Looking forward to another world.

Chapter 695 is Coming!Set off!

Chapter 695 is Coming!Set off!
This is an unknown chamber in the dungeon.

There is only one entrance and exit in the cave room, surrounded by dim phosphorescent walls, the room is filled with vague darkness, like a beast that devours people, it can swallow all the people who come here with darkness.

In such an unknown cave, there was a strange noise.


This is the sound only when some kind of hard object is eaten bite by bite.

On the floor of the grotto, in a vast gray sea, countless monsters turned into corpses, staining the ground red with blood, and continuously turning into dust and flying away.


A red-haired woman with an enchanting figure held a big red sword in one hand, and pierced into the body of a monster like a sharp hand knife in the other, digging out a piece of blue-purple crystal from the monster's body --- magic stone.


The monster that was dug out of the magic stone immediately turned into fly ash and scattered, reduced to a mountain of high dust.


The red-haired eccentric named Revis stuffed the excavated magic stone into his mouth, ate it like a snack, and bit it until it creaked.

Undoubtedly, the weirdo named Ravis was eating.

However, what she ate was not human food, but the favorite food of some monsters called "enhanced species"—magic stones.

"Crack clap..."

Rui Weisi kept digging out the monster's magic stone in this cave, and then threw it into her mouth to eat, as if she would never be satisfied, she kept repeating this behavior until the monster's magic stone in the cave The monsters turned into dust and disappeared, so she had to stop.

It can be seen from the thick gray sea covering the entire grotto floor that the number of monsters eaten by this strange woman must have accumulated to an astronomical number, which makes people feel shocked.

If the magic stones of so many monsters fall into the mouth of one enhanced species, even if this enhanced species is only Lv.1, it will probably become a monster comparable to a first-level adventurer .

Now, there is a monster that can rival Lv. 6 and eat as many magic stones as the enhanced species. This is really a shocking sight.

In fact, if Li Ge and Ai Si were here and saw Rui Weisi at this moment, they would find that compared with before, the aura exuded by Rui Weisi had changed.

Become more dangerous, more violent, also more cold and sharp.

But it was obvious that such a big change had taken place, yet Rui Weisi was still muttering there.

"not enough……"

"not enough……"

"To this extent..."

Ravis turned around and was about to leave the grotto.

Just then, a nervous voice stopped her.

"Haven't you finished hunting yet? Revis!"

A white-robed man wearing a bone helmet appeared, stood in the grotto, and stopped Rui Weisi.

"Is that enough? How many monsters have you eaten?"

"You are undoubtedly much stronger now than before. Even if you meet those two people again, you will definitely not lose."

"There is no need to continue hunting, let's take action."

"Did you hear her voice? "

"'She' keeps whispering in our ears that 'she' wants Arya. "

Under the words of the man in white robe, Rui Weisi stopped in her tracks.

She naturally heard "her" voice.


"As I said, this level is not enough." Rui Weisi said coldly: "The character that even the guy who regained his "integrity" is afraid of, Li Ge Brihot. "

"I can't defeat him right now."

"I have to keep hunting and eating."


Hearing this, the man in white robe didn't want to listen anymore.

"I don't know what you're afraid of, that brat?"

"He may be talented, but at best he is a human race who has received the grace of God, and it cannot be compared with us who have stepped into the non-human realm."

"You have already hunted so many monsters, and I have become sufficiently stronger since then, and it is impossible to run away like last time."

"Not to mention, our target is Arya, not that brat named Rig Brihot."

"Yes, we just need to shoot Arya, and we don't need to pay attention to that brat at all."

Hearing this, Rui Weisi didn't even look at the white-robed man, as if she didn't bother arguing with him.

"I have a feeling that if we want to catch Arya, we can't avoid that man no matter what." Rui Weisi said coldly: "We will never be able to catch Arya if we don't defeat that man."

This statement seemed to make the white-robed man laugh out loud.

"Stop kidding, Ravis, do you think the word 'feeling' can convince me? "The white-robed man said: "I still say that, enough is enough, it's time to act." "

"I got the information from Enyo."

"He said that the Loki family has gone on an expedition, and the target is undoubtedly the 59th floor where "that" exists. "

"Tomorrow, they will pass the "Dragon Pot" and head to the 59th floor. "

"This is a great opportunity. We can use the environment of the "Dragon Pot" to deal with Loki's family and take Arya away. "

It was precisely because of such information that the white-robed man couldn't hold back and wanted to make a move.

He believed that even if the Loki Familia could handle the horror of the "Dragon Pot", they would be at their wits' end, unable to take care of both ends during the attack.

In this way, they can take the opportunity to sneak attack the Loki family, take Arya away, and even take the opportunity to wipe out all the hateful first-level adventurers of the Loki family.

So, he deliberately ran over to invite Rui Weisi, and asked Rui Weisi to fight with him.

Unexpectedly, Rui Weisi still didn't even turn her head to look at the white-robed man.

"I ask you to go by yourself." Rui Weisi said in a cold voice, "I don't want to fail again."

Leaving such words behind, Rui Weisi left the cave and continued hunting.

"whispering sound……"

The white-robed man froze his tongue.

"Sure enough, it's a female monster who can't communicate, I really don't understand why "she" would choose such a guy. "

"It is unforgivable to turn a blind eye to the voice of "her" despite being favored by "her". "

"...Forget it, if she doesn't go, it's the same if I go by myself."

"I don't believe that in a place like "Dragon Pot", a mere Lv.5 can play such a role in making that female monster think about it. "

The white-robed man turned around and opened his hands as he walked towards the dark place of the grotto.

"I will definitely give "her" wish in advance. "

"Whether it's offering "her" a sacrifice named Arya, or taking "her" to the surface, as long as "her" wants to do it, I will do it all. "

"I am reborn because of "her", a new life transformed because of "her". "

"Everything must be as "she" wishes. "

The white-robed man who muttered like a fanatic also walked out of the grotto.


Behind him, with the sound of sticky footsteps, worms of various sizes appeared, and followed the white-robed man towards the outside of the cave.


The next day, early morning.

Because there was no sunlight underground, when the clocks carried by everyone showed that it was morning, the brilliance of the magic stone lamp and the flames of the bonfire were still blooming in the camp, illuminating the surroundings.

People change shifts, get up and get up, and gather around the campfire to eat like yesterday.

Today's atmosphere is obviously different from yesterday's, with a lot more tension and seriousness.

Under such circumstances, the Raiders team headed by Finn silently finished their food, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, they took their weapons in their hands one after another.

Finn picked up the spear.

Riveria picked up her wand.

Grace picked up the tomahawk.

Li Ge and Ai Si fastened their long swords.

Tiona’s big double blade, Tione’s khukake, Burt’s metal boots, Tsubaki’s tachi… Everyone silently took their weapons, Raul, Angie, Ari Shia and Refia even carried big backpacks on their backs. The backpacks were filled with various weapons and props, and even Tsubaki brought an equipment box.

Everyone was fully armed, and under the watchful eyes of the regiment members staying in the camp, they came to the entrance and exit at the west end together.

Here is the passage to the 51st floor.

A group of people passed through the gray forest and came to the wall at the west end of the 50th floor. They gathered in front of the passage connecting the 50th and 51st floors. They looked at the lower floors that formed a steep ramp, and each of them cheered up their fighting spirit. .

"Refia." Seeing the cold sweat on the forehead of the elf girl walking beside him, Li Ge couldn't help wiping it off with his hand, and said, "Don't be so nervous, relax a bit."


Refiya seemed to be really nervous, she even turned a blind eye to the intimate gestures of Li Ge, who would have felt blushing in the past, and the hand holding the backpack and wand was so hard that it turned white, making Ais on the side feel a little worried up.

"...It's okay, Refia." Aisi was not good at words, but said softly, "We will definitely protect you."

"So cheer up."

The girl with blond hair and golden eyes seldom made a sound to comfort others, which shows that there is really no room for carelessness at this time.

Even Burt kicked Raul, who was also nervous, and yelled at something, which made Angie sigh helplessly.

"By the way, Li Ge, aren't you nervous at all?" Tiona came to Li Ge's side and asked curiously: "This is also the first time you have formally participated in the strategy of unreached floors, right?"

In terms of strategy, it is indeed the case, but if it is just "Dragon Pot", I have already broken through it countless times.

Li Ge who said this in his heart naturally still looked normal on the surface.

"For me, the first experience is not a lot, I'm used to it."

These words, in exchange for a burst of amazement from Tione.

"That's right, it's only been a few months since your kid became an adventurer. Not to mention the raid on the unreached floors, it's the family expedition. Including this time, you only participated in it twice."

So how can there not be so many first-time experiences?
What Tione expressed made everyone look at Li Ge with strange eyes.

"So, like this little girl, you actually don't have any expedition experience, right?" Chun patted Li Ge's back and said, "Then you are really amazing, you are not nervous at all."

"Did you hear that? Raul." An Qi whispered a word to her contemporaries beside her, saying, "Really, you are more experienced than Mr. Rieger, but no one was nervous , but you are nervous, this is not an ordinary embarrassment."

"...Don't talk about it." Raul said in shame: "If you continue to talk about it, I will lose face as a senior."

"You guys, it's just that you don't have enough exercise." Grace joined in with a tomahawk on his shoulder, and said in a low voice: "I don't ask you to be like Boy Lige, it's too embarrassing for you, but you No matter how you say it, you are the senior of this kid, give me some energy."

"Otherwise, the road ahead will not be easy."

Grace's words made everyone feel a little bit shocked.

"I, I will pull myself together!"

Raul finally pulled himself together.

"I will work hard too..."

Refiya whispered, so that Ais could not help touching her head, and finally made the elf girl blush.


Riveria also glanced at Alicia for the time being.

"I'm fine, Lord Riveria." Alicia smiled maturely, and said calmly: "As long as Lord Riveria doesn't fall, I will never fall, please rest assured .”

Hearing this, Finn raised his gun and began to speak.

"Now that you are all ready, let's start the formal strategy."

Finn may be the calmest and even indifferent person in the audience, as if he had put on a mask the moment the strategy was officially announced, his voice was immature, but it gave people a sense of strength.

"Let's arrange the formation first."

The leader of the little human race arranged it seriously.

"The first is the avant-garde, Tiona, Tione, Burt, the three of you will do it."

"The central defenders are me, Li Ge and Ai Si."

"The rear guard is Riveria, and Grace is in the rear."

"Tsubaki, you are next to me, Angie and Refia follow Li Ge and Aisi respectively, Raul and Alicia follow Grace and Riveria respectively, remember to follow closely, but don't stick Too close, reserve space for fighting and provide weapons and props to the cadres at any time."

"With this formation, we pass through the 51st floor at the fastest speed, then enter the 52nd floor, and rush into the "Dragon Pot". "

"After the "Dragon Pot", Li Ge and Riveria, you need to apply protective magic to all of you, just in case. "

"Okay, that's all for now."

Following Finn's instructions, everyone quickly found their positions.

In terms of Li Ge's position, Tiona is in front, Riveria is behind, Ais and Angie are beside her, Refia is a little farther away, and then there are Finn and Tsubaki.

He raised his eyes with transparent luster, and he didn't know what he was looking at.


"set off!"

With Finn's order, all the staff rushed into the passage and entered the 51st floor.

(End of this chapter)

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