In this world, besides Orari, there are naturally many other forces.

Some of these forces, like Olalie, can become the center of the world with only one city and attract the attention of the world, while others are countries, races, or tribes, presenting a state similar to a hundred schools of thought contending.

However, as the real center of the world, Olali's status and strength are undoubtedly the top.

For one thing, this is the only place in the world that can produce magic stone products. It has a monopoly on the business of magic stone products, and it is raging money all over the world. Its economic resources are undoubtedly the highest in the world.

Secondly, this is the prison of the dungeon, the front line to protect the human race from being harmed by the monsters rushing to the surface. Without it, the whole world will return to ancient times and fall into war and chaos.

Thirdly, because of the existence of the dungeon, there are the most gods, the most family members and the most powerful people gathered here in the world.

The monster lair called the dungeon has a large number of adventurers pouring into it every day. Some people are fighting monsters all the time, gaining experience points to grow, and some people are even taking risks all the time, making great achievements and successfully sublimating. In the world's largest secret labyrinth city, Orario, it can be said that strong people have always been born.

With the dungeon training adventurers, providing a steady stream of experience points and opportunities to build great careers, Olalie has so many first-level adventurers, even Lv.6 and Lv.7. The presence.

Fifteen years ago, the family of the male god (Zeus) and the goddess (Hera) reached an unprecedented peak, with Lv.15 and Lv.8 being born one after another. This is an incredible thing outside the labyrinth city.

Compared with Orari, the level of power outside the city is generally lower.

They are not like the adventurers of Olalie, who can gain experience points all the time, and are more likely to take risks at any time, establish great achievements, and then sublimate. Therefore, outside the labyrinth city, most of those who are called strong are only Lv.2 , the highest is Lv.3.

Compared with Olalie, where first-level adventurers gather, the gap is naturally not that big.

Although there are less than 40 first-level adventurers in Orario, compared to those forces outside the city with a maximum of Lv. 3, Orario is still ridiculously strong.

The reason why the labyrinth city is called the center of the world is because of the overwhelming power it possesses.

However, although it is not as good as Orari, in the world, because of the special environment and special factors, it stands out among many forces, and it is not without forces that have the strength that even the labyrinth city has to pay attention to.

For example, Altana, a great magic country, claims to have the largest number of mages and magicians in the world. It regards magic as everything, and it is considered to be second to none among all the forces in the world, which makes them even have the guts to Hostile to the labyrinth city, against Orario.

Like Altana, a great magical country, which can maintain outstanding combat power even outside Orario, the world generally calls them world powers.

These extremely small number of world forces should not be underestimated. It can be said that they are the wolves that are stalking Olalie and are constantly chasing after her.

After Zeus Familia and Hera Familia withdrew from the world stage 15 years ago, the world recognized as the strongest Lv.7, one was in Orario, and the other was outside Orario.

Therefore, there is also a small part of the forces outside Olali that are valued and feared by the world.

The former hometown of Tiona and Tione --- Tirskula is one of the few world powers.

Til Skula is the homeland of the Amazons, located in the south of the mainland, and is also known as the Kingdom of Dou.

The country adopts a closed country policy, and its citizens are almost all Amazonians. They are extremely xenophobic, and the national style is so aggressive that everyone is shocked.

Because the Amazons only have females and no males, they will capture excellent males from outside and use their seeds to procreate to maintain their population.

Because the Amazons are naturally aggressive and despise the weak, they extremely admire the strong, and almost all of them are fearsome female warriors.

Tiona and Tione were born in such a country. After leaving their hometown, they wandered abroad for several years. They didn't come to Orari five years ago and joined the Loki family.

The female Amazon warriors who appeared in front of the two, who were twins like them, were from the country of Dou Skula, a compatriot and fellow villager who had known Tiona and Dione since childhood.


"Why are you here!?"

Facing his compatriots and fellow countrymen whom he had not seen for a long time, Tione was the first to question him.

At this moment, Tione no longer had the usual calmness on his face, as if he had peeled off his mask to reveal his true face, staring at the twins in front of him, the expression on his face was ferocious and angry, which made people She exuded a terrifying aura all over her body.

As long as you are a member of the Loki family, you will know that Tione is not such a peaceful person. In her true nature, she is not only rough and ruthless, but also quite irritable. Totally a thug.

Compared with her, Diona, who seems carefree, is the real little angel. She is always lively, full of energy, and always loves to laugh and play.

Thanks to this, Tione won the title of [Raging Snake].

But after joining the Loki family and meeting Finn, her sweetheart, Tione changed a lot.

She didn't become gentle, but she just disguised herself in order to escape the favor of her sweetheart.

Even if she shows her true colors from time to time, in the eyes of ordinary people, Tione is far more mature, stable and calm than Tiona, and she is not like "Raging Snake (Thug)" at all.

But at this moment, Tione completely lost the aftertaste of disguise, stripped off all the masks, and revealed her essence.

Not to mention Tione, even the heartless Tiona in the past grinned at this moment.

It looked like a cub threatening a lioness.

In response, the female warriors called Aljana and Bajay by the twin sisters moved.


The first to move was the Amazon named Aljana.

Like a boa constrictor that had been preparing for a long time, she jumped out of the grass and rushed towards Tione at an astonishing speed, kicking fiercely at Tione's torso.

It was a blow designed to destroy a human body.

Once kicked by this blow, even if the body will not be torn apart, the bones will be shattered, and it is absolutely impossible to stand up easily.

Facing this ferocious blow, Tione also instinctively kicked back the opponent's body, as if some unbearable memory had been aroused.


Amidst the muffled sound, the two Amazons kicked each other at the same time, and their bodies flew upside down.


Tione managed to stabilize her figure, but coughed up a mouthful of blood.

The same is true for Aljana, with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, obviously injured.

Both of them avoided the vital points of their bodies in the nick of time and released the opponent's attack force, but they were still injured at the same time inevitably. It is conceivable that in this round of confrontation, the two people's hands were heavy.

But under such circumstances, Aljana actually smiled.

Laughing very happily, very cheerful.

"Sure enough, the rumors are correct, you have already been promoted to Lv.6, Tione!"

Aljana was excited about this.

"Aljana! Damn you...!"

Tione's face twisted.


Witnessing Tione's injury with his own eyes, Tione subconsciously wanted to rush over.

However, another Amazon female warrior did not allow her to leave.

"...Where are you looking?"

The icy voice that was close at hand made Tiona freeze, and then she stretched out her hand almost reflexively.


A slender brown palm split silently, aiming at Tiona's throat, but it was caught by Tiona's outstretched hand, making a clear and crisp sound like clapping.


Teona yelled.

"To shut up."

The female warrior named Bajie blocked Diona's excited shouts in a cold and simple manner.

In the next instant, the opponent's other hand also moved, both feet moved, and the torso of the body twisted like a snake, making the whole body become extremely flexible as if it had lost its bones.

The result of this was that the female warrior named Bajie turned into a fierce attacking artillery fire, her hands and feet shot out like bullets, mercilessly targeting Tiona's throat, shoulders, chest, abdomen and other vitals. attack.

"Boom bang bang bang bang...!"

Relying on the Amazon's superior fighting instincts, Tiona made a counterattack, blocked Bajie's palm strikes, kicked away the kicks facing the abdomen, and then blocked the punches and elbows, and resisted the opponent's violent knee blows , retreating towards the rear amidst a burst of fierce firecracker-like clashes.

On the other side, Tione and Aljana rushed towards each other again without knowing when, and launched an extremely fierce hand-to-hand combat, making the same bang bang collision sounds endless.

Aljana blasted a fist cannon at Tione's face, and Tione hit it back with her forehead, and kicked out a powerful upper kick. Aljana raised her left arm to block the kick, and then continued With the force of Tione's strength, she rotated her body and made a powerful whip kick. Tione sideways avoided the whip kick that brushed against her skin with the whistling wind, and immediately slammed into it with all her strength. The shoulders and Aljana's hands collided together, and after bouncing off each other, they immediately continued to attack each other against the clock, making the shadows of fists and legs fly in space, making people dazzled.

It was a flurry of punches and kicks.

It was a fierce, fiery fight.

The fists and feet that can easily smash rocks and shake the ground collide with each other at a very high speed, making the two pairs of twin sisters who are both Amazons fight to the point of fierceness in an instant, neither party is allowed to get rid of it, let alone stop, even Neither party is allowed to slow down, they are only allowed to speed up, speed up, and speed up again, so that the sound of physical collisions shakes the eardrums and resounds throughout the entire space.

"Miss Tiona!"

"Miss Tione!"

"This, how could it be...!"

The members of the Loki family, who were surrounded by a group of Amazon female warriors and battle whores, glanced at this scene from the corner of their eyes, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

There is no way, purely in terms of unarmed combat, Tione and Tiona are rare even among the masters of the Loki family.

Among the first-level adventurers of the Loki family, Grace is the strongest in strength and defense, Burt is the fastest, and Finn can take advantage of any battle of the same level with his skills and brains. Vilia is the strongest in magic, Ais is the best in swordsmanship, and the twin sisters Diona and Dione are the best in unarmed combat.

They have the special physical skills for Amazon female warriors that they learned from the Dou Kingdom. The exquisiteness and practicality of the physical skills are unmatched, making the limbs and bodies of these two Amazon female warriors more useful than any weapons, and they are by no means comparable to ordinary adventurers. of.

If Aisi didn't have a sword, facing the pair of Amazon sisters, she would definitely be beaten to the ground in two or three hits.

The same is true for Finn and the others. Except for Burt, who has specially trained in leg skills, who can deal with the pair of Amazon sisters a little, the rest of the family members cannot easily defeat these two with bare hands.

But at this moment, Tiona and Tione were suppressed.

Yes, they were suppressed by another pair of twin female warriors.

Algana beat Tione back steadily, and Tiona was also beaten continuously by Bajie's snake-like limbs, and there were many abrasions on her body.

"That is the strongest female warrior of the Dou Kingdom...!"

Refia saw this scene while chanting magic, and said these words shaken.

The power of the world, the kingdom of Dou Tierskula, a great southern country exclusively owned by the Amazons, is ruled by a family.

The name of the family is the Jiali Family.

The main god of this family is the god of war who is in charge of blood and killing.

Kali, the god of war, longs for battle, for blood, for a bloody feast between life and death.

Therefore, this main god implements a fierce fighting system in the fighting country he controls, and holds daily fighting called "rituals" in the middle school arena.

Sometimes it's a fight between man and monster.

Sometimes it's man versus man.

There are no rules in fighting, and any method can be used. The only way to judge the outcome is that one person falls down and dies, and the other survives smoothly.

In such fierce and constant struggles, almost all female warriors of the Dou Guo have an equal opportunity to "adventure". They constantly defeat powerful enemies and challenge their own limits. In the end, the level and number of strong men in this country far exceed those of other countries. .

Among the Jiali family, the head of the group is Aljana.

As for Aljana and her twin sister Bazette, they are not only Tiona and Tione's masters, but also their competitors.

The levels of Aljana and Bajie are——Lv.6.

The two have been upgraded for two years, and they are stronger than Tiona and Dione who have just been upgraded recently.



Thus, amidst two muffled bangs, Tiona and Tione were simultaneously sent flying by Algana and Bajie.


Both of them spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, seriously injured.

"Miss Tiona!"

"Miss Tione!"

The members of the Loki family couldn't help but let out a groan.

The fight to the death is still going on.

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