nonexistent experiment

Chapter 3 Under the Frozen Ground

Chapter 3 Under the Frozen Ground (Part [-])
End of March 2118.

"It's the last day of 2118, and we're still waiting for the good news. Is there any hope for mankind?
According to the latest news, the total number of human beings living in the world is less than 5 million, and this number is still declining. Many continents have become no man's land. In order to protect each other, human beings have truly become a community, and China has become the current world. The center has also become the "United Kingdom" in the actual sense, and the diaspora from more countries are rushing to China
The bad news is that there is still no progress in the development of the epidemic, and the most critical experimental stage has not been broken through, but we have not given up, and we are still working hard. "

In January 2119, the capital of China.

The 8th meeting of the Joint Epidemic Research and Development Center.

"Hi everyone, let me make a long story short. In the last animal epidemic experiment, one of the experimental samples had obvious effects." The speaker was Yu Yunlong, a virus researcher from Huaxia, and he was also a temporary appointment of the United Virus Research and Development Center. director.When he spoke, there was no expression on his face, and no trace of joy could be seen.

Similarly, the 12 experts and scientists from various countries here also showed no expression, because everyone knows that despite the hardships they have gone through to get to this point, they are still too far away from the outbreak of the epidemic. .

"We will continue to carry out the next animal experiment and expand the scope of the experimental control group. In addition, the safety assessment of the experimental vaccine needs to be followed up. We cannot make the last arrogant mistake.

What I want to say is that we are sitting here today with only one purpose, which is to develop an effective and safe vaccine.Therefore, I hope that everyone will work together, remember the lessons of the past, and at the same time abandon the barriers between national borders. "Yu Yunlong paused, and continued: "Back to the theme of this meeting, we have put forward relevant proposals at the recent global joint meeting. Regarding the approval process for the development of epidemic diseases, we will use a special method in a special period, and also This motion has been passed unanimously. "

"The only requirement from the Global Federation is the development time, and the time given to us is."

Yu Yunlong looked around at everyone present, and everyone also focused their attention on him.

"Three months!"

There was no sound, no one spoke, and everyone's eyes left Yu Yunlong.

"No one wants to say something?" After the silence, it was Yu Yunlong who broke the deadlock, and he continued to scan everyone with sharp eyes.

At this time, Asano Okawa from Dongyang said: "It is almost impossible. Even if the animal experiment is successful, the safety and feasibility analysis is passed, and it can successfully enter clinical phase I, II, and III trials, but who would be willing to do such a thing?" What about volunteers? It’s not like before. Our population is 80 billion. What about now?! According to the latest data, it has almost fallen below 4 million, and this number is still declining. Everyone is panicking. Who will Would you like to be a volunteer?!" Asano Okawa is a well-known biologist.

Everyone was deep in thought. To complete the research and development of an ordinary vaccine, according to the current international practice, at least tens of thousands of people are required for clinical phase I, II, and III trials, and the current level of vaccine needs to ensure the survival of all human beings. M, the number of people participating in the experiment can only be more or less, otherwise it will be an extinction of all human beings.

"You are right. When I heard about this mission, I replied to the Global Federation in the same way. This is no longer a matter of time, but a matter of the experimenters. This virus can be said to be very difficult. Unlike all viruses encountered in the past, it seems that no good response plan has been found yet. The reconstruction work caused by disasters is also very important. Countries urgently need to restore normal order, which also requires a large number of young people to complete, even if they Willing to participate in the experiment, in principle we are not willing to let them do such an attempt."

"KL, what about KeL?" Harris Eddie made a weak voice in the corner, as if talking to himself.Harris Eddy served as the chief research officer of the American biomedical company.

"No, absolutely not! In the last century, the application of gram-killing technology was limited to saving lives and treating diseases in medicine. The gram-body itself does not have life. If it is used as a biological epidemic experiment, it must be gram-blocking people themselves , that is, a complete living body. What's more, there is another problem, have you considered it? It is impossible for us to suppress only one person, and it is meaningless to do more experiments on a single individual. We need to replicate tens of thousands of people Even more!" retorted the chemist Van Dyck angrily.

"If it's really a gram, what's the difference between a gram of one person and a gram of tens of thousands of people? Don't use your trolley problem as an obstacle. What you're considering now is the survival of all human beings, don't be so narrow!" Harry Eddie's righteous rebuttal, what he has always pursued is the right purpose.

"Of course it's different. It's totally different." But Van Dyke didn't go any further.

"It's useless, even if we set aside the bottom line, we ignore all these 'people' management issues after the gram L, let alone think about the disposal after the experiment. Just ask everyone here, gram L people! Who really made I’ve been out, let alone so many, it’s been more than 3 months just to do research and experiments in this area!” Asano Okawa lowered his head, looking ahead with dull eyes.

Yu Yunlong has been listening to everyone talking, and he finally opened his mouth at this time, but his eyes are still firm: "The federation has also discussed the issue of Ke L, and they seem to be aware of this, although There is no explicit statement that the gram-L technology can be used, it can only be said to be acquiescence. As far as the current situation is concerned, the survival of human beings can only be the first goal. But the problem is still unsolved. To gram-L people and gram-L human organs, It's so different, how to solve it?"

Silence, another longer silence
"We have succeeded, we have done such an experiment, and we have detailed experimental data." Harris Eddy's voice was lower this time than before.

Now the entire conference room exploded, and almost everyone was talking about this act of violating the Global Federation
"Quiet! Let me emphasize once again that we are now a community with one and only one purpose, which is to produce the epidemic as soon as possible and for the survival of the entire human race. Please stop dividing national borders, and don't look at others with the previous eyes, and even more Don't treat our future work with such a consciousness!" Yu Yunlong stopped everyone from arguing, and the venue became quiet all of a sudden, and everyone stopped talking.

Hearing Yu Yunlong supporting himself, Harris Eddie raised his head and looked at everyone around him
Yu Yunlong looked at everyone, and said slowly: "In principle, I don't want to use the technique of suppressing people, but..." He lowered his head silently for the first time, he didn't know if he had opened Pandora's magic box .But only for a short moment, he returned to his original calm look, looked at Harris Eddie in his calm voice, and said to him word by word: "Take your experimental data Take it out!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Harris Eddie switched the projector in front of him to the main screen, and said, "Okay—"

Before Harris Eddie could say a second word, he was interrupted by a voice from a corner beside the venue, "I have a better plan."Everyone, including Yu Yunlong, was attracted by the sudden words.

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(End of this chapter)

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