Chapter 20
Every time I wake up, there is a sense of nothingness like a world away, and I don't feel the existence of time at all here.What is the time interval between each wake up?one day?One hour?Or wake up without a break.

The system sound communicates with me less and less, and it has almost disappeared recently.I think maybe it's because she has lost interest in me, and with so many people like me imprisoned in this place, I'm not the only one she needs to pay attention to.

What makes me feel lucky and looking forward to is that I don’t know when it started, every time I wake up from here again, some pictures will flash in my mind, and these pictures stay in my mind longer and longer, And the content is getting richer and richer.

I remember that the first picture that appeared was a pair of eyes that fascinated me, and I can still clearly recall all the details of those eyes.These eyes are so familiar, as if I have seen them countless times, but I have no idea where these eyes come from.

Maybe the memory is slowly awakening itself, I think so.Since I woke up here for the first time, I don't have any memory. Whenever I try to search for some past fragments in my mind, it will lead to severe headaches, without exception.I tried to explore the eyes in my memory, and although I didn't feel a headache, there was no other information other than the picture I saw.

Although the appearance of these pictures made me very puzzled, after a few times, I no longer struggled with it.I started to get used to revisiting these pictures carefully every time I woke up. I guess maybe I was stuck here for too long and away from reality for too long, which caused my brain to subconsciously produce some beautiful hallucinations.

I saw a wonderful forest, I saw a small town, I saw a room. Over time, these images slowly pieced together, forming small coherent fragments in my mind.

Sometimes when I look at it, I will subconsciously show a smile, although I am now in an unknown environment isolated from the world, and the real world is such a beautiful place, which makes me yearn for it infinitely.

The following pictures are more about the appearance of "her", the owner of those eyes, a girl who makes me intoxicated.When the girl's face appeared in front of my eyes for the first time after waking up, it was also a familiar feeling. Her name seemed to be on my lips, and I even had an urge to call her.But after just a few seconds, I realized it was just a picture.

I began to look forward to each physical examination soon, I can fall asleep again, so I can see more pictures.This kind of thinking is getting stronger and stronger, and it has become my only expectation in this world, as if this is the only channel for me to connect to the real world.

I saw the sun, the moon and the stars, I saw the beautiful waterfall, I saw her light figure on the beach, I saw her leaning on my shoulder and watching the sunset with me She must be my true love, even in the Since then, I have already felt that I am deeply attracted by her and cannot extricate myself.

All the images are so real, as if they happened in front of my eyes, close at hand. Whenever the image disappears, a deep sense of loss spreads all over my body, and the distance between me and her is instantly separated. I want to reach out Holding her empty figure, she is already invisible to me, and I want to cry but have no tears.

I'm up and down in this kind of joy and loss
This is the 128th time I have woken up from the system, I slowly opened my eyes, waiting for her to appear
It was a bit dazzling in front of my eyes, it was the rising sun outside the window, falling in front of my eyes through the light yellow window screen blown by the wind.

She is very close to me, right in front of my eyes, the sun shines through her black flowing hair, she smiles sweetly at me, her eyes bend into two charming curves with her smile, light red Her lips were curled up, revealing some white and neat teeth.

I stared blankly at her, and involuntarily closed my eyes and wanted to kiss her cheek. The warm skin was accompanied by the cool breeze, and the sunlight filled the whole room.

I am as crazy as a dream, maybe it is a dream of an idiot, but the dream is also true.

At this time, I felt the passage of time, and when I least wanted to, I opened my eyes and recalled the scene in my mind, and my whole body and soul were surrounded by happiness and love.

These days, I seem to be witnessing the love experience between "me" and her, every sweet moment, every affectionate embrace.I don't want to be just a spectator, I can't restrain my inner surge, there is only one voice that keeps lingering in my ears: "I want to go out, I want to get out of here, I want to find her!"

But the coldness of reality made me wake up after all. This is just an illusion in my brain, and my brain is deceiving myself.

The physical examination in the [-]D image is about to be completed. It has been a long time since those colored spots appeared on the body. Instead, there are many dark green marks dotted on the original light green body. Most of these green marks Focused around my immune system.I glanced at it and didn't want to pay attention to it anymore.I desperately called my system administrator in my mind, over and over again. Until I slowly lost consciousness again and fell into a coma.

(in primitive life systems)
I stroked her hair lightly and took her into my arms. She raised her head slightly and looked back at me affectionately.I held her arm with a little force, bringing her head closer to mine, I lowered my head and kissed her forehead lightly.

I couldn't believe that all this happened like this. With the sunshine in the morning, the first thing I saw was her smiling face. This kind of joy and happiness made all words seem so powerless at this time.

"Is all this true?" Su Runyao asked softly while lying on my chest.

"Sometimes I also feel like this. Everything is too perfect, so perfect that people can't believe it, it's like—" Before I finished speaking, Su Runyao took my words: "Dream! yes?"

"Well, in the dream, especially you, it makes me feel more like this, you are even more perfect than the ideal lover in the dream—"

"You are sweet-talking and sweet-talking. You are a guy who has never seen the world. You must have never seen what is a real beauty!"

"It's enough to have you" My lips fell after I finished speaking
When Chen Song met Su Runyao for the first time, I paid special attention to his expression. I wanted to see Chen Song's reaction as he was also a man.His expression was beyond my expectation. There was a momentary exclamation on his face, and his brows were slightly wrinkled, but he quickly returned to normal. Then he turned his head and looked at me. I read from his eyes. Two words came out: "Envy!"

And Su Runyao asked me more than once, what kind of person is my good brother Chen Song, who can make such a romantic scene?I told her that for Chen Song, what is romantic is not the scene itself, but the profound philosophy in the universe. What he does is just to show a small part of it. It's a mirror, not only can I see the past, but also peek into the future. She nodded her head and said to me as if there was nothing: "Oh."

Su Runyao didn't notice the fleeting expression on Chen Song's face. She looked Chen Song up and down. It was really difficult for her to combine Chen Song's clothes and body shape with his romance. , turned to look at me, raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes wide, as if saying to me: "Are you sure?!"

Today is a rest day, it is rare that Chen Song is also in the mood today, the three of us meet in the suburbs to relax together.

When we passed through the urban forest, Su Runyao and I stood at the front of the car, while Chen Song was lazily lying on the seat, looking at our backs boredly and uninterestedly.

"Every time I pass by here, there is a dreamy feeling, especially the sunlight projected, which looks orderly in the messy, orderly yet natural, it's hard to imagine that this is an effect designed by people—" Su Run Before Yao could finish speaking, he heard Chen Song behind him immediately take up the words.

"What? Wasn't it designed by humans, or by ghosts?"

Su Runyao turned his head slowly, with the whites of his eyes almost turned up, and said angrily: "I said you?! Why are you so anxious! It doesn't look like a human-designed effect. I'm just praising him, which means that the designer The design has surpassed the ability of normal people!"

I wanted to explain to Su Runyao that Chen Song was the designer of Sunshine, but I thought it was interesting that the two of them were arguing, and they didn't look boring all the way, so I didn't say anything, just watched with cold eyes.

"This sentence is pleasing to the ear, and you are right. It is indeed difficult for you ordinary people to understand, but for me, it is just like that! It is not a big deal Things!" Chen Song looked complacent, especially when he said the last two sentences, he put on an understatement.

Su Runyao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Chen Song to be so shameless, he turned his head to me and said casually, "Why did you make such a friend?"

I didn't answer her, just showed her a meaningful smile.

She looked at me with a dazed face, then looked at Chen Song, who was idly looking out the window, and said to himself: "No matter how exquisite the design is, it is just a combination of numbers, just like what I can see. This forest is an ocean of numbers. The waves and ups and downs of numbers, sometimes far and near, high and low, every detail contains the beauty of mathematics, you don't need to arrange it deliberately, all you need is you to follow her to feel the rhythm.” He paused, sighed a long time, turned his head to look at Su Runyao and continued: “It’s a pity, you can only see the appearance, but you can’t see the essence.”

What he said was very serious, it didn't look like he was joking at all, Su Runyao couldn't refute him for a moment, she blinked and looked at me and said: "He"

I didn't wait for her to finish, and then said: "That's it, you just get used to it." Then I continued to maintain the previous smile.

Su Runyao was a little confused by my laughter, and she also looked at the forest outside the car, as if she was feeling the beauty of mathematics that Chen Song said.

The car was kept quiet, the three of us looked out the car window, after a long time Su Runyao turned to look at me, and asked thoughtfully: "Chen Song, he."

As before, I snatched her words and said, "It's the designer of the sunlight system."

Su Runyao didn't show any surprise, she glanced at Chen Song's position, then continued to look out the window.The three of us just let our thoughts fly, in this forest.

At this moment, just in front of the lane they were driving on, a group of nano energy cells were quietly dissociated from the dense leaves, and slowly gathered together with the surging airflow in the forest.A taxi sped past the driveway, and this group of energy cells was driven into the air by the flying airflow, and then brought back to the ground with the backflow of the air, floating up and down against the driveway ground.

Another taxi came immediately, and this time the energy cells were not taken into the air, but were sucked into the air compression device by the air circulation system at the bottom of the vehicle, and passed through layers of filters to remove the dust in the air The dust and tiny particles are all cleaned up, and finally entrained with energy cells several orders of magnitude smaller than dust, they blend into the fresh air like ghosts and ghosts, and are stored in the air compressor in the car.

And this is the taxi that Sun Sijie and the others took.

(End of this chapter)

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