Chapter 53 Never Leave (Part [-])
After hanging up with Sun Sijie on the 7th, he immediately set off for Sun Sijie's residence.

Since he has been unemployed for more than 3 months, the social contribution score of No. 7 has dropped to the point that he cannot use the city taxi service for free. Although his own credit points can still afford the taxi fare, he is still reluctant. spend the money.In the end, No. 7 chose to take the city public bus, but the time was three times longer than that of a taxi.

Along the way, No. 7 kept thinking about the conversation with Sun Sijie before, and the two key words "system restart" and "operation lock" kept lingering in his mind.

He still couldn't understand how Sun Sijie would complete the restart of the system when the operation was locked. The only possible solution he could think of was that Sun Sijie took this kind of system damage into consideration in the original design. Within a certain period of time, if If the system is not restored in time, the AI ​​will automatically perform an internal restart based on the status quo.However, there are great risks in this solution. It will completely rely on the built-in AI of the system, and hand over such an important restart task to AI to make decisions. From No. 7's point of view, this should not be Sun Sijie's behavioral logic.

As for the operation lock, No. 7 also has his own ideas.What he is worried about is that even after the internal restart is realized and the system is restored to the original settings, the locked state has not been cancelled.It is very likely that the code of the locking operation does not exist inside the system as Sun Sijie expected, and is directly cleared by the system when it is restarted. In fact, the locking code only acts on the operation level.

And according to the previous habits in the organization, it is very likely that this is the situation he expected, and the matter becomes more and more complicated.

"Number 7, where have you been?" Sun Sijie's call came from the earring system.

"I'm still on my way, it will take some time." No. 7 didn't want Sun Sijie to know his current predicament.

Sun Sijie didn't notice the embarrassment in No. 7's words, and continued: "Well, my internal restart has already started to be implemented. You must have questions about how I did it."

"Yes, I still can't figure it out, you can't let AI automatically manage it!"

"Of course not. For such an important matter, handing it over to AI will increase many unnecessary risks."

"I guess so, how did you do it?" Number 7 still asked.

Sun Sijie may also be waiting for No. 7's question, which gave him a sense of satisfaction: "I have joined my own clone in the system, and have been in touch with my own clone, so the task of restarting, I Leave it to 'myself' to complete!"

No. 7 was stunned, he never expected such a situation, but then he thought again: "Then you in the system, do you know that you are in the virtual world?"

"Yes, I have told him the truth."

No. 7 was once again shocked by Sun Sijie's words. He imagined that if he knew that he was in the virtual world, would he still complete such a mission? Perhaps the answer would most likely be no.

"It's really you!" After thinking about it, although No. 7 didn't know what method Sun Sijie used to convince "himself", he still admired him from the bottom of his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he expressed his thoughts on system locking, and Sun Sijie listened carefully to his analysis.

"What you said makes sense. If what you said is true, then what is your best way to deal with it?" Sun Sijie asked.

"I don't have any ideas yet, it just feels like this situation is difficult to deal with." The voice of No. 7 was obviously a little frustrated.

"There is always a way. Don't be too pessimistic. Since you didn't write the code this time, is it possible that it was written by the person who gave you the information last time?"

"Very likely, as far as I know, in our organization, apart from me and this person, there should be no one else who is good at coding. And according to your speculation, that is, you and Professor Yu, he knows the system very well. It should be a relatively high-level manager in the software team." No. 7 analyzed.

"Well, it seems that it should be Johnny Kelly. I will notify Professor Yu immediately. If it is as you inferred before, if you want to crack the system lock, it seems that you have to go through him." After finishing speaking, Sun Sijie hung up the phone .

No. 7 tried hard to recall all the information requested by the other party when he received the order:
1. Sun Sijie implanted tracking codes in the system, using and relying on the tracking codes to invade the system;
2. After entering the system, immediately search for energy cells, and use the authorization code to release cell viruses;
3. After the cell virus takes effect, let the energy cells enter a dormant state, and at the same time destroy them in the foreseeable system restart stage;
4. After the intrusion code completes the task, it will immediately self-destruct without leaving any clues;

In addition to the above 4 points, attachments of cell virus, tracking code, and authorization code are also attached, but on the 7th, there should be a fifth requirement in the impression, but at this time, I can't think of it.

Sun Sijie's voice came from the earring system again: "Johnny Kelly has been brought under control and is currently being interrogated by Interpol."

"so fast?"

"Well, he has been closely monitored before." Sun Sijie explained, and then asked: "Where have you been? Why haven't you arrived yet?"

On the 7th, Sun Sijie seemed to be in a hurry, and he replied helplessly, "I won't be there until a while."

"Well, I'll wait for you. According to what you said just now, I thought about it again. It is very likely that I will really need your assistance later to fully restore the system to normal." Sun Sijie's voice sounded a little excited.

On the 7th, looking at the monitor on the public transportation, it clearly stated that it would take 25 minutes to reach Sun Sijie's residence. He shook his head helplessly, then deliberately changed the subject and asked: "How is the restart in the system going?" gone?"

"Oh, they are already on their way. According to the time conversion inside and outside the system, if everything goes well, it is estimated that the restart will be completed in about 50 minutes."

"Them? Isn't it just you?"

"It's a long story, I can't wait to meet you."

Before Sun Sijie knew No. 7, all the thinking about the code was done by him alone. There was no one to discuss or discuss, let alone friends. He was accompanied by only one person in the battle. The bitterness and Helpless only he can understand.

And now there is such a person with similar abilities as him, although he can't be called a friend at the moment, but No. 7 is like a confidant in his professional field, especially now, when faced with huge system problems and During the challenge, he was even more excited, with an indescribable joy.

Along the way, the two kept chatting about the system, about Sun Sijie himself and his friends in the system, and how they kept in touch, including the signal towers in the virtual world and how to achieve restarts, on the 7th Listening to Sun Sijie's eloquent words, there is actually a warmth in his heart, just like his own feelings before, No. 5 is his elder brother, relative, and his dependence, but Sun Sijie is the real meaning to him friends and partners.

"Why haven't you arrived yet?" Sun Sijie asked this sentence countless times.

"It's here, it's here, just arrived at the station." No. 7 replied hastily.

"Just arrived at the station, didn't you take a taxi?" Sun Sijie asked in surprise.

It was only then that No. 7 realized that he had accidentally slipped his mouth, and said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, my contribution value is not enough..."

Sun Sijie never thought about or worried about such a problem, and he never thought that No. 7 would face such a problem, and his heart felt sour: "It's okay, it's not a problem if you hang out with me in the future." Then he laughed laugh it out.

No. 7 only felt his nose sore, and unconsciously his eye sockets were moist. He suppressed the emotion in his heart and said firmly, "Okay! Follow you." Then he laughed out loud.

At this time, No. 7 had already got off the car, and the doorbell sounded from the earring system. It should be that someone came to visit Sun Sijie before him.

"Let's talk later, someone is here." Sun Sijie's voice came.

"Okay, let's talk later."

The call was terminated, No. 7 recognized the direction and strode towards Sun Sijie's residence.

When No. 7 found Sun Sijie's apartment, he was taken aback for a moment. The door was open, and he saw a tall man blocking the door. His broad back blocked the door tightly, making it impossible for him to see clearly what was going on inside the house.Subconsciously, he took a step back and looked sideways at the number plate hanging on the door to confirm that he had not found the wrong room. He scratched his head wonderingly, and turned his gaze back into the room.

"Excuse me……"

Before he could finish speaking, there was a muffled sound, and the person in front of him fell backwards straight on his back.

No. 7 took a few steps back in shock, and saw that the foreigner in front of him kept gushing out blood from his jaw, instantly staining the ground red, and a pistol fell beside him. No. 7 didn't have time to think about it. This sudden accident made him feel that something must have happened to Sun Sijie, so he rushed into the room with one stride.

Sun Sijie was also lying in a pool of blood at this time, and he was pressing his chest with one hand, and Yin Hong's blood couldn't stop flowing out, but at present, it seemed that Sun Sijie was still conscious.

Seeing No. 7 rushing in, Sun Sijie pointed to the closet in the house with his other hand, and said vaguely, "Stop...the bleeding!"

No. 7 immediately rushed to the closet again. At this time, he couldn't care about the etiquette, and shouted loudly: "Hold on, Sun Sijie!", while constantly searching for the hemostat in the room.Soon he found a hemostat in a medical box, picked up a bundle of medical adhesive tape and rushed towards Sun Sijie.

When No. 7 was looking for the hemostat, Sun Sijie had lost consciousness, and his right hand, which was pressing on his chest, fell limply beside him.But the blood on Sun Sijie's chest was still pouring out. On the 7th, he turned on the power of the hemostat, pointed at the wound on his chest and pressed the start switch, and soon the wound began to close under the irradiation of a beam of laser light. In seconds, the blood was stopped, and then No. 3 used medical adhesive tape to treat the outer surface of the wound.

All this series of actions were completed almost instantly. No. 7 didn't dare to shake Sun Sijie, but kept calling his name loudly. Unfortunately, Sun Sijie had completely lost consciousness at this time, and he didn't respond at all. His face was pale. , the body surface temperature has dropped significantly.

Just as No. 7 was about to make a distress call, a middle-aged man with a more burly figure suddenly came to the door. He first glanced at the man lying on the ground, and saw that the bullet shot directly into his head from his jaw. Without a second's pause, he rushed to where Sun Sijie was lying.

Afraid that he was that person's accomplice, No. 7 immediately opened his arms to block Sun Sijie, and shouted loudly: "Who are you? What are you doing?"

Regardless of No. 7's inquiry, the middle-aged man pushed him away and asked anxiously, "How is he, is he dead?"

No. 7's weak body couldn't stop the middle-aged man's strong arms at all, and he fell to the side. Looking at the middle-aged man's expression, No. 7 felt that he was not his accomplice, but more like protecting Sun Sijie. Immediately said: "Probably not, I have used a hemostat to stop his bleeding just now, and now he must have lost too much blood and passed out temporarily."

While listening to No. 7's explanation, the middle-aged man tested Sun Sijie's breath with the index finger of his right hand, and then put his hand on his neck to take his pulse.

After confirming that Sun Sijie was still alive, the middle-aged man carefully picked him up and ran out of the room without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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