Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 629: Always the Master's Servant

Chapter 629: Always the Master's Servant
Today, the issue of Liz's identity has involved many forces.

Needless to say, Hemu Limp, the king of the Jinas Kingdom, for himself and to find out what happened to him, he had to use Liz as a bait to reveal the secret that had been blinding him for eight years.

The duke faction headed by the Cordelion family noticed this phenomenon, so they notified Li Ge, and also planned to spy on the royal family's movements.

Someone behind Liz also seems to be planning to send her into the palace of the Kingdom of Jinas, and for this reason, he did not hesitate to use all-powerful means to change Hemulinpu's cognition.

There is another force that seems to be opposed to the people behind Liz. Therefore, they approached Hemulinpu, unraveled his cognitive changes, and exposed Liz's identity.

Coupled with the fact that Liz has a very close relationship, if something goes wrong with Liz, Li Ge will definitely be involved...

"In the current royal palace, various calculations and layouts must have been carried out behind the scenes, causing all parties to become entangled."

Yuli looked solemn and spoke in a deep voice.

"I suspect that the troublemaker behind the scenes is hiding in the palace, watching Her Highness Liz's side at any time."

This is not so much guesswork as it is an instinctive feeling.

Among other things, the mysterious person who exposed Liz's identity must have a plan, otherwise he would not have made such a move.

And since the other party intends to do something, the possibility of him hiding in the palace and watching the development of the situation at any time is very high.

Not only did Youli feel this point, but Hemulinpu also obviously had doubts about it.

Li Ge tapped his fingers on the table, and while tapping, his eyes were full of thoughts.

"Tell me, is the mysterious person who revealed Liz's identity the same as the "Ice Girl"? "

Li Ge suddenly said this to Yuli.

"You suspect them?"

Yuli was slightly taken aback.

"Yes." Li Ge nodded and said, "The other party did this, apparently for Liz."

"But why is it so coincidental that the other party did this after Liz entered the ancient ruins of Reinner, awakened the blood there, and unlocked Moslow's seal?"

"Could it be that the other party only recently found out that Liz's identity as a royal princess is fake, and also found out that Hemu Limp was cognitively changed because of this?"

This is too urgent, right?
"Do you think that the other party probably already knew the secret that Her Royal Highness Liz is not a royal princess, but she didn't expose its meaning before, until Her Highness Liz awakened her blood and broke the seal of Moslow's sword , the other party felt that Her Highness Liz could not be ignored, so he couldn't wait to make a move?"

Yuli understood what Li Ge meant.

"That's right." Li Ge said indifferently: "The biggest suspects who can do such a thing are undoubtedly those mysterious guys."

The other party's several haunts have involved the remains of ancient magic civilization, which proves that the other party has a certain degree of understanding of the deeds of ancient magic civilization.

That being the case, it is very likely that the other party will know Reinner, Liz, and some information about the people behind Liz.

Therefore, when Hemu Limp mentioned that there were mysterious people who exposed Liz's affairs behind his back, the first people Li Ge suspected were the "Ice Maiden".

No way, those people are too mysterious. Not only are their origins unknown, but their purpose is also unknown, but they have great power and energy, and they seem to have the ability to interfere with the operation of multiple countries.

Such a group of people is really suspicious. The other party was able to contact him without Hemulinpu noticing, and unraveled the cognitive changes in him, and also knew the secret of Liz's life experience. This also proves that the mysterious person who interfered this time is definitely not an ordinary person.

In this way, it would be very difficult for Li Ge not to suspect them.

"It's not impossible."

You Li frowned beautifully, nodded after a while, and said something.

"After all, the royal palace is His Majesty's territory. His Majesty still holds the control of [Light of the Tianying] in his hands, but the other party was able to pass through this layer of protection to unilaterally establish contact with His Majesty, and unknowingly unlocked it." Your Majesty's cognitive change, this kind of means, is definitely not something ordinary people or ordinary forces can do."

"With such powerful and mysterious abilities, even the national protection does not work, and there is a way to unravel the existence of cognitive changes that His Majesty himself has not noticed, the number of such characters cannot be too many. "

"The other party just happened to choose to attack at this time, so obviously targeting Her Highness Liz, the only object of suspicion is the mysterious force you mentioned."

"Perhaps, even the fact that you will stand up for His Highness Liz and have a conflict with His Majesty is within the other party's calculations, so maybe that's not the case."

Having said that, Yuli's expression became a little more serious.

"There is no doubt that you and Your Highness Liz are being targeted by those mysterious forces."

As soon as these words came out, the whole room suddenly ushered in an indescribable silence.

"The master is also being targeted?"

Liz was surprised and worried.

She thought that she was the only one who had the accident, but now it seems that the accident itself is very likely to be a trap set up by this mysterious person to target Li Ge.

At the beginning, Li Ge lost his temper because of Liz, so he did not hesitate to break into Mapulos' house, confronted Lei Wen face to face, and finally turned into a situation requiring a duel. If the other party knew about this, they would definitely know However, if he exposes Liz's identity and makes Liz detained by the royal family, Li Ge will definitely not be able to sit idly by.

But the other party still did this, which proved that the other party was not only here for Liz, but also for Li Ge.

"And the people behind Her Highness Liz..."

Yuli hesitated for a moment, then looked at Liz.

"Your Highness, don't you have any thoughts in your heart at all?"

Yuli's question silenced Liz.

"The person who will arrange you into the royal family, and will not hesitate to change the perception of the king of a country, don't you have any doubts in your heart, Your Highness?"

Yu Li asked word by word, so Li Ge also turned his eyes to look at Liz.

As for Luna and Yuluo Ellie... these two people don't know why, but suddenly they looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, one tilted his head, the other stared, as if playing something fun To play the game, they actually ignored the conversation of Li Ge and the others.

Under such circumstances, Liz showed a little struggle, and finally spoke in a low voice.

"I have only one suspect."


"Grandma Mia." Liz murmured, "I can only suspect her."

This started when Liz was conscious, and she has been taking care of her, bringing her by her side, and raising Liz to the age of 7.

She was the only family member in Liz's heart when she was a child. Before Liz entered the palace, she was the one who took Liz to wander around the world and traveled to countless places.

The other party claimed that Liz's mother died after giving birth to Liz, leaving only the sword of Moslow and the animal skin picture to Liz.

The other party also said that if Liz had a chance, she would take the animal skin picture to the hidden world, but she didn't seem to approve of her doing so.

The other party was still old and could no longer roam the world, contacted Hemu Limp, and asked He Mu Lipu to take Liz back to the palace.


It was Granny Mia who claimed that Liz was Hemulinpu's illegitimate daughter and contacted Hemulimpu to let Hemulimpu bring Liz back to the royal family.

How can people not suspect that the person who arranged Liz into the royal family of the Jinas Kingdom and changed Hemu Limp's cognition is this mysterious Granny Mia?

The other party also seems to have a full understanding of Liz's life experience. He knows the sword of Moslow, the picture of animal skins, and the hidden world. Who would want to say that she has nothing to do with the Reinner family? believe?

The issue is……

"If Granny Mia really did this, why would she do it?"

Liz has been thinking about this question all day.

She just couldn't figure it out, so she just sat here in a daze.

She didn't dare to leave here, and she was also a little worried. If she left, the royal family would not only cause trouble for Li Ge, but also trouble for Mia who had contacted Hemulinpu at the beginning.

With all kinds of concerns added together, Liz just sat there for a whole day, she didn't think about what to do next, and it also made Li Ge worry for nothing all night.

"...In your impression, is your mother-in-law Mia a character who is so powerful that she can ignore Hemulinpu's heavy protection and change his cognition?"

Li Ge asked Liz a question just like this.

"This..." Liz became a little distressed. After thinking for a while, she murmured: "Grandma Mia is indeed very powerful. She knows a lot of things and hides a lot of secrets. She can survive no matter where she goes. , and always said some inexplicable words that I couldn't understand, so when I was a child, I always thought she was strange, but also seemed great."

"But if you want to say how powerful Grandma Mia is, no one can tell."

"She is so old, but she can always scold some very vicious people away."

"She has weak legs and feet, but she can always climb very high mountains, walk through very large grasslands, can row boats, swim, cook, weave clothes... It feels like she can do everything. "

"Sometimes, we are targeted by monsters in the wild, and Grandma Mia can also stare away the monsters, and then come back with the meat cut off from that kind of monsters in a short while, let me have a full meal Meal."

"This is the Granny Mia I know. She is very powerful, but I can't tell how powerful she is."

Liz tried her best to flip through her memory, and told Li Ge about Mia in her impression.

"From what you've said, this Granny Mia is indeed very suspicious."

Li Ge was thoughtful.

"What happened later?" You Lilian asked, "Where did that old woman go after His Highness was brought into the palace?"

"I, I don't know." Liz said very annoyed: "I just remember that Grandma Mia sent me to His Majesty the King, and then she left. After that, I never heard of Mia again." News from mother-in-law."

In other words, this Granny Mia is very likely to be alive.

"That's interesting." Li Ge smiled lightly, and said, "If she is still talking, she will most likely come to you if she finds out that your identity has been exposed."

This is very much in line with Hemu Limp's expectations.

As long as Liz was left in the palace, the person who changed his perception and arranged Liz to be behind the scenes of the royal family would most likely show up.

At that time, the mysterious person who exposed Liz's identity will probably take some kind of action, right?

After thinking about this, Li Ge glanced at Liz again.

"Thinking about it this way, your decision to stay in the palace may really be the right one."

If Liz ran out of the palace without authorization and escaped the threat of the royal family, the people behind her might not have jumped out.

And if those people don't jump out, the mysterious person who exposed Liz's identity may have been hiding behind the scenes.

Of course, these people would definitely not just watch Liz leave.

Don't forget, they are here for Liz, and they are also here for Lige, if Liz is allowed to leave and return to Lige's identity, it will only make their plan come to naught.

Maybe, those people just waited for Li Ge and Liz to completely fall out with the Kingdom, and to have a scene of killing people with a borrowed knife?
It is also impossible for Hemulimpu to let Liz leave, but with the [Light of Heaven] strategic barrier, it is almost impossible for Liz to escape from the palace.

Unless... Liz draws the sword of Moslow.

The unsealed sword of Moslow is still terrifying. Li Ge has reason to believe that once the sword is pulled out, even a strategic defensive magic barrier like [Light of the Sky] will be cut by a single sword. broken.

However, it may not be just a single [Light of the Jacaranda] that will be cut off, the entire palace may be cut in two, causing countless sacrifices and deaths.

Liz would definitely not be able to do such a thing.

"If I don't come to pick you up, I'm afraid you will really be under house arrest here forever."

Li Ge's tone became sulky again, making Liz bow her head in embarrassment.

In the end, she still got Li Ge involved, and once again got Li Ge's help and rescue.


This made Liz a little dejected, with a look of frustration on her face.

The strength has become stronger, and the bloodline has awakened. I thought that I would be able to help the master in the future, and would not cause trouble to the master anymore.

But the result?

I'm still so useless.

Thinking of this, Liz couldn't stop her frustration.

"Forget it, it's not your fault."

Seeing Liz's frustrated look, Li Ge softened his heart, and finally revealed the matter.

"Suddenly told that you are not Hemulinpu's daughter, the identity of the princess is also false, and someone is playing tricks behind your back. You must be confused too, right?"

Li Ge touched Liz's head and said so.

"It's okay, no matter what your status is, I only know that you are my attendant."

Hearing this, Liz raised her head.


With tears in the corners of her eyes, the girl nodded vigorously.

Sure enough, the master is the best person in the world.

No matter what your status is, you will always be the master's servant.

(End of this chapter)

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