Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 662 The Power of People and Monsters

Chapter 662 The Power of People and Monsters

The 24th floor, grain depot.

This place is the same as the place where Li Ge and others passed by before, it has been eroded by the green flesh wall, and it has become a vast space full of disgusting flesh walls in all directions.

In this large cavity that should have been a rock cave structure, countless large and small flower buds hang from the walls, even from the ceiling. It looks densely packed, and it looks very strange.



In the sticky sound, some of the flower buds hanging on the meat wall stayed there quietly, while others bloomed slowly, first turning into colorful flowers, and then sliding down directly, as if they had been conceived Like newborns, colorful monsters with flower-shaped heads were born one after another and fell to the ground.

There is no doubt that it is a piranha.

This big hole is producing piranhas, just like the seedbed of piranhas, let the piranha monsters ripen one after another, born in the world, wriggling and crawling in all directions and corners of the big hole.

Such an uncomfortable scene, at this moment, did not attract the attention of Li Ge and Ai Si who rushed in.

Because, the two of them have already been taken away by the large quartz pillar directly in front of them.

That is a large column with a height of at least 30 meters, and the whole body is crystal-like crystal clear, and emits red light towards the surroundings.

That is the main pillar of quartz, the core of the grain depot. It is not only the pillar supporting the existence of the entire grain depot, but also the grain pillar that produces nutrient liquid for the monsters in the dungeon to eat.

However, such a majestic red crystal pillar was actually entangled by three huge monsters at this time.

Those are three monsters that look like piranhas.

They have brighter, more colorful flower heads than ordinary piranha monsters.

They have a size and weight comparable to super-large monsters.

Each of them is more than ten times larger than the piranha monster, and there are countless vine-like tentacles sticking out from the long and thick giant body, and together with the main body, they are wrapped around the surface of the red crystal stone pillar .

It looks like it is sucking the nutrients secreted by the large quartz column, absorbing the food produced by this grain bank, giving people the feeling of a disgusting worm that lives on other people and sucks other people's blood.

The tentacles and roots of these huge piranha monsters also extended to the walls, floors, and ceilings of the food depot, forming a green wall of flesh.

There is no doubt that the culprit who turned this area into a disgusting flesh-walled space and flesh-walled passage is these huge piranhas.

"This is……"

Looking at the appalling scene in front of him, even someone as emotionally indifferent as Ais, couldn't help but tighten his face.

Even Li Ge couldn't help frowning, as if feeling uncomfortable with the scene in front of him, he moved his eyes after a while, and looked at the two figures standing in front of the big red crystal stone pillar.

"Tch." Rui Weisi said with a gloomy face, "Have you caught up already?"

The white-robed man stopped his hand reaching for the orb, and turned around to face Li Ge and Ai Si just like Rui Weisi.

This caused a burst of annoyance in Rui Weisi's heart.

Obviously she had given the order, and hurriedly retreated with the "fetus", but the man stopped his action at this moment when the enemy was catching up. This was clearly not reconciled to retreating, and he wanted the "fetus" to absorb some nutrients.

(What a stupid man.)
Rui Weisi didn't look at the man in white robe, her eyes were full of fiery emotion and biting chill.

Unaware of all this, the man in white robe let out a nervous voice from under the bone helmet with a leisurely look.

"Welcome to this piranha seedbed, adventurer of the Loki family."

The other party greeted Li Ge and Ai Si with ease.

"……Who are you?"

Ai Si raised the sword of despair in her hand, and pointed the tip of the sword at the man in white robe, and also pointed at Rui Weisi, her eyes were full of vigilance.

"Me?" The white-robed man smiled softly, and said: "I am the one chosen by "her", a new life that is about to bring changes to this world. "

"New life?"

Naturally, Aisi couldn't understand what the man in white robe said, but this didn't prevent her from remembering Li Ge's previous words.

"Aren't you... a human race?"

Aisi said with a tense pretty face.

"Oh?" The man in the white robe was probably surprised, and then he laughed again, very arrogantly and condescendingly, as if he was born to be superior to others, and said: "You are so smart, you can actually tell that we are not Terran."

These words almost confirmed the accuracy of Li Ge's previous statement.

Neither Rui Weisi nor the white-robed man in front of him was actually human.

"What are you?"

Ai Si looked at Rui Weisi and the white-robed man with eyes as if looking at a foreign object, and spoke in a cold voice.

"Are we?" The white-robed man sneered, as if showing himself, he opened his hands and said, "We have the power of both humans and monsters, and we have merged two completely different existences into one." Life is the most supreme existence in this world!"

Has the power of both humans and monsters?
Ace froze for a moment.

The man in the white robe didn't give Aisi time to be sluggish, but his voice became fanatical, like a fanatic, introducing himself endlessly.

"We have the wisdom and ability of the human race, and the brute force and strong body of the monster. We are hybrid life, the most devout guardians of "her", and the poor people who were saved under the love of "her". "

"Of course, you guys definitely don't understand, don't understand how great we are, let alone how lofty and dazzling "she" is. "

"It's okay, you'll find out soon."

"When we destroy that hateful tower, destroy this hateful city, and let "her" return to the earth and bathe in the sun, then you will all know the nobility and greatness of "her". "

Saying this, the man in white robe snapped his fingers without giving Aisi any time to react.

"Wake up, giant flower."

"Give me all these uninvited evil guests, and turn them into new nutrients to breed more piranhas."

Following the words of the man in white robe, one of the three huge piranhas parasitic on the big red crystal stone pillar behind him suddenly started to move.


Amidst a burst of trembling, a huge flower seemed to raise its head, turned its dazzling and colorful petals forward, and looked at Li Ge and Ai Si.

It didn't growl, or even make any noise.

It just quietly pulled out the countless vine-like tentacles wrapped around the pillar, and let the tentacles that were integrated with the stone pillar and the green wall peel off.

Thanks to this, a tearing movement appeared together with the trembling sound, causing the colorful giant flower to emit an extremely strong rancid stench.

Huge piranhas, huge monsters, and huge elongated bodies just broke away from the main quartz pillar, followed the force of gravity, and hit the ground heavily, smashing the triumphant white-robed man and the expressionless Rui Weiss stood behind her.


The large cavity was also violently shaken, causing gravel and dust to sprinkle on the ceiling.

A super-large super monster comparable to the floor master was born. After swaying for a while, it rushed towards Li Ge and Ai Si in the direction of Li Ge and Ai Si.

It was a run that made the ground tremble uncontrollably.

It was a sprint that simulated the momentum of earth shaking, mountains shaking, and heaven falling apart.

The huge piranha monster——the giant flower charged along the ground, preparing to smash the entire big hole, and slammed into the entrance of the passage where Li Ge and Ai Si came.


Amidst the roar, the spacious passage was smashed by a giant flower that was bigger than it, as if it had been hit by a toppled sky pillar, causing the shock wave to blow away like a hurricane, rolling up countless broken pieces. The rocks and rubble create an earth-shattering movement.

Loud noises and violent vibrations centered on the grain depot and spread to the entire 24th floor, causing the members of the Hermes family who were dealing with the piranha monster in the passage to be caught off guard, as if they were involved Victims at the scene of the earthquake screamed and fell to the ground.


"What is it this time...!"

"What happened again?"

The members of the Hermes Familia yelled loudly, and the women headed by the dog girl and the little human wizard even showed expressions that seemed to be about to cry, which showed that they were indeed tossed by the successive abnormal situations. It's about to collapse.


Even those piranha monsters were involved in this big earthquake, and because of their large size, they would inevitably bump into walls or ceilings when they were staggering, causing the walls and ceilings to be smashed out one by one. In the big pit, large pieces of rubble fell down, and many piranha monsters were buried.


Ya Sifei jumped up and jumped into the air, and when she touched the boots on her feet with both hands, the boots grew wings, making her stop in mid-air.

"What happened at the grain depot?"

Ya Sifei's face was full of uncertainty, until she saw the walls, ceiling and ground of the passage successively cracked, like spider webs, and she was startled.

"Not good! This place is going to collapse!"

Realizing this, Yasifei ignored other things and hurriedly ordered.

"Run! Run for me!"

Leaving such words behind, Yasifei picked up the dog-man girl and the little human wizard one by one, and flew away first.

"Group, leader!"

The members of the Hermes family screamed one after another, and immediately chased Asfi in a panic, and ran away desperately.


The green passage gradually collapsed in the earthquake, and finally turned into ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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