Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 667 Dark faction

Chapter 667 "Dark Faction"

At this time, the surface of the earth has ushered in the night, so that the labyrinth city Orario is once again lit up by countless magic stone lamps, as if gemstones are inlaid in various positions in the urban area, if someone looks down from above , you will feel that such Olalie is extraordinarily dazzling and beautiful.

At this time, the members of the Loki family members in the Twilight Pavilion had already finished their dinner and began to enter the nightlife one after another.

However, in Finn's office, a solemn atmosphere permeated the air.

In this office with a large bookcase and a fireplace, Finn, the leader of the little people, sits behind his desk, Riveria of the elven royal family stands by the wall, and Grace, the dwarf warrior, sits at the desk. On a wooden round stool next to him, the heavy body was pressed into the chair, which made the chair creak and creak as if it was overwhelmed.

Loki, who is the main god, was also present, and he himself was sitting on Finn's ebony desk, with his legs crossed, extremely unremarkable.

But no matter whether it was the heads of the family members or the main gods who were leisurely and leisurely on weekdays, they all showed extremely dignified expressions while looking at each other.

the reason is simple.

Because, Li Ge has already come here, stood in front of the desk, and reported the whole story.

"A hybrid of a human and a monster... is it?"

Finn was the first to break the silence, frowning tightly, making a faint noise in the office.

"There is such an unimaginable existence. Do the gods know about this kind of thing?"

Obviously, the news that Li Ge brought back has already deeply shocked the leaders of the family.

Riveria and Grace, like Finn, frowned and remained silent.

Loki did not frown, but slightly opened his golden eyes.

"If you're asking us, we can tell you, Finn." Loki said slowly, "This is the "unknown" that even the gods didn't expect. Really, it should be called the lower realm." ? "

It is because the lower world is full of "unknowns" that the gods cannot see through, that the gods come to this world, and they can't stop looking at this world.

Loki told Finn that what is happening now is exactly the kind of "unknown" that the gods desire and delight.

In other words, even the gods don't know that there are hybrids of humans and monsters in this world.

"Is this a good thing?" Grace seemed to see that the curiosity and excitement in the main god's heart had been ignited, and said angrily, "That's an evil creature that threatened to destroy the Tower of Babel and Orario."

"That's right." Riveria said with a heavy face: "Although I don't know why they did this, since it's a monster, it's not difficult to understand."

The monster wants to rush out of the dungeon, rush to the surface, and ravage the life on the surface. This is something everyone knows.

It was to stop them that Olalie came into being, and the cover of the dungeon, the Tower of Babel, was erected.

In other words, for monsters, Orario is a prison, and the Tower of Babel is a cell in the prison.

That being the case, it is quite normal for them to want to break out of the cell and escape from the prison.

The problem is the means of realization.

"Do you think they can do it?"

Loki asked this question as if it had nothing to do with him, causing everyone to fall into deep thought one after another.

Everyone is analyzing, analyzing and connecting the existing information in their minds, intending to find useful information and make speculations.

Especially for Finn, a storm of thinking has already started in his mind.

"Let's check the known information first." Finn said so, and opened his mouth first, saying: "It is known that the enemy is a hybrid of human and monster, and can control the food that appeared at the monster sacrifice. Human flower monsters, in order to give birth to this kind of monster, they transformed the food bank in the dungeon into a so-called seedbed, and also used the mysterious "orb fetus" to absorb the nutrition of the food bank, intending to grow it up. "

"Those piranha monsters all have colorful appearances, even the magic stones are colorful." Riveria closed one eye and said, "This is the same as the worm-shaped monsters we encountered in the deep layer. Characteristics."

"Plus what Li Ge said, the "Baby Orb Fetus" became a female body after being parasitized by monsters, and it has the same characteristics as the one we encountered on the 50th floor. "Grace said in a deep voice: "Combining these information, we can conclude that the new monsters we encountered in the last expedition are very likely to be related to those strange people. "

"Both the 24th floor and the 30th floor have experienced a surge of monsters. The truth behind both is that weird person and the "Baby Orb" are causing trouble. This is indeed equivalent to affirmation. In the floors below the 51st floor , There may be grain banks that have been transformed into seedbeds. "Loki crossed his arms and said seriously: "Isn't this equivalent to saying, we have to meet those guys sooner or later? "

The Loki Familia is currently reclaiming the unreached territory, intending to reach a floor that the Familia have never reached in the past—the 59th floor.

That is a floor that even the Freya family has not yet reached. Except for the family of the male god (Zeus) and goddess (Hera) who used to be at the top of Orario for thousands of years, no other family in the world has set foot on the floor. go there.

The Loki Familia are now preparing to step in there, becoming the third faction after the god (Zeus) and goddess (Hera) to reach the uncharted territory of the dungeon.

If the monster camp set up a seedbed in that deep dungeon and used the "orb fetus" to give birth to a female-shaped monster, it would only be a matter of time before the Loki family confronted them.

"Even if there was no such thing, we probably would not be able to avoid conflict with the other party." Finn pointed out calmly, "If the other party's goal is to destroy Olalie and the Tower of Babel, then we are definitely the thorn in the other side's eyes. .”

Riveria and Grace nodded in agreement with Finn.

Those eccentrics are obviously planning some kind of conspiracy secretly, intending to overthrow the labyrinth city. In this case, as one of the double kings of the labyrinth city and one of the strongest family members on the surface, the Loki family is bound to be the obstacle that the other party wants to eradicate .

All the family members of the labyrinth city are obliged to cooperate with the guild to protect Orari, which is a clear rule.

Even without this rule, many factions in the labyrinth city, including the Loki family, would not be able to ignore a force that intends to subvert Orario.

After all, once Orario is destroyed, the dungeon without its constraints will become a Hades where monsters are constantly pouring out to ravage everything on the surface.

At that time, the earth will return to the ancient times before the gods descended thousands of years ago, and return to the dark age when endless monsters poured out from the big holes in the dungeons and acted recklessly on the surface.

If it becomes like that, everyone in the world will usher in an unprecedented disaster.

As the saying goes, one prospers, one prospers, one loses the other, whether it is in love or reason, public or private, the Loki family must stop the other party's conspiracy.

Therefore, the two sides have long been incompatible hostile positions.

"The scary thing is that the other party seems to have helpers." Riveria asked a question again, saying: "Those dead soldiers who tied fire stones on their bodies and would stop Li Ge and Ai Si at the expense of self-destructing, those People shouldn't be weird, right?"

Everyone immediately looked at Li Ge who had been silent since the beginning, waiting for Finn and others to sort out the existing information and discuss with each other.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Ge nodded.

"Those guys are not weirdos. They don't have the peculiar foreign body feeling of weirdos, let alone their powerful power. They can't even manipulate piranhas. They died on the spot after they blew themselves up. Unlike those weirdos, they have the ability to regenerate."

This can be seen clearly.

Even Ya Sifei could see it, proving this point can't be hidden from anyone.

"A dead man who is not afraid of death?" Grace wrinkled his face, as if feeling uncomfortable, and said to himself: "This kind of behavior, could it be those damned guys? Are you popping up again?"

Everyone present knew who the person Grace mentioned was.


Loki smacked his lips and said something.

"Those guys from the dark faction, aren't they dead yet?"

——— "Dark Faction".

This refers to a group of gods who once existed in Orario, composed of gods who rejected order and longed for chaos.

Human beings are divided into evils, and so are gods. Depending on the things in charge, some gods are inherently unable to accept a peaceful, orderly, and bright world, so they attempt to transform the world and create chaos and darkness in the world.

These gods are the radicals of the gods called evil gods. After the male god (Zeus) and goddess (Hera) were driven out of Oraris, they made waves in Oraris and brought Oraris into a dark period. the main god.

There is no doubt that the people under the command of these dark factions are all villains, either fanatics or insane individuals, crazy enough to be frightening.

Until a few years ago, under the leadership of the guild, several powerful families in Orari joined hands to launch conquests against the dark faction, and the dark faction was wiped out, and the dark period of the labyrinth city came to an end. , and restored peace to the city.

Now, Finn and others suspect that there may be some remnants of the dark faction, and these remnants are cooperating with the weirdo forces, intending to stir up chaos in Orario again.

Thinking of such a possibility, the expressions of the heads of the families are somewhat unsightly.

The Loki Familia is the faction that rose during the Dark Ages.

In other words, they had already dealt with the lunatics of the dark faction a lot, let alone how many times they had fought.

Many seniors of the Loki family lost their lives at the hands of the dark faction, and the main force who conquered the dark faction a few years ago was also the Loki family.

Therefore, the two sides have long been deadly rivals.

Now, the enemy who was defeated once showed signs of showing up again. How can this make Finn and others look good?

"We have to discuss it seriously."

Finn made the decision.

Seeing this, Li Ge also retired.

(End of this chapter)

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