Chapter 67 Creepy
"In our East, we do use the soul of living people to refine puppets, but that kind of people are also the kind of rats that everyone shouts and beat in the mysterious world of the East. Most Eastern practitioners will use some purified puppets. Wraith spirits come to sacrifice soldiers and horses, and they are patron saints like me."

"This is also a good thing for those resentful spirits, because after being purified, they will get rid of the influence of negative emotions and become pure spirit bodies, and the practice path of our eastern world emphasizes that one person can ascend to heaven, if the practitioner has achieved enough , those patron saints who are incarnations of resentful spirits will also be relieved, and even become real gods!"

"Of course our system of gods is different from yours here. You can understand such gods as beings like angels or the Holy Spirit, or those demigods and subordinate gods in Olympus mythology."

It would be easy for Westerners like Jason Alex to explain it in this way. Hearing this, he suddenly felt a sudden look, and the worry in his heart disappeared.

For Westerners like them, it would be a great achievement if they could turn the evil puppet into a holy spirit or even an angel.

It can even be said that it is a miracle that can only be achieved in the realm of gods, which is beyond the reach of mortals.

After relaxing, he asked again: "Then your two patron saints are also purified resentful spirits?"

Xie Zihao replied while sensing the spiritual connection with Itachi in his heart:

"No, Ferret and Clark are just like my children. They are the spirits I shaped with my own ideas. You can understand them as natural spirits like fairies or elves in the lake. They have their own souls. Although it is still very weak."

Jason Alex was amazed again.

"Incredible! All I can say is it's amazing!"

To be honest, he has seen several psychic mediums and exorcists in recent years. He meant the ones who really have some skills, not those magic sticks and liars.

But most of these people are mysterious to him, and their words are clouded. Maybe they have the ability to deal with dead souls, but he can deal with that thing by himself, and he has never seen such a powerful man like the one in front of him. , A psychic medium with many abilities and strong abilities.

Now it seems that this eastern clergyman is worthy of his name, and is more powerful than the clergymen of those churches he has seen.

At this moment, Xie Zihao suddenly changed his expression, showing joy and said:
"found it!"

It turned out that he was the one who saw what Itachi saw through his connection with the stand-in.

In fact, it is reasonable to say that this kind of trivial search can be done with the first paper figurine made from the wraith of Clark Reed he brought.But this kind of yin soldier puppets cannot be active in the daytime until they have been sacrificed to a certain level or have some powerful foreign objects. After all, their essence is still ghosts. The paper figurines will also be set on fire.

Xie Zihao currently only has a substitute, Itachi, who can be active during the day without being afraid of the sun. This is because Itachi's spirit is obtained by him through sacrifices. To congenital, there is no special situation is not afraid of daytime activities.

This is also the reason why many people in the righteous way, such as Quanzhen Yimai, look down on methods such as raising Yin soldiers to sacrifice soldiers and horses. Such a state of supernatural powers can easily summon heavenly soldiers and heavenly future to help in the battle, how powerful is that?
This is beyond the reach of the Quanzhen Taoist priests, who are mainly based on inner alchemy and are better at hand-to-hand combat. It is hard to say whether there is a factor of jealousy between the two families.

To paraphrase the words in the game, Taoist priests of the Talisman Sect are a mixture of priests and mages. Spells, but basically hand-to-hand combat.

It cannot be said who is strong and who is weak, it can only be said that each has its own advantages.

Different roads lead to the same goal. Although Xie Zihao should be classified as a branch of the Fulu Sect strictly speaking, he doesn't mind practicing if the practice method of the Inner Alchemy Sect is easy to use.

Not to mention that during the Song Dynasty, there was a Leifa school between the Neidan school and the Fulu school. The inheritance of this school is headed by the Neilian Leifa. , once almost unified Taoism, but unfortunately fell short in the end, and the Zhao Song Dynasty they supported also collapsed.

Xie Zihao didn't know if there was any rival's conspiracy or not, but after he learned every word of Lei Fa from the Lei Fa scriptures handed down from later generations, he deeply regretted it.

As expected of Lei Fa, who is known as the number one among all dharmas, it is much stronger than the Xie family inheritance he has mastered in terms of aggressiveness alone. It may not be as weird and vicious as some witches' curses on Nightmare Town, but it is an upright and upright way of dual cultivation of life and death.

Inner Alchemy is said to be able to become Yang God and True Immortal, but Lei Fa is directly pointing to the Dao of Immortals.

Here, Xie Zihao was full of thoughts, but Carmen was a little happy to urge him to say:

"Then let's go get rid of that guy!"

He has had enough of these accidents now, and wants to return to Los Angeles as soon as possible, and return to his familiar comfort zone without danger.

Xie Zihao nodded, he didn't plan to stay for long.

"Let's go, Itachi has already controlled that guy."

The four of them walked out of the small room and joined the driver Simon who was waiting in the lobby outside. They originally wanted to keep the other party here. After all, some things might not be convenient for him to see.

But after thinking about it, horror movies usually have the law that one must die, and he couldn't bear to see an innocent person killed under his nose, so he simply called Simon together.

"Where are we going?"

Simon asked a little puzzled and anxious.

Carmen glanced at Xie Zihao, then pulled Simon over and explained:
"We helped the police officer catch a very vicious prisoner. You just pretend you didn't see what happened today, lest you have to be investigated for a record afterwards, or even called to testify by the court."

When Simon heard this, he nodded his head like a chicken eating rice.

Normal people don't want to get involved in the game, which means trouble, and this is the same on the Federation side.Especially those who are summoned by the court to be witnesses, although they have little to do with me, but if they can't afford to delay their normal working hours, no one will give them much compensation, so it is troublesome, and many people are unwilling to testify.

So the five of them walked towards the back of the gas station together.

After crossing a small piece of woods, everyone found that this place turned out to be a place like a garbage dump. The most conspicuous thing was that dozens of scrapped vehicles were parked indiscriminately inside, and there were piles of various clothes, packages and daily necessities piled up like hills. Wait for the garbage.

Suddenly, Melinda seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but turn ugly and said:

"Wouldn't these be?"

Both Xie Zihao and Jason Alex's faces were gloomy and terrifying, especially the sharp-eyed former had already seen some dry but still fresh blood on some clothes in the garbage dump.

That obviously means that innocent people have been killed here recently.

Carmen also immediately thought of the source of these garbage and vehicles, and couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Although he, an assistant to the senator, didn't have much sympathy for those victims, but when he thought about how many victims had accumulated to pile up so much garbage here, those vehicles alone looked like fifty or sixty cars, and there will not be only one person in each car...

And when he thought about the incident of being targeted by that terrible murderer just now, he couldn't help but shudder for a while.

Only the driver Simon looked a little confused, but he didn't dare to ask more questions.

 Three shifts!
  I just re-checked and found that there was a bug in the previous chapter. I forgot that there was another driver. I revised it and filled the loopholes. If you have time, you can refresh and have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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