Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 618 This Is Interesting!

Chapter 618 This Is Interesting!
Today, Li Ge's "A Flash of Thunderbolt" is quite different from before.

The previous [Thunderbolt Flash] was a single-attack skill, and the attack target was limited to one person. If you want to attack more targets, you have to use derivative skills such as [Six Links] or [Eight Links]. People around attacked one by one.

But now, Li Ge's [Thunderbolt Flash] can already produce a group attack effect, and there is no need to change direction like before.

Most people could only see the familiar thunder light and that swift slash, but they didn't realize that the [Thunderbolt Flash] that Li Ge used this time has completely turned into a huge slash with a huge range.

If we say that the [Thunderbolt Flash] in the past was just dodging and then slashing with a knife, then the current [Thunderbolt Flash] needs to accumulate energy on the way to dodge, draw it like a bow, and then move towards With a spiral cut around it, a circle track of thunder and lightning is cut out.

This is the slashing technique developed by Li Ge after integrating the essentials of [Round Dance] from Breath of the Sun and [Dark Moon·Night Palace] from Breath of the Moon into [Flash of Thunderbolt]. 】The attack range is expanded, and it can attack multiple targets without changing direction, or attack at the same time.

As a result, the knights who surrounded Li Ge were tragic.

They only felt a flash of lightning before their eyes, and when the light dissipated, Li Ge also appeared behind everyone, and when he put away his saber and stood upright, the large-scale lightning strike had already landed on them, cutting through their chests, The flanks, shoulders, and even the arm holding the sword made their bodies burst into bleeding light one after another.

The armor on their bodies couldn't resist even a sliver of resistance. Either they were easily broken by powerful slashes, or they were drilled through a gap and slashed at the joints of the armor, causing the parts not covered by the armor to burst into blood.


Many knights howled in pain one after another. Some fell to the ground on the spot, some knelt down directly, some let go of the weapons in their hands, and some lost consciousness with a muffled grunt, and fell down a large area in an instant.


This scene shocked everyone present.

The same is true for Yuli and Hemu Limp.

"You...can still use the special ability of sword skills?"

Hemu Limp cast his astonished eyes on Li Ge.

The lightning accompanied by Li Ge's sword skills has always been considered as a special ability of some kind of super sword skills.

Such a special ability should not be able to be used when the effect of [Light of the Jacaranda] is fully activated.

Not only did Li Ge use it, but his power was much stronger than what was rumored.

That's right.

Li Ge's breathing method is not a super-level sword skill, and the characteristics of the breathing style are not special abilities of a super-level sword skill. It is just the effect caused when the breathing method is activated, a phenomenon of slashing.

It doesn't need to be stimulated by magic power, let alone cast out of the body, so even if [Light of the Jacaranda] bans Li Ge's magic, it can't stop his sword skills.

Not to mention that the breath of thunder cannot be banned, even the breath of the sun that adds magic power to the blood circulation to increase the strengthening effect will not be banned.

Because when using the breath of the sun, the magic power does not need to be separated from the body, it only needs to flow in Li Ge's body, and it is enough to join the blood circulation.

Since the magic power does not need to be separated from the body, the breath of the day will not be banned.

Unless [Light of the Jacaranda] can make people unable to mobilize even the magic power, or even directly dispel the magic power in the human body, Li Ge's sun's breath can be used normally.

Of course, even if [Light of the Yingying] had this effect, it would be of no use to Li Ge.

After all, one of the effects of Li Ge's [Self-Salvation] skill is immunity to physical interference.

Want to suppress him from the outside?

Want to directly interfere with his body and affect his body?


At that moment, Li Ge ignored the cavaliers who howled in pain one by one, and fell in a pool of blood one after another, and continued to walk slowly towards Hemulinpu.

Seeing this, the knights standing in front of the throne also pulled out their weapons, and the court magicians seemed to have been lifted from the magic ban by the sword of power, and began to chant magic with all their strength.

Hearing the overlapping distant chant, Li Ge moved.

If he can use magic, he only needs to activate [Sacred Karma · Mirror], then all the magic can be reflected back, and there is no need to be afraid of any magic threat.

But he can't activate magic now, and since that's the case, he can't just watch the opponent prepare to bombard him with overwhelming magic.

"Breath of the Moon·Eight Shape·Moon Dragon Wheel Tail!"

Before it was too late, Li Ge suddenly drew his saber, swung the fire-patterned black saber emitting high temperature, and slashed forward with a huge horizontal cut.

The giant blade wind formed by the horizontal split blasted out immediately, carrying countless round moon blades, while sweeping thousands of troops, while breaking through the ground, it blasted towards the knights guarding the throne and the court magicians guarded by these knights. .


The sudden blade wind swept away, and the knights who were setting up their weapons and waiting in full battle, as well as the court magicians who were chanting, were caught off guard and were swept away by the blade wind amidst a roar.

"Breath of the Moon · Seven Shapes · Evil Mirror · Moon Reflection!"

Li Ge slashed out again, cutting out giant sword waves one after another, causing the giant sword waves with arc-shaped shock waves to burst out in a fan shape, traveling all the way along the ground, planing the ground, kicking up dust, and destroying the palace. the floor of the hall, threatening to swallow up those who stand before the throne.

"What kind of sword skill is this...!?"

"Super class sword skills...!?"

"He also has a second super sword skill...!"


The knights had just raised their swords, and they became staggered under the bombardment of the giant blade wind, as if they were swept by the air waves of the blades. Skills, or relying on the armor to survive, this meeting will usher in a giant shock wave that travels along the ground, one counts as one, and their faces change drastically.


Before they could resist, the second wave of offensive completely engulfed them, and with a bang, countless people were blown away.

Immediately, no matter whether they were knights or court magicians, they all fell to the ground one by one like a kite with a broken string, like garbage without money.

They groaned, groaned, howled, and tossed and turned on the ground. The protective magic props carried by many court magicians were activated, and they propped up layers of magic barriers and barriers. However, the barriers were cracked like spider webs, apparently not having enough strength to completely block Li Ge's sword skills.

These several times of major offensives defeated the knight commanders, knight commanders' adjutants, and court magicians who enjoyed great reputation in the magic world one by one, making them look like miscellaneous people on the side of the road. Like a soldier, he was so fragile.

It's just a nightmare.

This is simply absurd.

The leading knights in the kingdom and court magicians who enjoy titles were defeated so easily. If the people saw this scene, they would definitely feel that their faith in their hearts had collapsed, right?

But who let their opponent be a Juggernaut, or an exceptionally powerful Juggernaut?
The most advanced swordsman!
Top fighter!
Invincible existence!
The powerhouse at the apex!
This is the Juggernaut.

Because of this, the status of the Juggernaut is so high, so he is feared by the superiors.

They really have the ability to defeat everything and threaten the superiors.

However, no one thought that even in the palace shrouded by the [Light of Tianying], there is still a sword master who can display such power.

Don't forget, in addition to being forbidden by the demon, Li Ge is still being oppressed by the [Light of the Heavenly Ying], his body is heavier than when he was oppressed by Liz's spiritual power.

But even so, Li Ge still showed overwhelming strength and defeated countless powerful enemies.

"Breath of the Moon · Trinity · Hate the Moon · Eclipse!"

Li Ge, who was slowly stepping forward, slashed two crescent-shaped blade winds in succession towards the unguarded throne amidst the abruptly changed expressions of the rest of the people.

Many round moon blades of different sizes appeared around the crescent-shaped blade wind, like two substantive slashes, and they slashed towards Hemulin who was sitting on the throne.


Li Ge finally attacked the king.

"How dare you!"

A roar appeared, and a black shadow also appeared silently in front of Hemulinpu, manipulating a shadow sword, gathering amazing magic power, and slashing at the two crescent-shaped blade winds that were coming towards him. .


In an instant, there was a loud roar, and the sword light from the shadow sword, which could convert magic power into pure attack power, was like an erupting volcano.


Jian Guang seemed to split the entire king room in half, plowed the ground all the way, leaving a deep ravine on the ground, and finally landed on the gate, making the gate crumbling.

Of course, if there is no barrier from [Light of the Tianying] guarding the king room, this slash will definitely split the king room, and it will also blow up the door, and all the corridors outside will be wiped out. Destroyed, not spared.

Faced with this astonishing slash capable of splitting the sea and severing mountains, Li Ge also stopped his footsteps for the first time, jumped up without hesitation, and avoided this shocking slash.

"Are you finally willing to come out?"

Li Ge, who landed on the dilapidated floor again, stared at the black figure that appeared in front of Hemu Limp, and made a faint sound.

The swordsman who guarded the king himself and acted as the king's shadow finally appeared.

"Rig Brihaut!"

Roma's voice was full of heaviness, and even more full of cold anger, so he declared.

"Dare to attack His Majesty, this is a capital offense!"

"Even if you are a Juggernaut, this is a great crime tantamount to treason!"

"Today, you must pay the price for your wanton behavior!"

Following Rom's declaration, black shadows appeared around Li Ge's body without a sound.

They are the assassination force directly under the royal family---"Shadow".

Li Ge, who was surrounded again, smiled.

"very good!"

The boy really laughed recklessly.

"That's interesting!"

(End of this chapter)

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