nonexistent experiment

Chapter 25 Bloody Sunset

Chapter 25 Bloody Sunset (Part [-])
I stood there for a long time, until the taxi drove out of the urban forest, and the rain was crackling on the window again, and I didn't wake up.

This must not be an illusion, I said to myself, it was all too natural, too real, as if it had happened before my eyes.But if it is not a hallucination, who is the girl in front of me?Why neither Chen Song nor I remember her existence?
The urge to break through the shackles that once surged in the brain was hitting the cage desperately again, time and time again, more violent and more powerful each time.Just when this thought was about to break through all the defense lines and regain freedom, my head started to hurt again. The sharp pain came so suddenly, as if deliberately preventing the life of that thought from being reborn and dying with both hands. He strangled the only exit.

I gritted my teeth tightly, and the severe pain forced me to kneel in the car, holding my head in my hands, and pressing my elbows to the ground, like a defeated soldier, begging for mercy
In the end, the sharp pain slowly subsided along with the imminent thoughts, and I missed the appearance of "her" again.

"Sir, are you okay? Your vital signs are abnormal. Do you need to call for emergency medical assistance?" The system in the car detected my abnormal physiological reaction, and a three-dimensional holographic image appeared on the front of the car, and the system automatically connected The customer service staff of the taxi company.

I knelt down on the ground, still not fully recovered from the severe pain, I only let out a low "hmmmm" sound.

"Sir, are you all right? Your vital signs are abnormal. Do you need to call for emergency medical treatment?" The customer service staff reminded me mechanically for the second time. According to the normal process, if I still don't make any reply this time, The customer service immediately called the medical emergency.

I suppressed my still painful head, and replied in a weak voice: "It's okay, don't call!"

"Sir, are you sure? At present, the system has detected that your heart rate and blood pressure are at abnormal values. The system recommends that you perform medical intervention in time." The customer service staff seemed very worried about my state, but the voice still sounded so indifferent.

"No, no, can't you hear me?" I'm really tired of such hypocritical concern.

"Okay, sir, if you need to call me at any time, the city taxi will provide you with the most considerate service, I wish you a smooth journey, goodbye." The holographic image in front of me also disappeared as soon as the voice finished.

I just kept lying on the ground until the taxi arrived at the company, and I gradually recovered a little strength, and got out of the car staggeringly.

Fortunately, I didn't have any important work today, so I sat slumped on the chair in the monitoring room until noon, when I received a call from Chen Song.

Ever since I suddenly stopped talking to him on the phone, Chen Song has been a little uneasy, and my abnormal behavior has obviously exceeded the limit of my usual jokes with him.Taking advantage of my break at noon, he took the initiative to contact me and turned on the video function.

When he saw me, I was lying weakly in the seat.Chen Song was not surprised by my state, as if he expected it.

"Are you okay?" Chen Song asked me.

"What do you think?"

"What exactly happened?"

"What happened? I already told you."

Chen Song didn't make a sound, as if he was waiting for me to continue talking.

"But you don't believe me." I paused, thinking that I can't blame Chen Song, I continued: "I know, no one would believe me, but you are my best brother, my first brother All I can think of is you."

Chen Song still kept silent and did not speak.

"I don't know what's going on, my head is going to explode, I saw it again... saw the 'illusion', I don't even know what the hell it is, it's so real Chen Song, can you understand? It's like a memory that has already happened, every detail and action is the same as what happened in reality, it's incredible." My voice became excited, and the speed of my speech slowly accelerated.

"She actually appeared in the car. She was messing with you, and then you all laughed. I couldn't see her face, but I could see your smile clearly. This must not be a hallucination, that is If you are a hallucination, it must not be like that, this is fucking real, it is you, it is your smile, do you understand me?" I spoke faster and faster, and my thinking became more and more chaotic, and my body unconsciously Sit up straight in your seat.

"But I can't see her face, I can only see her back, her hair, yes, maybe the hair found at home is hers, yes it must be hers. You know, her back is so Familiar, like an old friend. No, I didn’t say that exactly, like.”

"Lover?" Chen Song finally spoke, he was obviously listening to my narrative very seriously.

"Lover? Lover, maybe, I can't say it, but there is an unprecedented intimacy that makes me have the urge to get closer." When I said this, I sighed deeply, and an endless sense of loss swept over me. Come.

"I'd rather it be a hallucination, really. If it were a hallucination, I wouldn't care so much. Every time I'm on the verge of remembering what's going on, my head feels like it's going to explode. little bit"

"Just a little bit? You mean, is your memory going to appear?" Chen Song asked again suddenly.

"My memory is about to appear? My memory is about to appear" I repeated Chen Song's words to myself, and said as if awakened: "Yes, it is a memory. If it is not an illusion, it is a memory. In my life What I want to rush out of my mind are memories.”

"But, your memory is imprisoned?" Chen Song seemed to be guiding me step by step.

"Yes, yes, I was imprisoned. As long as the memories try to break through the imprisonment, I will have a headache, and then there will be nothing."

"Is there nothing left? Memories gone?"

"Well, no more, I can't remember anything." I slumped down again weakly.

"I believe you!" Chen Song just said three words, but he said firmly without any hesitation.

"I want to find out."

"I'll accompany you!"

"Her memories in the car must have happened yesterday when we went to the beach together. I want to go again. There should be an answer. I think I will go once in the afternoon."

"You wait for me, I'll come here now!"

The two of us sat opposite each other in the car, and I watched the scenery fly by outside the car window, flashing back to what happened before.

"If... I'm just saying that if the headache you mentioned doesn't appear, or if you can endure that kind of headache, will your memories appear?" Chen Song asked me.

"I don't know, maybe."

"Then do you want memories to appear?"

I was silent, I really didn't think about what I was expecting?The girl in memory?Who is she?Maybe she has nothing to do with me?But the feeling she gave me made me want to get close and understand her.

"At least I hope I can know what happened? Not like now, like being erased from memory."

"The last question, since you said that it seems to have been erased on purpose, it is possible. If the memory appears, there will be very bad consequences, and you have no way to accept it. Do you still want to recover from the consequences you have suffered?" Chen Song He looked at me very seriously and asked.

This time without any hesitation, I said equally solemnly and firmly: "I want to!"

Chen Song stood up from his seat, made it to my side, patted my shoulder and said: "If this is the case, maybe next time it happens again, you can try to help the memory that is about to rush out. .”

"Help? How?"

"Enduring the pain!!!"

Chen Song is right, this is the only thing I can do.

When we arrived, it was past 4 o'clock in the afternoon. We drove all the way along the coastline and watched the sun slowly sinking into the sea. The golden-red sun was shining down on the sea level, shining layers of light on the sea surface.

Like yesterday, we first passed the visitor center of this resort.

In order to evoke the sealed memory, I try my best to pay attention to the details of every eye, hoping to get some fragments that can stimulate me.

There is a row of photos hanging on the wall in the center, which are the record holders of different sports in this resort area. I looked at them one by one from left to right, while Chen Song followed me all the time, and also posed A look of careful observation.

Perhaps because few people came here to look at the photos so seriously, a female administrator walked towards us, first greeted us politely, and introduced us after seeing that we didn't look disgusted.

"This is Jiang Tao. He is a very good male longboard surfer. He has won three consecutive championships here!"

"This Richard is also a legend. He set the record for the fastest individual windsurfing obstacle course here, and he also jokingly said that this is his blessed land."

She introduced each athlete to us very carefully, but I still didn't feel anything.Just when I wanted to interrupt her to go up the mountain, we walked over to the photo of the rock climbing project.There is a photo column in front of me that is empty, and it says "Women's 5-course Rock Climbing Record Holder", but the name is empty.Out of curiosity, I pointed to the vacant place and asked, "Why is it vacant here?"

The administrator was taken aback for a moment, and then said with embarrassment: "Why didn't it? This should be" She paused, her eyes showed a look of bewilderment, and then continued talking to herself.

"That's it. Damn it, I don't remember anything."

She turned her head and said sorry to us, then turned and ran to the reference room, shaking her head as she ran.

Chen Song asked me from behind: "What's wrong?"

"Look here, there is a photo missing, and there is no name. The administrator just now can't remember it at all."

Chen Song looked in the direction of my finger, slowly frowned, and said to me after thinking for a while: "It's really a bit strange, judging by the position of the photo and the color of the surrounding walls, there should be a photo here, even if it is It shouldn’t even be remembered by the administrator if it was temporarily removed!”

I have a hunch that this should have something to do with my memory being locked, but what exactly?I can't tell.

At this time, the administrator came back with a puzzled face, and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, the player information in this vacant seat seems to be completely lost! I don't know what happened, it's really inexplicable. I'm really sorry, Wasted both of your time."

Chen Song and I looked at each other, and the premonition in my heart became stronger and stronger. Could this female player be the one in my memory?

Chen Song politely said to the administrator: "It's okay, then we will go up the mountain..."

The scenery on the top of the mountain is still so gorgeous, the sun has only half of its head above the sea, Chen Song and I stood on the slope of the top of the mountain and looked at the scenery in front of us, a little at a loss, what happened here at that time ?How do I wake up this damn memory?

I moved my steps slowly, walked into the flowers of Zhiyihua, and felt it with my heart.The dark-colored Zhiyi flowers look a bit pale at this time, the sea breeze blowing on the top of the mountain brings up layers of flower waves of Zhiyi flowers, and the blossoms sway with the wind, like elves in the flowers, moving back and forth jumping.I can't help but bend down, surrounded by blooming flowers of consciousness.

"Look, it's so beautiful, such a red sun!" Suddenly there was a shout from the crowd around, and everyone looked at the position of the sun.

I raised my head, glanced across the sea of ​​flowers, and saw a blood-colored sun and a blood-colored sky that was reflected red.

She finally "appeared", but what I saw was her lying beside her in blood.

Chen Song tightly grasped my shoulders and shouted vigorously: "Sun Jie, hold on! Hold on!"

In an instant, all the memories poured out like a flood that broke the embankment, rushing into my mind. Amidst bursts of severe pain and stimulation, I remembered, all of them.

"Su Runyao!" I called out her name.

(End of this chapter)

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