Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 615 The Great People of the Kingdom

Chapter 615 The Great People of the Kingdom

Between kings, in front of the grand hall.

When Li Ge and his party came here, they immediately noticed the difference between this place and the past.

The number of people stationed in front of the gate between the kings increased.

Many knights formed two columns in front of the gate, as if they were welcoming something, each of them was fully armed with magic weapons and magic armor, and the expressions on their faces were extremely solemn and tense.

"Secretary Rieger Brehaut and Yuri Franzelhou—come to see me!"

The civil servants standing by the gate didn't even wait for Li Ge and You Li to arrive, and shouted loudly as if they wanted to inform something in a hurry.


The elite knights lined up in two columns immediately took a step forward in unison, and slammed their right hand on the left chest, causing the gauntlets of the gauntlets to collide with the armor on their bodies, and there was a neat roar of gold and iron.

It has to be said that the sight and momentum of these elite knights with solemn and tense faces making the welcoming ceremony neatly is really shocking.

But seeing this scene, regardless of Li Ge and Yuluo Ellie, Yuli and Marilyn's expressions changed slightly, and their expressions became serious.

Apparently, these two women who often come and go to the palace have already noticed that today's audience is different from usual.

This is both pomp and intimidation.

This is both a welcome and a deterrent.

This is the silent expression of the king behind the door.

It looks like it's saying...

"This time, I'm also serious."

That's it.

Realizing the unusualness of this interview, Yuli and Marilyn looked at each other, feeling that the familiar gate between kings seemed to have turned into the bloody mouth of an abyssal monster, waiting for them to step in.

As long as they dare to go in, what they will eventually arrive at may not be some kind of hell, but it will definitely be an abyss swamp that can melt flesh and devour people's hearts.

"What exactly is His Majesty planning to do?"

Yuli became a little worried.


Marilyn also stared at the door between the kings without saying a word, falling into a dead silence.

Only Li Ge, seeing this scene, only paused slightly.


Saying the mantra he has been accustomed to since, Li Ge stepped into the ceremonial team (phalanx) of the knights without fear, striding towards the king as if he had thrown himself into a trap.

That calm expression and fearless posture made the fear that had just arisen in Yuli and Marilyn's hearts disappear without a sound, and made the momentum created by the knights seem to be disturbed and become muddy. .

The faces of the knights changed without a trace. They looked at the young man (Jugmaster) calmly stepping in front of them, and there was a little awe and admiration unconsciously in their eyes.

The person in front of him is one of the existences standing at the top of the swordsman. Even if he is young, he will not be so shocked that he can't even move his feet when he is united by knights.

Knowing this, the momentum of the Cavaliers suffered a second setback, and they were no longer so pressured.

In such a situation, Lila didn't know when she stopped dozing off, rubbing her eyes and followed behind her, and came to the gate between the kings.

The two knights closest to the gate immediately stepped forward and slowly pushed the gate open.

"The attendants are not allowed to enter, please stay behind."

The civil servant said this to Yuluo Ellie and Marilyn who came forward, and Yuli couldn't help but glanced at each other.

Attendants are not allowed to enter the king's room. This is indeed a rule. It is the same as the sword that needs to be unloaded here. When Yuli came here before, Marilyn has been waiting outside. She has never entered the king's room. .

But before, this civil servant would never give such a reminder before the attendants were about to step into the king's room.

Today, he seemed impatient, and before the attendants stepped forward, he stopped them.

This is also a signal.


Li Ge still didn't change his face, and while letting go of Yulo Ellie's hand, he called the vampire queen by abbreviation and said something.

"You wait here."

Hearing this, Yulo Ellie raised her big ruby-like beautiful eyes, glanced at Li Ge, and then obediently walked aside and waited for orders under the slightly surprised eyes of the surrounding knights.


Yuli also made a symbolic sound.


Marilyn bowed her head respectfully, then stepped back, came to Yulo Ellie's side, stood side by side with her, and entered the standby state.

"You two, please come in."

Only then did the civil servant breathe a sigh of relief, and made a gesture of invitation to Li Ge and You Li.

Thus, Li Ge and You Li stepped into the space between the kings side by side.

Here is the same as in the past, the ground is covered with a red carpet, surrounded by stone pillars, supporting a high ceiling, so that many knights and well-dressed officials stand opposite each other in two rows, extending from the doorway. To the throne in the deepest part of the temple.

Wearing a crown on his head, a royal robe on his body, and holding an extremely luxurious sword in his hand like a scepter, Hemulimpu sat on the throne just like the last time he had an audience above, looking down condescendingly.

However, this time's audience was obviously different from the last time.

For example, the aura exuded by the knights standing neatly on the left was significantly stronger than last time by more than one level.

The equipment on them is also different, not standard magic weapons and magic armor, but each has its own style, each has its own differences.

On their chests, they wore the same medal——the Order of Righteous Swordsman.

These knights are all righteous swordsmen.

Especially the leader, the armor on his body and the saber around his waist are much higher than those of the knights in the same row. His expression is also different from the other knights, he looks very indifferent and calm.

The medal on this person's chest is also different from others'.

That's the Juggernaut Medal.

After Yuli saw this person, her eyes widened slightly.

"Florne Borley..."

Yuli murmured the name in a cold sweat.

Flon Borley, the contemporary Juggernaut and head of the Borley family, the supreme leader of the Knights of the Kingdom, is recognized as being able to rank among the top two among the Juggernauts of the entire kingdom, and even compete for No.1 A descendant of the Juggernaut family.

Yuli's eyes lingered on this man for the longest time, and then she glanced at the knights wearing the Order of the Righteous Swordsman one after another.

"The Knight Commander of the Second Knight Division of the Kingdom Knights, Bartos Rajaen..."

"King Commander of the Fourth Knight Division of the Kingdom Knights, Harry Dover..."

"The Knight Commander of the Seventh Knight Division of the Kingdom Knights, Aita Louis..."


Yuli's face became more and more serious.

The Knights of the Kingdom are divided into 22 teams, each team has more than a thousand knights, and a knight commander is responsible for the overall command.

These knight commanders are all highly respected high-level swordsmen, and each of them is a long-established true swordsman, in other words, a senior true swordsman, whose strength is much stronger than ordinary true swordsmen.

They are equipped with the highest-grade magic weapons, wear the most high-end magic armor, and some even hold powerful secret treasures and magic props. No matter in terms of strength, equipment or background, they are all higher than ordinary senior swordsmen. Not a lot.

Albert Borley, formerly known as the No. 1 under the Juggernaut, is the knight commander of the first knight unit, and his strength is already evident, so there is no need to repeat it.

And the other 21 knight commanders, even if they are worse than Albert, they are not too far behind.

Their status in the kingdom is also very high.

Being able to sit in the position of knight commander, these people basically have titles.

Either a baron, or a viscount, or even an earl or even a marquis, if only talking about the status of the knights of the kingdom, the only ones who are higher than them are the leader and deputy leader who command the entire knights of the kingdom.

At present, the deputy head of the Knights of the Kingdom has announced his retirement due to his defeat in the formal challenge of Albert Borlaiy last year, leaving the position of deputy head vacant.

Thanks to this, in the current Kingdom Knights, apart from the Knight Leader, the people with the highest status, the strongest strength, the greatest power, and the most important voice are these Knight Leaders.

At this moment, there are only 22 knight commanders in total, and ten of them are present.

They also brought their own adjutants, and those adjutants were also true swordsmen.

In other words, the knight team on the left side of the column has a sword master, ten senior swordsmen, and ten regular swordsmen, a total of 21 people.

As for the right side that formed an equal position with these knights, the people standing there were no longer like last time, all noble officials, but a group of magicians wearing expensive magician robes.

There are 21 magicians in total.

Julie is very familiar with them.

Because they are the best among the court magicians.

The court magicians are the magic legion in the royal palace. They are on a par with the knights, but they are not as well-organized as the knights, and there is no distinction between high and low positions.

They don't obey Yuli, the chief, but only the king. They are the magic service team directly under the king.

They are either tactical-level magicians recruited by the kingdom, all of them have titles, and the lowest are viscounts, some of them are senior nobles, there are many earls and marquises, or they have a great reputation in the magic world. There are masters with achievements beyond the reach of ordinary people in various professional fields.

Among the 21 people listed today, there are ten tactical-level magicians, and eleven masters with high achievements in various fields.

Yuli even found a scary figure inside.

"Feras Akremis..."

The person Yuli whispered unconsciously was an old man over 70 years old.

His face is full of wrinkles, his hair is gray, and his brows are full of kindness. There is a feeling that he has seen through the world and is about to live a retired life under the eastern fence of picking chrysanthemums.

The other party seemed to notice Yuli's gaze, turned his head, looked at Yuli, and nodded to her with a smile.

You Li immediately returned a salute subconsciously, it can be seen that she respects this old man very much.

no way.

Feras Akremis, this man is also a highly respected and respected figure among the court magicians.

He is not only a tactical-level magician, but also a professor in the magic world. He is currently the dean of Spiller College, and he is the enlightener and guide of countless magicians.

Not only is he proficient in a variety of tactical-level magic, but he has almost reached the peak in the research of combat-level magic. He is considered to be a great magician second only to Nibod Garan. Even if his opponent is a sword master, he is also Be able to play against each other and remain unbeaten in a short period of time.

And his achievements in the magic world, even the only two strategic-level magicians in the kingdom and Master Nibod, who is comparable to the sword master, are completely incomparable.

He has developed hundreds of spells.

He has solved countless mysteries of ancient magical civilizations.

He is proficient in ancient magic, ancient philology, ancient civilization, ancient history, modern magic, alchemy, herbalism, magic materials, etc., directly or indirectly providing a boost to the development of the magic world.

His strength may not be as strong as Nibod's, but even if Nibod himself comes, in front of him, he still has to be called a master.

Some people say that he only needs to ascend the heights, and half the kingdom will go through fire and water for him.

Some people said that if he hadn't been involved in too many fields, then he would definitely be able to temper his combat-level magic to a point stronger than Nibod Garan, and replace him as the strongest magician in the Kingdom of Jinas.

Others said that once he fell, it would not only be a loss for the entire Jinas Kingdom's magic world, but also a loss for modern magic civilization.

I don't know how many tactical-level magicians are his favorite students, and I don't know how many highly respected magicians are his followers. His status in the Kingdom of Ginas is even higher than that of Fron Borley, the swordsman. Above the saint, even the king himself respects his opinion and advice very much.

He is also one of the marquises of the Kingdom of Ginas, and an old scholar who is obliged to be a disciple for the eldest prince. Yuli, who once studied at and graduated from Spiller College, is also strictly speaking him. She was indeed a student of the old dean for a while, and she respected him very much.

Yuli respected him even more than the king himself sitting on the throne.

She is also in awe of this old man from the bottom of her heart, because this old man's energy is greater than that of the Juggernaut Fron Borley.

As long as he utters a word, the magicians in the whole kingdom may obey him.

At least, those magicians who came out of Spiller Academy are definitely like this.

"So... even this one is here?"

Yuli finally felt a little thumping in her heart.

In the end what happened?
Why are the big names in the kingdom concentrated here?
You Li's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and the eyes she looked at Li Ge became worried.

She knew that this matter might not be so easy to solve.

(End of this chapter)

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