Chapter 23
"Quiet, everyone, please be quiet!" Yu Yunlong's voice came to mind in the conference room, and there was a sound of landing, and everyone fell silent immediately, and sat back to their original positions.

Yu Yunlong didn't talk nonsense, and directly cut to the topic: "Presumably, most of you here are already aware of the unexpected incident that happened. Let me explain to you here that the first case of a Grammar occurred in the system an hour ago. Sudden fatal accidents of the L body. As of now, that is, the system time is 6 hours, there have been 639 such fatal accidents, accounting for 0.63% of the G-L experimental body. Judging from the current situation, the peak period of such fatal accidents has passed .In addition, various secondary hazards of unknown cause have occurred in the system. According to the current statistics, there are 109 abnormal accidents of taxis, 380 abnormalities of various public convenience facilities, and 1302 abnormalities of the earring system."

Sun Sijie was completely stunned. Every time he heard Yu Yunlong mention an accident, it was like a huge boulder hitting his chest, layer by layer getting heavier and heavier, suffocating him.He only felt dizzy in front of his eyes, and his body was a little shaky. He forcefully supported his body to prevent himself from fainting, picked up the water glass in front of him, and drank it down in one gulp.

"What happened? Why did it happen?" Sun Sijie's mind went blank.

At this time, Yu Yunlong's earring system seemed to have received the latest news. He turned on the projection device in front of him, and a set of latest data reports appeared on the central conference table in an instant.

Everyone watched with wide eyes, and Sun Sijie was no exception.The report in front of him shows that the sudden chaos in the system has stopped 5 minutes ago, and there has been no accidental death of the KL body.However, after the preliminary analysis of the body detection system, the cause of the death of the Ke L body was not the SAE accident caused by the vaccine M reagent, and the specific reason is still unclear.
After that, Sun Sijie didn't read a word of the content of the report. When Sun Sijie saw that "the cause of the death of the gram L body was not the SAE accident caused by the vaccine reagent", another wave of dizziness hit him, and his scalp twitched. Numb, the whole body was trembling slightly, drops of cold sweat drilled out from every pore, drenching the whole body.From the glass in front of him, he saw his pale face, which had completely lost all color.

There was silence in the conference room. Everyone finished reading the report silently, and all turned their attention to Sun Sijie.

Sun Sijie didn't dare to raise his head, and stared fixedly at the glass in front of him. Cold sweat slowly slid down his forehead, and finally seemed unable to bear the last trace of weight. It fell from the side of his face and dripped onto the table.

Yu Yunlong was the last person to turn his head to look at Sun Sijie. There was a trace of anger in his eyes, but more doubts.

"Sun Sijie" Yu Yunlong called out his name.

Sun Sijie was like a drop of cold sweat, when Yu Yunlong called out his name, it was like hitting a huge boulder on his body again, and the last remaining strength was completely crushed.He only felt a surge in his stomach, and an irrepressible force rushed straight up from his abdomen. As his abdomen contracted, Sun Sijie couldn't hold it anymore and opened his mouth to spit it out. fell down.
Everything that was happening in the conference room was now being transmitted to the apartment building a few blocks away through the button camera on the collar of a shadow sitting in the corner.

No. 1 looked at the three-dimensional projection in front of him, Sun Sijie's pale face, his blank and fearful eyes, and his fall from the seat. No. 1 showed a contemptuous smile on his face.

It's just that the smile only lasted for less than a second, and he grabbed the glass on the table, stood up and smashed the glass on the ground angrily and violently. After scratching the back of No. 1's left hand, a blood mark appeared instantly. No. 1 uttered a shrill and angry roar, and sat down on the seat again. He slowly raised his left hand, looked at the blood that quickly overflowed from the scratch, and there was a look in his eyes that seemed to be eating people. He gritted his teeth and said to himself in a low voice, "Sun Sijie, you trash!"

When Sun Sijie woke up, he was lying on the hospital bed. He opened his hazy eyes and vaguely saw Yu Yunlong talking to a young female nurse.

"How is he now?"

"Now he is slowly recovering. The doctor examined him just now. The reason for his fainting is firstly due to recent exhaustion, and secondly due to extreme tension."

"Then he...?"

"Professor Yu, don't worry, in Mr. Sun's case, he just needs to rest for a while, we have given him physical recovery treatment." The nurse looked at the time, and then said: "Should wake up soon. "

After speaking, both Yu Yunlong and the nurse cast their gazes in the direction of the hospital bed, and Sun Sijie immediately closed his slightly opened eyes.

After Yu Yunlong glanced at it, he turned to the nurse and said, "Is it okay if I sit here for a while?"

"It's okay, it's okay, Professor Yu, then I'll go out first, you can call me again if you need anything." After speaking, the nurse nodded to Yu Yunlong and left the ward.

Yu Yunlong watched the nurse walk out of the ward, then walked to the bed, sighed, and sat on the nursing chair beside the bed.He looked out of the window and pondered for a moment, then resumed his usual calm and calm demeanor, and started talking to himself.

"I slept very soundly last night. It can be said that I slept the most peacefully since the establishment of the team. Because just after the last systematic test last night, the first-stage immune response rate of the epidemic M reached 100% %, this number is only 6 days away from the goal I requested at the meeting, which means that the actual time is only 36 hours."

There was a moment of joy on Yu Yunlong's face, and it could be seen that even now, he was sincerely happy for the achievements he had achieved at that time.

"At that time, the first thing I thought of was you. Without you, it would be impossible to achieve the current results. What a major breakthrough it would be, and what benefits it would bring to the entire human race. I am glad that I was able to get you Recruiting your own team, I am glad that I have not misjudged you, this is not only the glory of our team, but also the glory of our country."

Yu Yunlong took a deep breath, and then continued: "When I was told that there was a problem with the system in the early morning, my first reaction was that Sun Sijie could solve it. Since he can create such a system, he must be able to deal with such a problem. I didn't have the slightest hesitation or doubt. Even when I saw those suffocating data, I still didn't shake my confidence in you.

I am not a person made of steel, and I also have cowardly moments. I can't think of any way except to trust and expect you 100%. I have no way to release my pressure, and I have no reason to avoid responsibility "

Yu Yunlong held his hands tightly, tears seemed to roll in his eyes, he exhaled heavily and said: "The first stage of the experiment is about to be successful, and such a problem has caused all previous efforts to be overwhelmed." Is the logic of the experiment reasonable? Is the data of the experiment reliable? Are the results of the experiment credible? "

"To be honest, it's even hard for me to convince myself that this result is credible. After all, this is related to the fate of the entire human race. Any mistake will completely ruin the fate of mankind."

Yu Yunlong's words were a little choked up, perhaps it was because Sun Sijie pretended to be asleep that he had this opportunity to release his tight nerves.

"Just now, I received a call from the Secretary-General of the Global Federation, asking us to temporarily suspend the current experiment, and at the same time request to find out the cause of the problem as soon as possible, and give everyone an explanation. At the end of the call, he said four words to me 'do not give up'."

After Yu Yunlong said this, he pulled his eyes back from the window, looked at Sun Sijie who was sleeping on the hospital bed, and saw the tears still in the corners of Sun Sijie's eyes.He stood up slowly, gently put the chair back to its original position, and said to Sun Sijie, "Take a good rest."

Turning around and walking outside, when he reached the door, Yu Yunlong seemed to think of something, and said the last sentence: "I used to be your grandfather Sun Han's student, he said something to us, I believe your grandfather must be right You said 'Don't spend your whole life carrying your ego!'" After saying that, Yu Yunlong opened the door and walked out.

Sun Sijie tightly grasped the bed sheet with both hands, regretting, blaming himself, and even despising his own cowardice.I keep thinking about the words my grandfather said. It is true that I am too conceited. When any problem in the system is related to the fate of all mankind, no matter how small the problem is, it is not a trivial matter. It can be solved by one person's ability, even when encountering difficulties, he didn't continue to investigate, just let it go, why should he be the special person in charge of the epidemic M development team?

For the first time, he felt his own insignificance and helplessness, and also the first time he really realized the pressure and burden he was carrying. He looked at the ceiling in the ward above his head, and he felt that his current state was like the first time Seeing the "self" in the system, that same expression of helplessness and bewilderment.

Sun Sijie slowly sat up from the hospital bed, his mind went blank, what should he do next?Is this event related to the previous leaf drop?Which link went wrong?He couldn't find any clues at all.He suddenly thought of the tracking program he had implanted in the system, would there be some clues?Thinking of this, he stood up and walked out of the ward before changing his hospital clothes.

The ward is in the Insai Intelligent Building, which is a special benefit for employees and equipped with professional doctors and medical equipment.It took Sun Sijie almost 15 minutes from the medical room to Sun Sijie's office. Although it was only 15 minutes, it was like walking on the "Huangquan Road" to Sun Sijie. He lowered his head and silently accepted votes from people around him. A strange look came.

"Isn't this Sun Sijie?"

"Why is he wearing a hospital gown?"

"I heard that he fainted in the meeting before!"

"Hey, she looked decent at first, but I didn't expect her to be a coward."

"Who said it wasn't! It wasn't carried up by Yu Yunlong, and there is no special person in charge!"

"I have long felt that this person is not good, he is too young!"

"You think so too, villain."

Sun Sijie silently accepted the whispers behind his back, these voices seemed so familiar yet so strange.

As soon as Sun Sijie stepped into the office, he immediately closed the door, his legs softened and he sat on the ground again, taking a deep breath.He struggled to straighten his body again, only feeling that his whole body was drenched in sweat, and whirled to his desk.

He stared at the code in front of him, his hands slowly began to tremble, and he couldn't believe his eyes.

The tracking code has been running automatically since before the first accident happened last night, and the code that attempted to intrude was successfully found in the system very quickly.Since Sun Sijie, the underlying code of the system, has never been released to the public, the intrusion code has never been able to break through, nor has it been able to carry out damage in a real sense.But soon when the tracking code caught the intruder, something unexpected happened to Sun Sijie. The intrusion code actually swallowed the tracking code, and through the cloak of the tracking code, he successfully broke into the system with ease.

(End of this chapter)

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