magic.

In addition, Li Ge also learned a very powerful magic from Finn that can be used as a trump card to turn the tables in adversity.

These spells, together with the two spells [Wind Spirit Sprint] and [Arc Ray] learned before, Li Ge, like Riveria, also possesses nine kinds of spells.

This is also the reason why Li Ge was able to trigger the learning conditions of "magic guide".

As a proof of a high-level mage, this development ability is not so easy to trigger. It has basically been the patent of those pure defender mages. If ordinary adventurers can only use one or two types of magic to assist in battle, That would not be able to trigger the "magic guide" at all.

Like Aisi, her wind additional magic can be said to have an exceptional effect, but it failed to trigger her "magic" development ability.

The same is true for the rest of the family, if magic is only used as an auxiliary means of combat, rather than the main means of combat, it is basically impossible to trigger the "magic guide".

It was only after Li Ge was promoted to Lv.4 that he successfully triggered it with his amazing magic amount and magic usage rate. He possessed this omnipotent magic-specific auxiliary ability that can increase magic power, magic effect, magic range, etc.

However, at this moment, Li Ge is not using any of the nine kinds of magic that he learned before, but a magic that he learned recently by chance.

"[The sun of the sky that is chasing after you, everything is to escape from you]."

"[Bloom, Armor of the Laurel Tree]."

Stepping on the magic circle, Li Ge chanted a short incantation.

"[La Muller]."

When the name of magic was sung, a dark green film of light appeared from everyone, covering everyone present.

Ais and Tiona, who rushed out first, felt the change first.

Their speed suddenly soared a lot, especially Ai Si, who was originally as fast as a gust of wind, could not be seen for a while, and rushed to a black rhino in the blink of an eye, scaring the black rhino , stopped charging, and made Ai Si open her eyes wide, with a look of bewilderment.

On the contrary, Tiona, without even thinking about it, directly attacked a black rhino in front of her.


While shouting softly, Tiona swung the gigantic double blades with her petite body, but with a flashing blow, she cut the black rhino in front of her in half with an unbelievably fast longitudinal slash.

The black rhino's proud hard hide was as fragile as paper in front of the large double blades classified as the first-level weapon and the flashing speed slash, and was easily torn apart.

"Okay, so fast!"

Tiona herself seemed surprised.

The exclamation of the Amazon girl happened to wake up Ais who was at a loss.


With the flash of the silver saber, the cold arc of light sliced ​​across the black rhino's giant body, cutting it in two.

Aisi also easily performed an extremely fast slash, easily breaking through the black rhino's hard skin.

This is of course because the Despair Sword in Aisi's hand is a first-level weapon, which is enough to break through the hard skin of a black rhinoceros. However, under the cover of the dark green light film, the attack blessing formed by a sudden surge of speed , is also an important reason.

"This is.?"

The situation on the side of Ais and Tiona made Tione, who had just pulled out her kukri, startled.

"Protective magic?"

Refiya finally came to her senses, and when she saw this scene, she uttered a conditioned reflex.

At this time, Li Ge's voice sounded.

"The duration is limited, move fast!"

The succinct sentence made everyone get rid of their surprise, no longer hesitated, and launched a fierce attack on the black rhinos in front of them.


Li Ge yelled at the only elf girl who stayed by his side and didn't rush out.


Refiya's hand holding the staff suddenly tightened, and she took a deep breath.

In the one month or so that Li Ge teamed up to explore the dungeon, Refiya did not fail to grow.

The determination made in the reception room that day led to Refia's continuous efforts for more than a month.

Therefore, even if it doesn't upgrade at a jaw-dropping speed like Li Ge, Refiya's growth is not small.

Now is the time for her to show the results.

"[Proud warriors, shooters of the forest]."

Refiya slowly closed her eyes, as if the ferocious monsters and ferocious roars in front of her were gone, and even the battle of her companions was gone, she chanted the magic spell with an ethereal voice.

"[Advancing marauders ahead, take your bows]."

"[Respond to the voice of your compatriots, nock the arrow and light the flames, the lights of the forest]."

"【Order you to shoot the arrow, the fire arrow of the elf】."

"【Suddenly falling like rain, burning the barbarians】."

This is the last of the three magics awakened by Refia.

It is not a single-shot attack magic like [Arc Ray], nor is it a summoning magic like [Elf Ring], but a very pure wide-area annihilation magic known only for its destructive power and attack range.

"[Salvo Fire Javelin]."

When the magic circle expanded from under Refia's feet, Refia raised her staff high, causing the magic power to turn into fiery red light and soar into the sky.

In the next second, the fiery red light turned into countless fire rains, descending from midair.

"Boom bang bang bang bang!"

Blast, explode, explode.

Pieces of explosions appeared one after another at the moment when the fire rain fell and hit the ground.

The labyrinth was immediately illuminated by fire, and the ground was also shaken by continuous bombing. Countless black rhinos were shrouded in fire and rain, were hit head-on, and were involved in the fire.

In the blink of an eye, a large sea of ​​flames appeared, burning the maze until it made crackling noises.

This is why Refiya's flame-attributed wide-area annihilation magic is considered to have firepower comparable to Lv.5.

Under the burning of this magic, the black rhinoceros, which can only break through the hard skin with first-level weapons, was helpless. It was roasted into coke in the sea of ​​​​fire, and fell down one after another with howls and screams.

Even though it was just a magic used by Lv.3, it incinerated pieces of ultra-deep monsters that even Lv.5 would find troublesome. This is Refia's firepower.

The excellent "magic power" and the assistance of skills allowed this Lv.3 elf girl to burn a large group of monsters across two levels like this.

Therefore, as long as Refiya can sing magic and release magic stably, then she will be stronger than ordinary Lv.5.

In the past, Refia was unable to cast magic stably due to her mental immaturity.

But now, this shortcoming has been gradually improved in the continuous running-in with Li Ge.

"It's hot!"



Tione, Tiona, and Aisi escaped from the sea of ​​flames one after another, and the dark green film on their bodies gradually disappeared.

"Yes, sorry!"

Refiya opened her eyes only now, and realized that she almost affected Aisi and the others, she panicked.

"Don't worry, they're fine."

Li Ge seemed to have expected this to happen, and comforted Refiya.

The magic he casts is not only able to increase the speed of others, but also unique in defense.

It was a protective magic that he accidentally learned from others, and the effect was to strengthen "durability" and highly strengthen "agility".

The effect of magic is directly proportional to the "magic power" of the caster. The better the "magic power" of the caster, the stronger the effect of the magic will be.

This kind of magic falls into the hands of Li Ge, who has been upgraded with the "magic power" of SSS for three consecutive upgrades, and the current "magic power" also has S, and the effect is surprisingly good.

After the enhancement of "magic guide", the protective magic cast by Li Ge, even the relatively minor enhancement effect of "durability" is quite amazing.

Thanks to this, even if Aisi and the others were hit directly by the [Salvo Javelin], they probably wouldn't be seriously injured, but if they were affected, it wouldn't hurt them at all.

This is a kind of magic mentioned in the original book, and Li Ge also remembers the detailed effects of this magic, so as long as someone casts this magic in front of him, and Li Ge personally confirms it, then use [Almighty] to kill it. It's easy to memorize.

Not long ago, when Li Ge was preparing for an expedition, he accidentally saw the user of this magic in the middle of the dungeon, and the other party used it in front of his eyes.

Therefore, Li Ge learned this magic naturally, and possessed the tenth magic that even the [Nine Magic Girls] did not have.

Of course, no one knew about it.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Tiona and Tione came back, looked at Li Ge in amazement as the film of light gradually disappeared from their bodies.

Aisi also stared at Li Ge, her eyes were full of curiosity.

There is no way, the magic just now is really powerful, although it is not as powerful as [Wind Spirit Rush], but it is quite amazing, making Ai Si feel that her strength has soared.

"It's just a magic acquired by accident."

Li Ge didn't explain it too clearly.

Because he saw that a monster was attracted by the movement here, and seemed to be approaching here.

"Let's get out of here first, don't love to fight."

Li Ge put away the magic circle and said this to everyone.

Although everyone was very curious, they could only suppress their curiosity, followed Li Ge's footsteps, and left quickly.

Not long after, monsters appeared one after another, roaring and wandering on the edge of the sea of ​​fire.

The sea of ​​fire is slowly burning here, as if it will never go out, dispelling the darkness.

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(End of this chapter)

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