Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 57 "Parallel Chanting"

Chapter 57 "Parallel Chanting"

"The voice just now!?"

When the shrill scream resounded from the maze and reached everyone's ears, everyone including Li Ge stopped in their tracks.

"It's Raul's voice!"

Teona cried.


Thione panicked too.

"Miss Ace!"

Refia was at a loss.

Ai Si frowned, and just when she was about to rush out, Li Ge grabbed her wrist.


Li Ge grabbed Ai Si's hand, his eyes pierced a side road like a sharp knife.

There, a shock came from far to near, intensified, and gradually came towards this side.

Not long after, several figures rushed out of the fork in the first place.


Thione's worry turned into joy.

Unfortunately, she was happy too soon.


Rushing to the front, the most agile, and a well-known villain hero in Olalie, the genuine Lv.6 Finn, at this time, actually shouted this at Li Ge and the others if.

Behind him, Grace and Bert, who had always been fearless, were also fleeing in a panic. Raul, who was a supporter, was carried by Bert, with black smoke all over his body and a rancid smell. Dying.

Before everyone could react from this astonishing situation, that one appeared.

The color that occupies the whole body is yellow-green.

The bulging and seemingly tender green skin has colorful lines everywhere.

Numerous short legs formed the lower body, and the upper body seemed to rest on the long lower body, rising like a hill. Flat arms with no thickness protruded from the left and right sides, and there were four cracks at the front end, which looked a bit like finger.

That's a worm.

In other words, it was a monster that looked like a worm.

The worm-shaped monster that vibrates up and down as it advances is a full four meters tall. It is so huge that it hits the ceiling, and its horizontal width is almost equal to the two ends of the road. It seems to block the passage. It crashed into the maze, while chasing after Finn and the others.

"Then, what is that!?"

Refiya couldn't help but let out a scream, her face turned pale with fright.

Let alone Refia, even Ais, Tiona, and Tione subconsciously took a step back, looking terrified.

The dignified Lv.5 first-level adventurers, the talented cadres of the Loki family, were shocked by that disgusting monster that was physically unacceptable.

Only Li Ge started singing without hesitation the first time he saw Finn and the others.

"[The sun of the sky that is chasing after you, everything is to escape from you]."

"[Bloom, Armor of the Laurel Tree]."

"[La Muller]."

The dark green film of light flickered, covering the bodies of Finn, Grace, and Burt one by one, causing the speed of the three to suddenly increase.

"This is.?"

The three of them were stunned for a moment, and then they heard Li Ge's voice again.

"[Liberated light arrows, bow stems of holy wood, I am the master of bows]."

"【Stop it, Goblin Archer】."

"[Pierce through, the arrow that must hit]."

"[Arc Ray]."

The next moment, an arc blasted out like a beam of light, brushed straight over the heads of Finn and the others, and blasted on the huge worm monster.


There was a big explosion as if the monster's whole body was on fire, causing most of its charging figure to be burned directly, making a sound like a broken gong.

This attack finally alleviated some of the situation, allowing Finn and others to quickly get rid of the pursuit of the worm monster by relying on the reinforcement provided by the protective magic.


Seeing that Finn and others were out of danger, Tione was ready to meet them with tears of joy.

But the expressions of Finn and others did not relax.

"Come on!"

"Don't stand there!"

"You idiots! Run away!"

Finn, Grace, and Burt rushed towards Li Ge and the others while shouting.


Li Ge still took the lead in responding, picked up Refiya who was screaming, turned around and ran away.

Ais followed closely almost subconsciously.

Only Tiona and Tione, after being stunned for a while, finally understood why Finn and the others had fled, and even Li Ge chose to retreat without hesitation.

Because there is not only one monster chasing after him.

When the first worm monster was knocked down by Li Ge's magic, behind him, there were another worm-shaped monsters appearing one after another, pressing over the body of the companion, and rushing straight to this side.

"is that a lie!?"


Tiona screamed, and Tione's face turned pale. The two of them turned around and ran away without hesitation.

At this moment, the strongest and geniuses among the Loki family fled in a panic as if they had broken the glasses of others.

Fortunately, [La Muller]'s strengthening has been working, otherwise, they might really be overtaken by the group of huge worm monsters.

"What's that? Finn!"

Tiona finally caught up with Finn and the others, yelling at Finn.

"I don't know." Finn looked at the film of light covering himself and the others, then glanced at the calm Lige, and said, "At least, I don't have any information about that monster in my memory."

This is a very big deal.

You know, as the leader of the family, Finn has always had a character of making decisions before acting. Every time he goes on an expedition to the dungeon, he will not only record all the monster information on each floor, but also the map of the maze.

As far as memory is concerned, Finn is not inferior to Li Ge at all. Even the terrain on the 51st floor, the leader of the family can remember it clearly. Running with a trace of hesitation, even if the road twists and turns and there are many forks, he just chooses the road and rushes in, not like running randomly.

Such Finn said that he has no information about that monster in his memory, which can only explain one thing.

That is, it was a monster that had never appeared before.

Just like the crocodile that appeared on the 6th floor.

"Abnormal situation."

Aisi murmured in a low voice, making everyone's expressions dignified.

Especially when they saw what was happening behind them, their scalps felt even more numb.



I saw that while the huge worms were chasing after them like chariots charging, they stretched out their tentacles and grabbed the monsters they passed by.

Everyone saw with their own eyes a black rhino struggling desperately, but ended up being swallowed by a worm monster.

The rest of the monsters were also hunted by these worm monsters, and without exception, they all became their food.

"...they are not devouring magic stones, are they?"

When Tione said such words in a voice almost moaning, everyone's hearts fell to the bottom.

"Enhanced species? And there are so many!?"

Refiya, who was carried away by Li Ge, could no longer be shy, her pretty face was as white as paper.

Only then did the girls understand why Finn and the others ran away.

Because they are facing a group of enhanced species.

In the past, they were even rarer than rare species, and the appearance of one would make the guild immediately offer a reward for attacking them, but now they appear in groups.

Could there be a worse situation than this?
Unfortunately, there are.

"Get out of the way!"

Li Ge, who had been silent all this time, suddenly made a sound, maintained the posture of embracing Refia, grabbed Aisi's hand, and suddenly fell down.

"Get down!"

Finn's reaction could not be described as unpleasant, and he chose to trust Li Ge's sudden reminder without hesitation, and with an order, everyone got down on the ground.

At this moment, a purple linear liquid, like a jetting high-pressure water gun, suddenly passed by and hit the wall in front of it.

"Chi Chi!!"

The wall hit by the purple liquid immediately dissolved at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was dissolved into a puddle of mud in an instant.

Such a scene reminded Aisi and the others of Cadmus Fountain.

In that grotto, there are many traces of being corroded and dissolved by something like this.

"Could it be!?"

"They are the ones who killed the mighty dragon!"

Tiona and Tione cried out in unison.


Ais also knew why Raul was carried away by Bert in such a miserable state.

Probably because he was directly hit by that solution and corroded.

"Sure enough, these monsters"

Li Ge, who had been silent for a long time, finally confirmed this point, and his eyes watching the worm monsters became sharper.

The chasing worm monsters propped up their upper bodies one by one under everyone's trembling eyes, opened their sticky mouths, and sprayed liquid guns in this direction, causing the purple solution to hit one after another.

"Be careful and dodge! Don't come into contact with that solution!"

Finn warned loudly.

Naturally, everyone wouldn't get dizzy, and would touch that terrible solution even after seeing it.

At that moment, everyone began to dodge one after another, or moved, or jumped back and forth at extreme speed, avoiding the liquid guns that came one after another.


Ace drew her sword and seemed ready to fight.

"Don't go! Ace!" Bert yelled immediately, and said, "If the monster is cut down, the solution in its body will burst out immediately. That's how Raul suffered!"

In a word, Aisi had to stop the steps that were about to rush out.

"Boy Lige!" Grace yelled at Lige, "Can you cast another spell in this situation!?"

Since melee combat is not good, it can only use long-range attacks.

And Li Ge was already ready.

"[Arc Ray]!"

Li Ge, who had finished chanting, blasted out the magic without hesitation, causing the arc-shaped light beam to cut through the space and hit the worm spewing out the solution.

"[Arc Ray]!"

"[Arc Ray]!"

"[Arc Ray]!"

After chanting and releasing one after another, arcs of light blasted out one after another, hitting the worms one by one, causing them to scream.

The explosion and screams were mixed together, making the air seem to have a smell of gunpowder smoke, shaking the entire maze.

Everyone saw that Li Ge was still able to dodge the solution calmly while holding Refia while chanting magic bombardment, and their eyes changed.

"Sing in parallel?"

There was both wonder and relief in Finn's whisper.

"Damn monster!"

Bert cursed even more.

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(End of this chapter)

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