I'm a decent swordsman

Chapter 113 The Monster Ape King and the Monkey Brew

Chapter 113 The Monster Ape King and the Monkey Brew

Su Ming flew all the way to the edge of the river in the light of escape, and after identifying the location, he looked for the cave of the spirit ape.

After Dun Guang hovered around for a while, Su Ming quickly found the mountain stream.When I lowered the light, I saw the trees and vines hanging in the mountain stream, and the old vines criss-crossed on the rock wall, during which many apes were active.Seeing these, Su Ming knew that he had found a place this time.

Su Ming's eyes scanned both sides of the mountain stream, and soon Su Ming found the cave on the cliff.After seeing this cave, Su Ming's face was happy, and he entered the cave by driving the escape light.

Just as the light dissipated, an iron rod fell on his head. Su Ming had expected this situation, flicked his finger, and a sword energy flew out instantly.


The sound of Jintiejiao sounded, and the sword energy hit the iron rod precisely, and the iron rod flew backwards while spinning.The monkey behind was still in a daze, and then a round of golden rings flew up and landed on the monster ape's head.

The demon ape who had reacted immediately wanted to break free, but as soon as the golden light shone, his body seemed to be imprisoned by a layer of shackles, and he couldn't break free no matter what.

Su Ming took a look, and the demon ape in front of him was the leader of the whole demon ape group, named Iron Arm Demon Ape King, level 105, and was on par with the demon ape king that Su Ming killed when he came last time.

Last time, Su Ming didn't have the magic weapon to restrain him, nor did he have the strength to completely subdue the monster ape king, so he killed it. This time, Su Ming didn't intend to kill it.After all, the existence of the Monster Ape King is equivalent to finding a gatekeeper for these monkey wines.

Even if the players find out that there is monkey wine and the existence of the monster ape king later, they will not be able to get it.Unless those players survived a catastrophe.

Feeling that his body could not move, the Demon Ape King was angry at first, and kept struggling to break free, but it quickly turned into panic and panic.Because he found that the man in front of him could easily decide his life and death, but he didn't have any power to resist.

Looking at the immobile demon ape king, Su Ming walked around him with great interest, seeing that the demon ape king felt cold all over his body.Then he waved his hand, and a big grabbing hand grabbed him, and then led the monster ape king into the cave.

This cave has not changed much since Su Ming left last time. The other monster apes who were surrounded in the cave were scared out of their wits when they saw their king was captured.He wanted to escape, but he was worried about the ape king, and there were some strong monster apes who wanted to come forward to rescue them, but they were slapped by Su Ming's big grabbing hand, making them dizzy and only half-life left.

The rest of the monster apes were even more frightened and kept silent. As soon as Su Ming glanced over, they immediately backed away in fright.After seeing that no demon ape dared to resist, Su Mingyao flaunted his might in the hall, and then walked towards the back cave.

A strong aroma of wine wafted from the back hole, making people unable to help but salivate in their mouths.Monkey wine is a kind of fruit wine. It tastes sweet and not spicy. Instead, it has a sweet taste. It has a fragrance of mincemeat in the mouth, which is very delicious.Even without those special effects, its taste is still a first-class wine.

After coming to the apse, Su Ming didn't try to scare the monster apes again. What if the monster apes ran away in the end?He went there to find the group of monster apes who can brew monkey wine.

Do you think that all the monster apes can brew monkey brew?Do you really think these monkeys are bees, as long as you find the hive, you can get honey?

The number of monster ape groups who know how to brew monkey brew is rare, not necessarily one in a hundred monster ape groups.If the players in the previous life hadn't discovered that there is a group of monster apes who can brew monkey brew in this riverside place, Su Ming would have to spend a lot of time and effort to get monkey brew.

At the beginning, half of the monkeys would not be left for the group of monster apes to let them continue to thrive here.

When you come to the place where the wine is brewed, the aroma of the wine becomes stronger.In the center of this hall, an oval-shaped wine pool is exuding the fragrance of wine wantonly. In the wine pool, a pool of amber wine is quietly flowing there.

Su Ming shot a flash of spiritual light casually, took a bowl of monkey brew from it, and served it in a jade bowl.The jade bowl is like a bright moon, and the monkey stuffed in the jade bowl is very beautiful.Su Ming lowered his head and tasted it, the taste was slightly sweet and delicious.

Then he raised his head and drank the bowl of wine, took a comfortable breath, with a look of aftertaste on his face.

"It really is delicious wine!" Su Ming said full of praise, and then said to the monster ape king:

"You monkey heads, you are really good at brewing wine! In the future, you will benefit from making wine here!"

Regardless of the Monster Ape King's reaction after speaking, he took out a gourd from the Qiankun bag, pinched the magic formula with his hand, a ray of spiritual light flew out and entered the gourd, and immediately after that, he saw a ray of light flying out of the gourd and fell into the wine pool .

In an instant, the amber wine pool quickly flew up, and then sank into the gourd.The wine in the wine pool decreased rapidly, and it took only a few breaths. The monkey brewed slowly, and only about one-third of the wine was left.

This one-third is used to maintain the daily needs of the monkeys, which is already somewhat stretched, but only in this way, the monkeys have the motivation to make wine, right?If these monkeys are fed too much, they will not consciously make wine.

Give them motivation to fight!Sustainability drains water.

After finishing the monkey stuffing, Su Ming released the shackles of the monster ape king. As soon as the monster ape king regained his freedom, he immediately rushed to Su Ming for revenge.

Looking at the monster ape that rushed up, Su Ming shook his head slightly. Although he is already the king of monster ape, his wisdom is still limited, and the situation just now was forgotten so quickly.Flipping the palm, I saw the big grabbing hand in mid-air suddenly slapped down, and the monster ape king was slapped directly into the rock like a fly.

The big catcher moved his hand away, only to see a shallow pit in the shape of a human being left on the ground.The monster ape king shook his head, got up from the ground, and after standing still, he rushed up to Su Ming again, but he slapped him down again, this time he directly sent the monster ape king flying.

With a chirp, pia hit the rock wall, leaving a human-shaped pit again, and then slowly slid down.

The monster ape king refused to admit defeat, and rushed forward again with red eyes, so Su Ming would not be used to it.So the next scene was like playing table tennis, rushing up, and then being slapped flying, then rushing up, and being slapped flying again.

After a while, the Demon Ape King was shot flying more than a dozen times, and it was at this time.The Demon Ape King finally stopped his headache and knew he was afraid. The way he looked at Su Ming was no longer wild and unruly, only fear was left!

"Don't rush anymore?" Su Ming looked at the Demon Ape King in front of him, feeling a little unsatisfied. He hasn't had enough fun playing table tennis yet, so why did he give up?
(End of this chapter)

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