TCM Gaoyuan

Chapter 359 Times change

Gao Yuan said: "Of course I am aware of the problems, so I am in favor of the initial reform. The hospital should bear part of the financial responsibility, and the medical staff should be allowed to use floating wages to improve their work. Positivity and service attitude, but this step cannot be made bigger and bigger."

Wang Hanzhang stroked his chest, he asked: "What do you mean getting bigger and bigger?"

Gao Yuan said: "It's like a health center, which now has independent accounting and is responsible for its own profits and losses. The salaries of medical staff are all paid by the hospital. The hospital should not be a profit-making institution. This will easily cause a sharp increase in medical costs, and even the hospital Doctors will over-medicine in order to make money, which will increase the burden on the common people..."

But Wang Hanzhang interrupted: "Medical costs should have risen!"

"What?" Gao Yuan was taken aback.

Wang Hanzhang said loudly: "Where do you think the medical costs in the past came from? Do you rely on each farmer to raise [-] cents or [-] yuan a year? Do you think these few cents are enough for them to see a doctor for free for a year? Where does the rest of the money come from?" ? Either collectively pay out, or it is a financial backstop."

"Do you know how big this hole is? Do you know how much money has to be filled in every year? Do you know how poor our finances are now? Do you know how many people can't even eat enough? The cake is like this Big, one more here, one less there.”

"Why do you want to set up household contracting? It is to make everyone have enough to eat. Illness does not happen every day. But food must be eaten for every meal. You can't let everyone invest all their food money in this Inside the big hole. Let me ask you, how many people are you going to kidnap for the right to eat?"

Wang Hanzhang was quite rude, almost pointing at Gao Yuan's nose and cursing.

Gao Yuan was scolded and fell silent.

Wang Hanzhang stared at Gao Yuan for a long time before his tone slowly softened, and he said, "Old Gao, you can't keep staring at curing diseases and saving lives. You should also look at the changes of this era. Everything is changing now, and everything is changing." Change. How about a few years ago, I was full to drink with this kind of person?"

"But there is no way now. Young people need jobs, the economy needs to develop, and even state-owned enterprises need to be reformed. Do you know? But no matter what we do, we hope that the country will gradually become rich and powerful, and the people will gradually have enough to eat, gradually eat well, and be able to To really live life. Maybe, at a later time, medical care won't be an issue."

Gao Yuan was dull for a long time before he said: "What you said... I understand everything. But how do you solve the problem of over-medication in the hospital? People's hearts and human nature are a hole that can never be filled."

Wang Hanzhang turned his head and looked out of the window. He could still see Gao Yuan's bright eyes on the dark window, but he himself dodged a little: "Depend on the system, rely on regulations, and rely on the law."

Gao Yuan asked again: "What about rural areas? Barefoot doctors in rural areas are not just doctors, they also undertake health promotion, epidemic prevention, vaccination, maternal and child health care, and health campaigns, and they will regularly go to the health center to report on the situation in the village. If they practiced independently, no one would do these things.”

"In recent years, what we have done is to focus on prevention, supplemented by treatment. If we do this, we will become focused on treatment and supplemented by prevention. There is also a tertiary medical system, and I am afraid it will be difficult to maintain it."

Wang Hanzhang did not dare to look back. He said: "The barefoot doctor system is a great system, but it is difficult to replicate. The barefoot doctor system established on the collective economy will inevitably collapse after the division of production. Epidemic prevention, vaccines, maternal and child health care, we I will find ways to arrange health centers and epidemic prevention stations. If you ask me if there is an optimal solution, I can't give any answer. We are just a group of people crossing the river by feeling the stones. Who can see farther than the other? ?”

"Alas..." Gao Yuan sighed deeply, and he said, "But no matter what, don't let the hospital become a store, and don't let the doctor become a businessman, okay? We must always protect the most basic medical care for the common people, and many people even see a doctor. We can’t get all the money we have, let alone let everyone return to poverty due to illness.”

Wang Hanzhang looked back at Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan also looked into Wang Hanzhang's eyes, expecting him to give him an affirmative reply.

Wang Hanzhang opened his mouth, but spat out another mouthful of blood: "Ouch."

Gao Yuan watched helplessly and shook his head.


Afterwards, the production team became a thing of the past, and the villages restored their village names, and the restrictions on barefoot doctors independently contracting the clinics of each village were released.Yang Degui successfully contracted the sanitation, and Father Yang did not make any mistakes for this violation.

Although he continues to be a doctor in the village, his life is no longer as chic as it was back then. He can no longer be a full-time doctor like in the collective period.In addition to treating everyone, he still has to play cotton in the great hall, and he has to get up early in the morning to plant the fields.

He is alone, doing three jobs.

Although very tiring, the days passed slowly.

Zhangzhuang Commune Health Center was also renamed Zhangzhuang Township Health Center. That era has really passed.

Gao Yuan is still the director of his Chinese medicine hospital, but he often goes to Zhangzhuang and Huoxiang to see their health centers, and he also goes to the countryside for a while.

There have been great changes in the past few years. Farmers are gradually able to eat enough, but there is still a gap in living a good life away from home. Some of them have gone out to work.Gao Yuan heard from Father Yang that some young people in the village heard that the next city needed strong labor to build roads, and they paid a lot of money.

A few young guys went to the next city with their companions, but they didn’t know how to take a bus. After asking a lot, they only knew that they had to take the No. 3 bus when they arrived in the city. They had never taken a bus before, and mistakenly thought that there was a 3 on the license plate number. It was a three-way car, but I didn't know where I went wrong.

They didn't bring a few dollars with them, and a few people wandered outside, and the money was quickly spent.The honest ones walked back step by step by asking for directions.A few brave ones had bad intentions and went to the bus to rob.

The timid ones, like beggars when they came back, only said that they would never go out again, but they never said what they had suffered on the way.The brave ones have already gone in, and they don't know when they will be able to come out.

A few young people in the village who had studied tailoring wanted to work in factories in Hebei. They borrowed some money and set out to report in the city, waiting to be dispatched.But some time ago, the family suddenly received a telegram, saying that someone had an accident, so I hurried to take the money.

The family borrowed another round of money and rushed over, but the person hadn't returned yet, and Dad Yang couldn't tell exactly what happened.

Father Yang babbled on, while Gao Yuan listened quietly, but looked at the distant mountains and green pines from time to time.The mountain is still the mountain it used to be, but the tree is no longer the same tree.After the production contract, hard-working farmers dug out the top of the mountain to grow grain. Now there are large yellow marks on the top of the mountain, and there are rickety figures.

Times are really changing.

In 85, Gao Yuan was 55 years old, the medical system ushered in reform again, and the situation changed again.

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