Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 611 Situation in the North of the Continent

Chapter 611 Situation in the North of the Continent

This time, Xinyel's trip, if viewed from its original purpose, was undoubtedly a failure.

I didn’t get any information about the hidden world, and I didn’t get any information about the Dimensional Rubik’s Cube. Although I got some secrets that I didn’t know before, those secrets basically didn’t help Li Ge and Liz’s goal at the beginning. .

Li Ge decided to take this trip because of the Dimensional Rubik's Cube and the hidden world, but in the end he failed to achieve his goal, which means that the clues were completely broken.

Next, if Li Ge still wants to explore the Dimensional Rubik's Cube and the hidden world, then he has to think again.

Yuli was just asking Li Ge what plans he had now that Xinyeler's trip failed.

She could see that the matter of the Hermitage was very important to Liz, and it was also very important to Li Ge, and it was not completely irrelevant to him.

Based on what she knew about Li Ge, even if Xinyel's trip failed, Li Ge probably didn't intend to give up.

as predicted……

"Do you know anything about Queen Distis?"

Li Ge suddenly asked You Li such a question.

"Queen Distis?"

Yuli was startled for a moment, but then she came to her senses.

"Do you suspect that the Distis family, which buried the last queen of Reinner in that ancient ruins and is a vassal of the Reinner family, has something to do with Queen Distis in the north?"

Li Ge had already told Yuli about the contents of the stele in front of Yuluo Ellie's tomb, so Yuli also knew about the existence of the Distis family.

"Is there no way I can't be so suspicious?" Li Ge didn't deny this, and said directly: "One is the Distis family, and the other is the Queen Distis' kingdom. If there is no connection between the two, no one can Wouldn't believe it."

Yuli nodded and agreed with Li Ge's speech.

But it was not You Li who answered Li Ge's question just now.

"The Kingdom of Queen Distis, that is a country located in the north of the mainland."

Marilyn, who was on the side, spoke up and began to popularize science for Li Ge.

"Because of the year-round low temperature in the north, it snows almost all year round, and the land of Queen Distis is also bathed in ice and snow all year round, so it is also called the Kingdom of Ice and Snow in the mainland countries."

"At the beginning, that country was not called Queen Distis, but a small country called Zinia. Later, due to difficulties in survival and other aspects, Zinia elected a very capable queen who would It was sent to the throne."

"This queen is indeed very capable. She made many reforms as soon as she came to power. In the end, not only did Zinia survive in the ice and snow, but she also expanded the country, absorbing all the northern tribes living outside."

"In this way, this country has gradually developed and grown, and has successfully become one of the only four major countries in the mainland."

"So far, Zenia has changed its name to the Kingdom of Queen Distis."

Marilyn told Li Ge that Distis was the queen's surname.

In order to praise and commemorate the queen's great achievements, Zinia just changed the name of the country to the other party's surname, and called herself the Queen's Country, which means that the country is what it is today because of the Queen.

In the following hundreds of years, the throne of Queen Distis has always been the descendant of that queen, and every king is a queen, making Queen Distis the only one on the mainland that only women can A country that inherits the throne.

"But because of this, as time went by, civil strife began to appear in Queen Distis' Kingdom."

“The cause of civil unrest is discontent.”

"At the beginning, the princes of the royal family were dissatisfied with the succession system of the throne and the reality that only women can inherit the throne, so they resisted."

"This kind of resistance has fueled the momentum of many nobles who are dissatisfied that the throne has been occupied by women, so many nobles in Queen Distis's country have also joined the ranks of resistance."

"Over time, the Kingdom of Queen Distis fell into civil strife, especially the royal family. The prince and princess were completely opposed. One side advocated the abolition of the system that only women can inherit the throne, while the other advocated that the achievements of the ancestors must be remembered and the traditions be followed. To abolish the system is to forget the ancestors.”

"The disputes and conflicts between the two sides continued, resulting in more and more gunpowder, and more and more fierce fights, and finally caused the small countries around Queen Distis to start to have some boldness after seeing the internal strife in the big country. idea."

"This situation is becoming more and more serious now, so that Queen Distis is suffering domestic and foreign troubles, and there are even faint signs of disintegration."

Marilyn told the current situation of Queen Distis like this, and it can be seen from her tone that she was not untouched by this situation.

Yuli also kept silent and listened.

Is it possible that the current state of the Kingdom of Distis is the future of the Kingdom of Jinas?
After all, the current Jinas Kingdom is also divided into two factions, the royal faction and the duke faction, and there are also faint signs of civil strife.

If the kingdom of Ginas fell into civil strife like the kingdom of Queen Distis, the kingdom might perish even faster than the kingdom of Queen Distis.

Queen Distis's kingdom is surrounded by small countries, so even if it has internal and external troubles, it can survive at present, but the vicinity of the Kingdom of Ginas is the Kingdom of Rebru, a country of war that advocates war.

If the Kingdom of Jinas falls into a state of continuous civil strife, then the Kingdom of Reblu will definitely invade the whole country and take down the Kingdom of Jinas in one fell swoop.

In the face of the threat posed by a big country with equal strength, if the Kingdom of Jinas really fell into civil strife, it would definitely be unable to resist.

Perhaps, this is also the reason why the Royal Faction and the Duke Faction did not have an all-out conflict?

Both sides know that once they have a full-scale conflict, it will only benefit the fisherman in the end. Therefore, whether it is the royal faction or the duke faction, the confrontation is the confrontation, but it is still restrained, at least for now.

Of course, Li Ge was not interested in this kind of thing at all.

"Could the first queen be a descendant of the Distis family?"

What Li Ge cared about was this kind of thing.

In this regard, Marilyn gave an explanation.

"It is said that the first queen of the Kingdom of Distis originally came from a very powerful tribe in the north, and she herself is equivalent to a leader in that tribe."

Marilyn said so.

"Zinia met that tribe in the last days of extinction, and they were attracted to the queen who was born in that tribe."

No one knows what kind of waves have gone through in the middle.

But according to historical records, after that, that tribe was integrated into Zinia, and the queen of the tribe was also pushed to the throne of queen by the senior officials in Zinia.

"I heard that when she took the throne, the first queen was already a very powerful sword master."

"She first repelled the coveting of the countries near Zinya with her strength, and then began to rectify the country and vigorously reformed, allowing Zinya to be reborn in just a few years."

"Her prestige was unmatched at the time, so much so that as soon as she ascended to the top, many tribes in the north voluntarily surrendered to her, and one after another integrated into Zinia."

After decades of vigorous development like this, Zinia successfully became one of the only four major countries in the mainland, and officially changed its name to the Kingdom of Queen Distis. across the North.

"During the reign of the first queen, the country of Queen Distis can be said to be the overlord of the north, and even the surrounding small countries showed signs of submitting."

"If things continue like that, the entire northern part of the continent may become the territory of Queen Distis, making Queen Distis the second kingdom of Volkeri."

The Kingdom of Volkeri ruled the entire south, and made all the small countries in the south submit to it and became its vassal states.

The kingdom of Queen Distis originally had such a prospect.


"After the first generation of Queen Tistis established the country, her physical condition seemed to begin to deteriorate rapidly, and finally died of a serious illness at the age of 55."

"Although the royal family of Distis quickly supported the second queen, compared with the first queen, that queen was far inferior after all."

"That's why the Kingdom of Queen Distis was not able to rule the entire northern part of the continent in the end, and many small countries in the northern part of the continent settled down and no longer considered submission."

"Hundreds of years after that, Queen Distis's kingdom has always been well-behaved, and it is no longer as strong as when the first queen reigned."

In other words, the glory of Queen Distis's kingdom is almost all built on the first queen.

After the passing of the first queen, although the Kingdom of Queen Distis did not plummet, it no longer had the ability to unify the north, so that the situation in the north stabilized.

Then, hundreds of years later, the kingdom of Queen Distis finally showed signs of decline, ushering in internal and external troubles.

"Many people believe that the next big country to disappear will not be either the opposing Kingdom of Jinas or the Kingdom of Rebru, but the former overlord of the north—the Kingdom of Queen Distis."

Marilyn concluded with this sentence.

Hearing this, Li Ge understood the unrest in Queen Distis' kingdom.

The current situation in the Akasha continent is actually quite clear.

The south is dominated by the Kingdom of Volkeri, ruling the entire southern part of the continent as a hegemon. The countries in the south are basically subordinate countries of the Kingdom of Volkeri. With geographical advantages, the Kingdom of Volkerri has become the strongest and most peaceful continent. A country that makes people dare not go one step further.

The central part is headed by the Kingdom of Jinas and the Kingdom of Rebru. The two countries are opposed to each other, and the surrounding small countries are sandwiched between these two big countries. They are desperately trying to survive.

In the past, the north was the kingdom of Queen Distis, but now the situation has changed. Due to the domestic turmoil in Queen Distis, the northern countries have become ready to move, intending to take a bite of their fat, and some even do it. The dream of becoming the next big country.

As for the east and west, most of the areas on these two sides are occupied by the Kingdom of Jinas and the Kingdom of Rebru, and the rest of the area is wilderness, desert, forest, swamp, and even volcanic areas that are not suitable for human habitation. , only monsters will be active here.

This is the current overall situation of the Akasha Continent.

Li Ge, who had learned about this situation, thought that the central part of the continent, where the Kingdom of Jinas and the Kingdom of Rebru were located, was the most chaotic place, after all, the two were the only opposing powers.

However, it now appears that the situation in the northern part of the mainland is much more severe than that in the central part of the mainland, and it is possible to break the current international situation at any time and completely fall into turmoil.

"By the way, many small countries in the north have been in contact with each other very frequently in recent years, and there seems to be a faint tendency to form an alliance."

Marilyn broke another big news.

"Many people believe that if this alliance is established, then the Alliance of Northern Nations may fully invade Queen Distis' Kingdom."

This is no longer a situation that can be described as internal and external troubles, but a real national crisis.

However, Queen Distis seems to be unable to deal with it now.

"I don't know what the current queen is thinking. She has never done anything about this situation. She seems to be acquiescing to the conflict between the prince faction and the princess faction. In the capital of the Kingdom of Queen Stis——in the Queen's Palace in Urvashi."

Yuli finally opened her mouth and said something to Li Ge.

"If you plan to go to the Kingdom of Distis, you'd better be careful. It may be even more chaotic than Mapros's territory and the neutral zone, maybe that's it."

Hearing this, Li Ge once again fell into deep thought.

Do you want to take a trip to Queen Distis?

Li Ge felt hesitant about this.

He didn't care much about the turmoil, but the Kingdom of Distis was located in the north of the mainland, and if he wanted to go there from the Kingdom of Jinas, it would not take a few days.

It took him a few days from the capital of Yaluf to reach the territory of Mapros on the border of the kingdom, because there were canals leading to various territories in the Kingdom of Jinas.

If there were no canals, it would take a month or so to travel from the royal capital of Yaluf to Mapulos by carriage, even without sleep.

And from the northern border of the kingdom to the Kingdom of Queen Distis, there are no canals that can be borrowed.

If Li Ge wanted to go to the Kingdom of Queen Distis, he would either spend a lot of time on the road, or he could only find a way to use [Portal Gate], the highest-level teleportation magic with almost infinite teleportation distance and basically zero teleportation limit. the strength.

Li Ge naturally didn't want to spend a lot of time on the road.

"In this case, we can only find a way to use the [Portal]."

Rieger thought so.

If you want to use the [Portal] to go to Queen Distis' Kingdom, you don't necessarily need to have been there once in person.

As long as he knows the exact coordinates, Li Ge can also open the [Transportation Gate] leading there.

"Send the fastest summoned object to fly there at full speed, wait until it arrives in the Kingdom of Queen Distis, and then open the [Portal] through the spiritual contact positioning of the summoned object."

Or, Li Ge can find a way to use [Message] to contact a person in Queen Distis' country, and then use the [Message] to open the [Portal].

(End of this chapter)

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