nonexistent experiment

Chapter 50 Operation Restart

Chapter 50 Operation Restart (Part [-])
After waking up, our world has been completely changed. Due to another destruction of the virtual world by the real world where Sun Sijie lives, the visible light in the "primordial life" now only has the green band.

Fortunately, with the help of night vision goggles, Su Runyao and I saw each other again. Although everything we saw was green, compared to the weird and terrifying pure black world, this green seemed to make us feel at ease a lot of.

According to Sun Sijie's description, in addition to the modification of the electromagnetic wave band in the virtual world, all operations in the real world are also locked, and he can only watch helplessly without making any restorative changes to the virtual world.

The only feasible rescue solution at present is to restart through the interior of the virtual world to restore the normal settings of the virtual world.

But I still couldn't bear it, and argued with Sun Sijie until he said, "I beg you."

This sentence suddenly reminded me of my own scene in the "marginal world", the self who was begging and desperate to learn the truth.As his clone, the DNA of every cell in my body is exactly the same as his, just like my emotions resonate with him now, which made me feel that desperate and helpless mood again.

At that moment, my heart softened, and I knew that continuing to argue with him would not have any results and meaning, let alone change the status quo of our world.I know very well that for Sun Sijie, what he really cares about is experiments, but for me, the virtual world is what Su Runyao and I depend on for our survival, and I have to work hard for it after all.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" My mood calmed down a lot.

"You agreed?" Sun Sijie asked, he couldn't believe my sudden change.

"If you keep procrastinating like this, I might regret it." I deliberately stimulated him like this.

"Okay, I got it." Next, Sun Sijie explained to me how to restart internally. He just gave a brief description of the specific implementation steps. After about 5 minutes, I had a basic Process has an overall concept.

"According to the plan you mentioned, apart from me, Su Runyao and Chen Song must participate. I believe Su Runyao will definitely agree. I can't make a decision for Chen Song. Talk to him." I said after thinking about it.

"Okay, during this course of action, you may need to take the initiative to contact me. For the convenience of our communication, I will tell you how to call me now."

The communication with Sun Sijie has come to an end for now, and the way to call him is actually very simple, just call in your mind: "Sun Sijie, contact code: 0X563".

I turned to Su Runyao and said to her: "I have promised him, but this action requires three people to carry out at the same time, you?"

"I'm fine, I just want to spend the rest of my life with you well." Su Runyao obviously heard what I meant, and answered me directly.

"Well, I think it's the same. I'll contact Chen Song now and ask him about his situation. Then I will tell you the whole action plan in detail. I guess he probably hasn't woken up yet."

Through the earring system, I called Chen Song.

After a long time, Chen Song's lazy voice came from the other end of the phone: "Is there any mistake, so early? What time is it?"

Before I could speak, I heard the sound of something falling to the ground in the earring: "Oh, I'm going, I can't see anything."

I immediately gave him a general description of our changes on the phone, and he never interrupted me, just listening to my every word silently.

"It's almost like this. You should also have night vision goggles. You should put them on first."

From the voice from the earrings, it can be known that Chen Song did not stop for a moment after listening to my words.A few minutes later, he got the night vision goggles and said to me: "You should know to change the color palette to green display, right?"

I have to say that Chen Song reacted much faster than me in this regard, he should have seen the clues as soon as he discovered the problem.

"Yeah." I replied without too much explanation, and then continued: "This operation requires three people"

"I am in!" Chen Song readily agreed: "I've been waiting for this moment all my life, and I feel like I'm going to be the hero in a movie!"

I didn't know what to say, I didn't expect him to make such a joke at this time, and I was completely defeated by his optimism and nonsense.Perhaps this is the difference between me and him. He seems to have fully accepted and recognized the fact that he is in the virtual world, and enjoys it, and is even more open than before, full of creative and adventurous spirits.

"You have always been the hero in my heart!" This may be the only thing I can say: "If you are ready, I will tell you and Yao about Sun Sijie's action plan now."

"At any time!"

"There are three signal transmitters in our world. You can think of it as a data exchange center. What we have to do is to go to these three signal transmitters respectively, and then press the reset buttons of the transmitters at the same time, you can Completed internal reboot."

The two of them seemed to be waiting for me to continue. After a few seconds, Chen Song was the first to react.

"No more? Is this all your so-called plan?" Chen Song asked in surprise.

"Of course, when Sun Sijie talked to me, he also talked about a lot of details. I don't think what I said now is very meaningful. I will tell you the specific details on the way. The most important thing is what I just said."

"Then when will we start? I'm a little excited!" Chen Song obviously couldn't wait.

"One more point, I don't know if you have thought of it?" I asked.

"What are you referring to?" Su Runyao asked me.

"That's how we get to these transmitters."

"How? Go by car! We don't necessarily need to run by ourselves!" Chen Song almost blurted out, but when he was talking about running, he suddenly realized the problem, and immediately said: "Hey , it seems that we are really going to run away!"

"You remember?" I said with a smile.

"What's wrong? Why can't you go by car? Tell me quickly, I haven't figured it out yet!" Su Runyao asked anxiously.

"Because the only visible light left is green!" Chen Song said.

"Visible light green? What is the inevitable connection with driving?" Su Runyao hadn't thought of it yet.

"Think about it for yourself, what drives our car?"


"Where is the electricity?"

"Urban forest! What else can I rely on? It's not Xianer." Su Runyao seemed to have figured it out.

"Understood, 90% of the city's electricity comes from the urban forest, and the electricity of the urban forest comes from the photosynthesis of the parasol, and the photosynthesis comes from"

"It comes from red and blue-violet light in visible light, and green light has the weakest effect, so the car has no power." Su Runyao followed Chen Song's words.

"That's right, not to mention that the car is out of battery, I guess the whole city is out of power now."

Perhaps we never thought that a change in visible light would have such a huge impact on our lives.But this objective universe is so incredible, it’s hard to tell how the connection between such ingenious things was established, perhaps as we discussed before, the entire universe was created by another advanced civilization, And the so-called reality is just another virtual existence.

"This may not be a big problem for us now," Chen Song said easily.

"We are supermen!" Su Runyao echoed.

"Don't be too optimistic, you two? Do you know where the three launchers are?" I immediately poured a basin of cold water on the two of them.

"Where is it? No matter where we are, we are superhuman!"

"That's right!"

It seems that my cold water did not cool the two of them down. These two people are still immersed in the state of being transformed into supermen these days and cannot extricate themselves.

"Let's not talk about the specific locations of the three launch towers. From the perspective of distance alone, we are nearly 400 kilometers away. If we drive, we can get there in four hours. Now even if it becomes In a superhuman state, we keep running at twice the speed of the 4-meter world record, and it will take 2 hours. Don’t forget to keep this speed, how much the burden on the physical energy and the heart is, we may not be able to run. An hour later, he was lying on the side of the road."

Obviously, this basin of ice water had a significant cooling effect on the two of them. They were no longer excited, and a long silence was replaced.

"Six hours? It seems a bit far away!" Chen Song said helplessly.

"It's not just a little far away." I replied helplessly.

"You are right. Running at such a high speed puts too much burden on our hearts. Our limbs may still be able to hold on, but our hearts may have already been overwhelmed and collapsed." Su Runyao is now working as a Doctor, also added.

"Then what should we do? Didn't Sun Sijie think of this? He probably doesn't know that we can transform into Superman. If so, it's mission impossible!" Chen Song obviously lost his previous excited state.

"It doesn't make any sense to look for him. Now he can't provide any assistance except to contact him. It's like a taxi. I can only let it go and see, but there is nothing." I suddenly thought of something, and immediately became excited: "Why am I so stupid!"

"What's wrong? What did you think of?" Chen Song asked.

"Why am I so stupid! Taxi, the system should have just been damaged. In theory, the taxi rental system should still be able to operate, and the battery on the car should not be empty. If we are lucky, it may save us It took a lot of effort, I was too pessimistic about this matter before!"

"That's right! How could I have overlooked this point, it must be the rhythm brought by you, and I was awakened from sleep, and the surrounding darkness made me lose the concept of time, so I didn't realize that the problem with the system was just something that just happened .” Chen Song also became excited.

Excitedly, I pulled Su Runyao and rushed out of the house immediately. This was the first time we saw the outside world in this state, which was completely different from the situation inside the house.Due to the change of ambient temperature, the green of our outdoor world in the night vision goggles is lighter, and almost the whole piece of green is integrated into one. It is difficult to distinguish the dividing line between each thing. Just like an abstract painting, there is only a large area of ​​single color, but it is impossible to understand the specific content of expression.

By feel, we found the taxi call point.As I expected, the display screen of the taxi call point was still on. Surprisingly, the system recognized my identity. It can be seen that the call system used infrared thermal imaging technology in consideration of the dim light at night.

We immediately tried to call a taxi, and soon a taxi appeared in front of us.I quickly stepped forward and opened the door to check. Sure enough, the taxi's dashboard showed a full battery, with a mileage of 248 kilometers.

Su Run wants to breathe a sigh of relief at the same time, and I immediately told Chen Song the good news.

The next job is how to assign the three of us to the launch sites.According to Sun Sijie's description, the three transmission towers are located on the edge of our world.

Our entire virtual world can be imagined as being enveloped by a huge hemisphere, and the three sites are connected to each other to form an equilateral triangle, which is inscribed on the circular surface of the hemisphere projection.

Our town is located near the center of the circle. After calculation, the distances from the three stations to us are 368 kilometers, 395 kilometers and 422 kilometers respectively.

The positioning of the navigation system shows that the specific locations of the stations are different. Among them, the station 368 kilometers away from us is located on a barren mountain; the station with the farthest distance of 422 kilometers is located on the sea; The two seem more accessible, standing in the middle of a desert Gobi.

According to the different locations of the stations, Su Runyao directly chose the station on the barren hills; while Chen Song chose the farthest station on the sea. According to himself, he used to be a good swimmer, although he was already very I haven't been in the water for a long time, but according to the map imaging, the distance between the site and the coastline is less than 10 kilometers. He thinks that as long as he brings the best swimming equipment, this distance is not a problem; but I can only choose in the end. desert site.

After deciding on the destination, the three of us put on our sports backpacks separately, brought the equipment we needed, especially the energy supplement food, and embarked on our superman journey with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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