Chapter 82 Franzel's House
In ancient times, Zhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly. When he woke up, he didn't know whether he had become a butterfly in his dream, or the butterfly dreamed that it had become himself.

Li Ge feels almost the same now.

Waking up from a somewhat familiar bed, Li Ge didn't know for a moment that the three-plus months he spent in that labyrinth city named Olalie were real or just a dream. Dream, or maybe the current self is the existence that the newcomer in the Loki family dreamed about.

Fortunately, the transparent Rubik's Cube that slowly rotated in his mind told Li Ge that no matter the self in this world or the self in that world, they are all real.


Li Ge sat up and his eyes gradually became clear.

He moved his hands and feet a little bit, feeling the same as in the earth fault world, full of power that he didn't have more than three months ago.

"It really brought it back."

Feeling the existence of power, and feeling the slight scalding coming from behind, Li Ge knew that at this moment, he had already engraved a miracle called "Grace" on his back.

It was the result of Li Ge's struggle in the wrong world for more than three months, and now he has brought it all back to this world, without the slightest sense of disobedience or discomfort.

As for the divine blood and the two swords of the Fool and the Hermit that Li Ge chose to bring back, they are now quietly lying in the storage space of the Dimensional Rubik's Cube, waiting for Li Ge to take them out at any time.

All of this tells Li Ge that the three months or so that he has spent in the Earth Wrong World have not been in vain.

Those efforts have now all turned into Li Ge's strength and become the capital for him to survive in this world.

Thinking of this, the corners of Li Ge's mouth slightly raised, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

This was the first time Li Ge got out of bed in this world.

When I first came to this world, I had been recuperating on this bed for a whole month, and I never had a chance to get out of bed.

"If I had the strength I have now at that time, I wouldn't have been lying in bed for a month."

The injury at that time, for Li Ge now, is something that [Dia Flatel] can solve.

It's a pity that at that time Li Ge didn't have any strength, and he didn't even drain the energy of the Dimensional Rubik's Cube for a month's unit, even if he wanted to travel through dimensions, he couldn't do it.

Just when Li Ge was about to walk to the window, open the curtains, and take a good look at the outside world, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Li Ge, are you awake?"

This is the voice of the servants working in this mansion.

The other party seems to be responsible for bringing meals for him. During the month of recuperating here, what Li Ge heard most was this polite knock on the door.

"I'm awake, come in."

Li Ge spoke very naturally, as if he had never left this room from the beginning to the end.

The servant outside the door seemed relieved and opened the door.

"Are you able to get out of bed yet?" The servant looked at Li Ge who was standing by the bed, and said, "That's really great!"

"I've troubled you these days." Li Ge thanked the other party, and said, "I can get out of bed now, where's your lady?"

"Miss is in the courtyard." The servant said respectfully: "Miss said that if Mr. Li Ge wakes up and can get out of bed, he can go to the courtyard to find her."

"I see." Li Ge nodded, looked at his whole body, and said, "Can I ask you to help me find a suit?"

Because he has been lying in bed recuperating from his injuries, what Li Ge is wearing now is not clothes that he can go out with, but a set of underwear that he doesn't know whether it is pajamas or hospital clothes.

You Li has a noble status, and she is still her savior. Since she has recovered, she can no longer meet her in this attire.

"please wait."

The servant seemed to have been prepared for a long time. First, he left for a while, and when he came back, he already had a set of clothes in his hands.

"This is the clothes that Miss ordered to prepare for you."

The servant gave the clothes to Li Ge, and even planned to help Li Ge change his appearance.

"No, I'll do it myself."

Li Ge politely declined the other party.

The other party took care of him for a month, and Li Ge was really embarrassed to trouble the other party.

"Then I will leave first."

The servant was not reluctant, and after a salute, he left the room.

Li Ge changed into his clothes, and found that the clothes were unexpectedly luxurious.

"...Why does it look so much like the clothes worn by nobles?"

Li Ge looked at his own image reflected in the window glass, somewhat speechless.

This is a luxurious costume similar to court costumes, with purple patterns on a white background, decorated with many pendants and chains, making Li Ge, who looked a little sick, transformed into a medieval European nobleman.

This kind of clothes that looked quite gorgeous and could even be called exaggerated brought back many unpleasant memories for Li Ge.

In his previous life, Li Ge often wore this kind of clothes that looked like a dog, and went out to various social occasions.

But he never felt used to it, and even felt a little bored and repelled.

"Forget it, live under the fence, don't ask too much."

Li Ge sighed, pressed his thoughts about this outfit, and walked out of the room.

This is also the first time that Li Ge stepped out of this room and took a real and powerful step towards the world.

He really wanted to see what this world was like.

The mansion where Li Ge lived was quite a luxurious mansion.

Li Ge walked around for a while, and found that this mansion was much bigger than his previous self imagined.

In terms of the occupied area alone, this mansion is much larger than the Twilight Pavilion.

Although the Pavilion of Twilight is also very large, its floor area is actually not that large. It is just because it is built into tall towers and extends upwards, so the actual space is very large.

This mansion is the opposite.

It is not high, about the equivalent of a four-story building, except for the taller first floor, the other three floors are not too high.

But the land of this mansion is extremely wide, not only long and wide, but also has a courtyard that surrounds the mansion.

In the courtyard, there are green plants, flower beds, fountains, small gazebos, and even two flowing streams, just like a manor.

However, such a manor is only a separate residence of the Franzel family, not the main residence.

Li Ge searched the memory in his mind and recalled the knowledge of this world.

The place where he is now is the kingdom located in the east of the Akasha continent—Ginas.

The Akasha Continent is an extremely vast continent, and there are many countries.

Most of these countries are small countries where the land is ruled by the king, and there are only four big countries.

The Kingdom of Jinas is one of these four great countries. It has a vast territory, rich resources, and a very developed magic civilization. It is considered to be one of the few great magic countries in the world.

The Franzel family is a nobleman belonging to the Kingdom of Jinas, and it is also a marquis family.

What is this concept?

Very simple.

In this world, no matter which country they are in, the royal family is the supreme ruler and the master of the country.

Below the royal family are nobles, each of whom has privileges, and these privileges are determined according to their titles.

Among them, dukes, marquises, and earls are all high-ranking nobles, enjoying the highest level of privileges in the country.

Viscounts and barons are petty nobles. Although they are far behind the first three, they are much more noble and prestigious than ordinary commoners and businessmen.

Then, the Duke with the highest status and the most privileges among the nobles is a title that can only be bestowed on the offspring of the royal family, that is, the relatives of the royal family.

In other words, the marquis is the highest title that ordinary people can obtain, and its status and rights are second only to the royal family and its collaterals.

The Franzel family is a marquis family in the Kingdom of Jinas.

From this, it can be seen how honorable You Li's status is.

Of course, Yuli has more than just the halo of being from a Marquis family.

According to the memory of the original owner, Li Ge has only one evaluation of Yuli.

"This is definitely one of the most powerful characters in the world."

This evaluation, even now, Li Ge has never changed.

With this in mind, Li Ge walked out of the mansion and came to the courtyard.

The courtyard is very large and wide, and it is not easy to find someone here.

Li Ge was not in a hurry, he took a turn for the time being, and then found his target in the gazebo.


The person who called Li Ge so much was the hostess of this mansion——Juli Franzel.

This noble lady who was about the same age as Li Ge was still wearing a dress that was more convenient for her to move around at this time. She exuded a noble temperament all over her body, and her waist-length bright silver long hair was scattered on her back, which was as pleasing to the eye as always. Elegant and beautiful as always.

The beautiful noble lady was sitting in the gazebo, she seemed to be enjoying her afternoon tea, her pair of beautiful eyes stared at Li Ge, as if she was in a good mood.

Beside Yuli stood a maid.

The other party's age is also similar to Li Ge's, about 20 years old, not tall, a head shorter than Li Ge, but graceful and handsome, and his appearance is also very outstanding, but he seems a little indifferent, a little strong, if you ignore With the teapot in her hand and her attire, even if she is a female knight, most people will choose to believe it.

Li Ge was no stranger to this maid.

She is Yuli's special maid, who is always by her side and is responsible for serving Yuli. Her name is Marilyn Impesh.

When Li Ge came over, the other party also noticed Li Ge, but just glanced at him and ignored his existence.

The same is true for Li Ge, who glanced at the other party, and then came to You Li.

"The clothes are good, and the spirit looks good. It seems that you have really recovered completely."

You Li showed a beautiful smile to Li Ge.

"Thanks to you."

Li Ge smiled lightly and replied to You Li.

"sit down."

Yuli pointed to the position opposite her.

Li Ge was also polite, and sat down in front of You Li.

The two have known each other for some time, and now they finally have the opportunity to sit down and have a good talk.

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  I wish my friends a happy National Day!

(End of this chapter)

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