Chapter 55 Never Leave (Part [-])
Jem Jonson got the news immediately after the system went wrong, and he was not surprised, as if everything was expected, but at this time he seemed extraordinarily calm.

He took out a pistol that had been sealed for a long time from the drawer, opened the magazine, took out 2 bullets from his pocket, and pressed the bullets tightly into the magazine.

At this moment, he finally understood the message expressed in that email.

When Harris Eddie walked out of the office and took out the bullets that had been secretly put in from the drawer, he had already sensed his ultimate destiny in the dark.

Two bullets, one for Sun Sijie and one for himself.

Jem Jonson didn't say goodbye to his wife and daughter for the last time. He was afraid that the scene would make him hesitate, and he was even more afraid that it would become a nightmare for his daughter.In the end, he looked at the family photo of the three laughing together by the bed, kissed them in the photo, and left the house with a smile.

Jem Johnson did not choose to take a taxi, he was not in a hurry, he thought about his life along the way, as if he was desperately chasing fame and wealth every moment, he felt tired, at the last moment of his life, he wanted to Let yourself slow down, maybe deep down in his heart, he feels that only at this moment is his real decision, and he hasn't felt this way for a long time.

Up until now, he couldn't tell if he still hated Sun Sijie, as if this was just an inevitable step, an arrangement of God's will, not forced, but logical.

Taking public transportation, he felt the prosperity and tranquility of the city for the first time, and a rare smile appeared on his face from time to time.

Even when Sun Sijie opened the door, looking at him standing in front of him for the first time, he still kept a stiff smile on his face, without a word of dialogue or a single extra movement, he shot at Sun Sijie, and then Without the slightest hesitation, he shot himself.

The moment he fired the gun, his mind was very clear, as if a voice said: "You are always a string puppet being used by others!"

"Professor Yu, the system has been successfully restarted, and it should be back to normal in a short time." Yu Yunlong was notified immediately on the 7th.

"Great, great, I'll notify the main control center right away." No. 7 heard Yu Yunlong's excited voice for the first time.

"How is Sun Sijie doing now?" This is what No. 7 is most concerned about now, he doesn't want to and can't lose such a friend again.

Yu Yunlong's voice became low again: "It's not good. Although his life is maintained, after the joint analysis of several medical doctors, it is believed that this is just delaying time. The method used by Jem Johnson It is a special bullet, once the bullet enters the body, it will release a kind of bacteria, which will reach the heart through the blood and cause the paralysis of the myocardium in the heart, in other words, the heart will not be able to pulsate on its own." Speaking of this, Yu Yunlong There was a pause, and then continued: "So that's why Jem Jonson didn't fire a second shot, because one shot was enough."

"Now that medicine is so advanced, isn't there any way to do it?" No. 7 understood Yu Yunlong's words, and couldn't bear the grief in his heart.

"It's not that there is no way at all, but it will take time. Doctors have to find the right antibiotics to fight this kind of bacteria, but judging from Sun Sijie's current state, this is almost impossible. The speed of bacteria spreading and destroying is too fast The only thing doctors can do at present is to use freezing technology to temporarily inhibit the destruction of the myocardium by bacteria, and use extracorporeal blood circulation to maintain his life."

"How long can it last?"

"According to the doctor, within 24 hours, otherwise even if effective antibiotics are found, his heart will be useless."

"What about a heart transplant?"

"How can it be so simple, it is impossible to find a matching heart within 24 hours, let alone the heart that can be provided in this period is already."

Both of them were silent, it seemed that all the roads were blocked, No. 7 once again blurred his eyes with tears, is there really no other way?Just watched Sun Sijie die like this? Number 7's fist hit the wall hard.

However, things were far from as simple as No. 7 thought. When Sun Sijie's life was still lingering around the god of death, another bad news came from the system.

"On the 7th, the news just came from the control center. Although the system has been restarted, all controls are still locked, which means that the experiment still cannot continue." Yu Yunlong's voice came to mind again.

Sure enough, their locking procedure did not actually enter the system as he had expected.

No. 7 just felt dizzy and had no clue. It would be great if Sun Sijie was here at this time.

"I don't know what to do. Without Sun Sijie's guidance, my mind is in a mess and I have no idea at all." No. 7 shook his head while feeling desperate.

Yu Yunlong was silent. He didn't know how to motivate the young man in front of him. All he knew about No. 7 came from Sun Sijie. He believed that Sun Sijie must have his reasons for being so fond of No. 7, but how to make him find a breakthrough point? , How to cheer him up from the grief, Yu Yunlong can't do anything, maybe only Sun Sijie can do it.

"Professor Yu, is there any new progress with Johnny Kelly? He should be the only breakthrough point." Number 7 asked, although he knew that he might not get any good news.

"No, so far, he has never said a word. It seems that he is determined to see our jokes."

After listening to Yu Yunlong's words, No. 7 thought to himself: Look at the joke, isn't this the situation now?For Johnny Kelly, perhaps he has already thought of his final ending, and put on a confident and fearless look.However, human beings always have weaknesses, just like themselves.

In addition, he always had a hunch that there was some connection between breaking the system lock and the fifth condition that Yonny Kelly gave himself.If this is the case, a plan slowly emerges in No. 7's mind.

Thinking of this on the 7th, he immediately said to Yu Yunlong: "Professor Yu, I have a way, maybe I can get Johnny Kelly to speak! I'm leaving right now. We will meet at the Insai Group, but I can't explain a few words on the phone."

"Okay, I'll wait for you! Remember to bring Sun Sijie's equipment, and then you will work in his office temporarily." Yu Yunlong said to No. 7 in a half-ordered tone.

On the way to Insay Group, No. 7 went over the plan several times in his mind, and after confirming that all the details were safe, he felt a little relaxed.He closed his eyes, and the scene of Sun Sijie's video with him every night these days appeared again, his growth experience, his grandfather's story, how he designed the "primitive life", his original intention, everything he said .

"There must be a way to save Sun Sijie!" Number 7 said to himself over and over again, hinting at himself again and again.

When he arrived at Yinsai Zhizhi on the 7th, Yu Yunlong and Harris Eddie were already waiting for him at the door.

No. 7 hurried up to greet him, and said politely, "Professor Yu, Mr. Eddie, please wait for me."

"You're welcome. We didn't deliberately wait for you. First, you can't enter the building without us taking you. Second, we don't want to waste time." Harris Eddie said very straightforwardly.

Number 7 smiled awkwardly and followed them into the building.

"7 you."

Harris Eddie just wanted to ask No. 7's real name, No. 7 answered knowingly: "Zhang Feng".

"Mr. Zhang, what is your next plan?"

"Let me ask first, did Johnny Kelly speak?"

"No, the Interpol interrogated him for more than an hour, and now he can only be detained alone temporarily." Yu Yunlong replied.

"That's good!" Zhang Feng nodded.

"Is this okay?" Harris Eddie wondered, the situation didn't seem to be good at all.

"Mr. Eddie, don't get me wrong, I mean that the current situation is better for my plan." Zhang Feng hurriedly explained, and then asked: "Then there is any change in the system?"

"There was no progress. The software team checked the system thoroughly and found no viruses or suspicious codes. At present, there is no clue about the system lock."

This was within Zhang Feng's expectation, and while going upstairs, Zhang Feng briefly explained his plan to Yu Yunlong and Harris Eddie.

After Yu Yunlong listened, he frowned: "Do you think you can fool him?"

"I'm not completely sure, so I can only say to try it out. After all, this is the only weakness I can discover in my understanding of him, including myself before." Zhang Feng specially emphasized the word "before". He looked like a completely different man.

Harris Eddie considered for a long time, looked at Zhang Feng and said, "Mr. Zhang, if you do this, you may expose your identity. You are not afraid of what your organization will do to you."

Zhang Feng looked at Harris Eddie and Yu Yunlong, and said seriously: "Perhaps, from the moment I stepped into Insai Intelligence, I have already been exposed, and I don't want to be the cowardly and timid No. 7 before. Yes, I want to go back to Zhang Feng."

Interpol opened the door of the temporary holding room. There were only 2 chairs in the room and nothing else.

Zhang Feng was pushed heavily into the detention room, staggered and fell heavily to the ground, accompanied by a miserable cry of "Ouch".Immediately afterwards, with a "bang", the door behind him was slammed shut, and Zhang Feng's whole body trembled.

Johnny Kelly didn't raise his head, and still kept his original sitting posture. He just raised his lower eyelids slightly, and glanced at the place where Zhang Feng fell to the ground. Blockbuster.

In an instant, a feeling of disgust surged up, and Johnny Kelly held his nose and said viciously to Zhang Feng: "Get out of here, stay away from me!" Then he kicked the chair beside him to the corner of the room.

Zhang Feng didn't speak, but supported his body with his elbows, and moved slowly towards the corner.He didn't sit on the chair, but turned around at the corner of the wall, and sat on the ground with his back against the wall. His forehead was covered with sweat under his messy hair.

Zhang Feng raised his hand, brushed away the hair in front of his eyes, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his cuff, and kept panting heavily.

"No. 6!" Zhang Feng said two words out of breath.

Johnny Kelly's expression suddenly became tense. He quickly looked at the door, then looked around the room, and finally stared at Zhang Feng with suspicious and fierce eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Who are you? ?”

"Can't you see it?" Zhang Feng didn't look up, still looking listless.

Seeing Zhang Feng's appearance, and stimulated by the smell of urine in the room, Johnny Kelly's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said in disbelief, "Number 7?"

Zhang Feng glanced at his crotch, then pulled it, showing the whole wet pants, still lowered his head and said, "Isn't it obvious?"

"How could you?"

"Is this important?"

"What did you say?"

"What can be said, what can't be said, I said it all! The first time I saw the police, I knew it was over, and I was dead anyway!"

"Fuck it!" Johnny Kelly stepped forward, rushed in front of Zhang Feng, raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

Zhang Feng bumped his head against the wall, and fell to one side. He supported himself and slowly sat up straight again. There was a cut on his forehead, and blood kept dripping down his eyes. He seemed completely He didn't feel any pain, so he wiped the blood that was still flowing out with his hands, and in an instant half of his face was left with bloodstains from his fingers, which made people feel a sense of terror in vain.

Johnny Kelly took a step back involuntarily, and continued to curse: "Are you fucking crazy!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Feng trembled all over. He didn't know where the strength came from. He stood up from the ground, raised his head for the first time, stared at Johnny Kelly with bloodshot eyes, and shouted hoarsely. Roared: "Crazy? That's right, from the moment I thought I joined the organization, I was so crazy!"

This sudden change made Johnny Kelly take a few steps back, but he still yelled at Zhang Feng viciously: "You coward! I knew it a long time ago, and I should have been like No. 5 a long time ago. Killed you!"

"Hahahahaha! That's right, you should have killed me a long time ago." As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Feng rushed towards Johnny Kelly as if he was really crazy, raised his hand to grab his neck, and forced him to Pushing to another corner of the room: "Why are you doing this to number 5? Why don't you just kill me!. I'm going to kill you!"

Johnny Kelly was completely frightened by the cowardly and timid Zhang Feng in front of him. He was pushed to the corner before he could react. He was actually about the same height as Zhang Feng, but he looked slightly stronger than him. Some, but facing the crazy Zhang Feng at this time, Johnny Kelly couldn't stop him with all his strength.

"You let go! No. It wasn't me. It was No. 1. I can't breathe!" Johnny Kelly tried to explain while struggling.

But Zhang Feng didn't intend to let go. Instead, he pushed Johnny Kelly against the wall with even more force with his hands: "Why do you want me to join? From the first fall of leaves in the system to this time Destruction, you don't use me at all, you can do it yourself, why? Why do you want to pull me? Why... what?"

Johnny Kelly stared at his legs vigorously, trying to break Zhang Feng's hands with his hands, and rolled his eyes straight up: "The first time is just a test, I can do it myself, and the second time I need you The techniques and ideas, so...the third...time I learned your method, without you let go, I can't breathe, I'm going to die."

A flash of light flashed quickly in Zhang Feng's eyes, he relaxed his hands slightly, and asked, "My skills and ideas? Tell me clearly!"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Johnny Kelly coughed desperately, and said with difficulty: "Did you forget? In the request I gave you, the last note: only deliver packages, make minimal changes!"

Zhang Feng let go of his hands, and his heart suddenly became clear. He still couldn't remember what the fifth request from Johnny Kelly was. The reason was that it was not a request at all, but just a note!
 There is something at home, we have to stop for a few days

(End of this chapter)

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