nonexistent experiment

Chapter 6 Unexpected

Chapter 6 Unexpected (Part [-])
At the 8th meeting of the Joint Epidemic Research and Development Center, when everyone had approved the use of gram-L technology, a voice suddenly came from the corner of the conference room, "I have a better plan."

Although there are only 7 short words, it is enough to make everyone dumbfounded.Not only is there another plan, but it is even a better plan without shame. You must know that these experts present are already the most outstanding talents among human beings. This is undoubtedly a silent mockery to everyone, and everyone turned around one after another Cast a contemptuous look.

The one who spoke was Sun Sijie from Yu Yunlong's team. His voice was not very confident. When everyone cast doubtful and unfriendly glances, he lowered his head even lower, but this was enough for everyone to see that it was Who is talking.

Elite scientists from 12 countries have their own teams, and the organizers of the teams will select their own members according to the scope and direction of their own research.

Yu Yunlong is good at attacking epidemics and viruses.When the team was first formed, he put forward his own ideas. If all the members are in the same field, it is no less than locking up your own ability. On the one hand, your thinking will only be confined within this range , on the other hand, it is difficult to innovate the solution.Therefore, his team members are all from the top talents in various fields in China.

Sun Sijie is from Inside AI, the largest AI company in China and can be said to be the world.The recruitment conditions of Yinsai Intelligence are very strict, and Sun Sijie is the only employee in the company who was directly invited by the president at that time and so far.Of course, the only purpose of Insai Smart doing this is for Sun Sijie's self-developed "Metaverse" system.

At that time, the "Metaverse" was no longer a new thing, and Insai Smart was the world's largest "Metaverse" service provider at that time.The largest daily active users have reached an astonishing 38 billion, and 2 out of every 1 people in the world have logged in and used it on the same day.

It was under such influence that an unknown new "Metaverse" system - "Primitive Life" was launched. This is the system independently developed by Sun Sijie.Due to system load issues, "Original Life" has limited the number of simultaneous online players since its launch.And everyone who has entered the original life system uses such words to describe: This is not the metaverse, this is the original universe.

Meticulousness and true restoration are the only and most successful selling points of this system. From the distribution map of the starry sky full of stars at night to the small branches of ant nests extending in all directions on the roadside, all of them follow real laws and rules.There was once such a user who used the transmission holographic microscope in the system to observe a raindrop in the system, and found the microbial system in the raindrop, and continued to zoom in, and every atom that made up the microorganisms was also restored by the system.

The user's biggest comment is that the "primitive life" is as real as Zhuang Zhou's dream butterfly, making you unable to distinguish the difference between reality and virtuality.Because of this, the number of people registered in the system is also increasing day by day, and "Original Life" has to shut down the server every day to prevent users from being addicted to it for a long time.

When the president of Insai Intelligence used the "primitive life", he immediately dismissed the chief product development officer at the time, and then cursed at his leaving back: garbage.But when he learned that the development of the entire system of "Primitive Life" was only done by one person, he immediately sent out the invitation himself, and at the company's high-level meeting, he also cursed: a bunch of rubbish.

To the surprise of the president of Insai Smart, he received a reply just a second after he sent out the invitation, and there was only one word: good.It seems to be the automatic reply of the system.

Sun Sijie readily agreed, and put forward three requirements: "1. The right to use the original life can belong to the company, but the copyright and source code still belong to him; 2. He can use the company's resources at will; 3. Don't interfere with him. work."

For the request made by Sun Sijie, the president of Insai Smart only replied with one word: yes.

In this way, Sun Sijie entered Insai Intelligence. No one knew why he agreed to the invitation at that time, because with the "primitive life", he could definitely get a larger investment and create his own "Metaverse".He didn't say it, and no one knew.

Since Sun Sijie was recruited into Yu Yunlong's team, he has been reticent and just focused on his own affairs.Every internal team meeting, he always took notes seriously.Yu Yunlong’s reason for recruiting him is that we are the country with the most mature AI technology in the world, and Sun Sijie is the most outstanding talent in the top companies, so he will definitely play a role in the team.

At this time, Yu Yunlong looked at Sun Sijie suspiciously and said, "Xiao Sun, what do you think, let me hear it." Through contact with Sun Sijie these days, Yu Yunlong knew almost nothing about him, but he had An intuition told him that this guy must be able to surprise him.

"Well, I don't think Ke L is good." Sun Sijie raised his head, his voice still seemed not so confident.To himself, he is a nobody, all of him in "primordial life".

The first one to speak was the American Harris Eddie. He said with a slightly contemptuous and mocking tone: "KL is not good? Young man, you know nothing about CL technology, so don't play tricks in front of us."

"I don't understand the technology of gram L, but I want to ask, how much time does it take from gram L alone to the point where he can participate in the epidemic experiment." Sun Sijie asked decisively.

"Soon, young man, our technology has been iterated many times, and we have kept all the experimental data. If all the scientists here work together, I believe it will take no more than 2 months to breed a KeL human. "Harris Eddie also answered decisively without the slightest hesitation.

"2 months? We only have 3 months, and we need to conduct 3 rounds of clinical trials."

"Young man, don't be arrogant. Our current resources and capabilities are impossible to complete such a task within 3 months. What the Global Federation gives is hope and expectation. Which project has not been postponed before, this is just a demand." Just now After saying this sentence, Harris Eddie also immediately realized that he had made a mistake, and immediately added: "Of course, we must do our best to concentrate all the manpower, optimize the plan, and cultivate the epidemic M as quickly as possible. "

"Biggest? Fastest? Hehe, which one you mentioned is not illusory. Do you think it is reliable to use these plans with no real goals to implement an urgent task? On the earth, millions of people lose their lives every day , and the hope of the living is really based on your so-called greatest efforts and fastest speed?" Sun Sijie was a little angry, and his tone and tone were no longer as peaceful as before.

Harris Eddie blushed, and was at a loss for words for a moment: "Who are you? Who are you?!" He wanted to say which onion you are, but because of his identity, he didn't say it.

"I'm not an onion, I'm from Professor Yu's team, and my name is Sun Sijie."

"Sun Sijie? I don't know him!" Harris Eddie thought to himself that he was indeed an unknown person, and he had never heard of such a person in this circle.

It was the first time for Yu Yunlong to hear Sun Sijie say so many things. When they met each other, what he said the most was "Hello, Professor Yu, goodbye, Professor Yu".Hearing Sun Sijie's words, Professor Yu smiled sincerely. He did not misunderstand the person. This young man has a sense of responsibility and dares to face him directly. Although he is a bit immature, it can be seen that he has an honest and kind heart.

"Sun Sijie is a member of my team. You may be unfamiliar with this name, but when it comes to 'primitive life', I think everyone here should have heard of it, or even experienced it. Sun Sijie is the creation of 'primitive life' Now everyone should be familiar with it, right?" Yu Yunlong introduced slowly.

Everyone's eyes returned to Sun Sijie, the difference was that this time there was no doubt, but worship and respect instead.And Sun Sijie no longer lowered his head at this time, proudly accepting everyone's gaze.

At this time, the most embarrassing thing was Harris Eddie, he was a loyal fan of "Original Life". After he moved to China, his greatest wish was to get the autograph and group photo of the creator of "Original Life".It's a pity that this mysterious creator is rarely known even in China.Since the virus outbreak, all metaverse services have stopped, and everyone is busy saving themselves and rebuilding.What he didn't expect was that at this moment, he met the idol he admired.

He didn't dare to look directly at Sun Sijie, or to be precise, he didn't know how to look directly at Sun Sijie.Fortunately, Yu Yunlong's voice broke the embarrassment in his heart.

"Xiao Sun, you continue with your plan."

"Okay, Professor Yu." Sun Sijie paused for a while, his mind was surging, he had waited too long for this day.

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(End of this chapter)

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